In a nice and peaceful summer camp, the fierce and cheeky Lena, 10-years-old, meets Elle, nice and shy, who looks exactly like her. After some starting difficulties, the two become friends and find out that they are twins. In order to fig...
"Hey, Aunt Freya! Dad said this concert tonight is a big deal, so, I thought you could help me pick out an outfit." she said. Freya looked up from her magazine and raised her eyebrows in surprise. Lena normally never cared much about what she looked like.
Elle, who remembered her twin's clothing habits, now added: "What? Dad said it's a real big deal!"
Freya gave an amused smile and laid her magazine aside. "Okay, little squirt! Let's do this!"
Finding the right dress for Elle was done within a minute, so Elle quickly came to the point.
"Aunt Freya, I've noticed that every girl I know either has a Mom or at least knows who she is. Why don't I know anything about my Mom? Who is she? And why is she not living with us?" she asked.
Freya who knew those questions would come eventually just sighed and sat down on Lena's bed. She patted the space next to her, inviting her niece to sit next to her. And Elle did.
After a long moment of silence, Freya started talking: "Lena, your parents have a... complicated history. To be honest, I don't know all of it. Your Dad doesn't want to talk about it. I think it's because he still misses her."
"So, he loved her?" Elle asked.
"Of course he did, very much! Your parents were once the most loving couple you could imagine. Always looking at each other, smiling, exchanging secret little gestures of affection. And when they danced, it was like, in that moment, there was noone else on this planet but them. I don't think anyone ever loved their wife as much as your Dad did his."
"Then why did they separate?"
Freya sighed. "I don't know. One day, your Dad came to us and told us he was getting divorced. Then there was the lawsuit which gave him custody of you, we moved to New Orleans and I haven't seen your Mom eversince."
"And that is all you know?" Elle asked, double checking.
"I am afraid so, honey. But, I can tell you a few things about her. Her name is Elena. She was always very lively, just like you. She loved to dance with your Dad and listen to his music. She used to go to all of his concerts. Just like you are going to his concert tonight." Freya said, smiling. "And speaking of which, I think it's time for you to get ready. I will bring you to the opera. But, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for the concert myself. I'm sorry, squirt. But you will have our box for yourself and after the concert, your Dad will come to you."
Elle nodded.
Many years ago, Elijah had started his career as a piano player. He quickly made a name for himself in the music industry. At some point, he started directing concerts too, instead of just playing at them. He found himself enjoying it immensely as well. Three years ago, he bought his share of the old opera he had been working at for a while. So, nowadays, he did his duty as the co-owner of the theatre while sometimes still taking over the part of either the conductor or the piano player. Sometimes he still was the one playing the piano. But mostly, he was the one directing them and conducting the musicians.
Tonight, he stood in front of the orchestra and conducted. Elle was sitting in the box her family owned. When she had entered the opera, she had been completely awestruck by its glory and sophistication. Now she was sitting in her seat and watched her father. The music was beautiful. And Elijah looked dashing in the suit he wore as the conductor. Elle admired him from her seat, proud and in awe that this was her Dad. She had imagined what her Dad might be like many times, but Elijah surpassed all her expectations.
Suddenly, Elle heard someone entering the box and taking a seat next to her. As she looked into the direction of the sound, she saw an elegant brunette woman wearing a expensive looking dress. The woman casually sat down next to Elle.
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It made Elle uncomfortable sitting next to this stranger. But she knew the personnell only let people into this box if they had a special permission. This woman must be someone who knew her Dad, then. Elle wondered who she might be. Maybe she was her Dad's girlfriend. Maybe she was the reason her parents were divorced.
That thought angered Elle, made her boil on the inside. She now looked at the woman again. She seemed to be in her thirties. She was wearing make-up and jewelery. Elle started thinking she was rigged up. And the way she looked seemed arrogant to her. Elle disliked her already. But then, she remembered her mother's words never to judge people before she got to know them. So, she made a mental sigh and decided to learn more about this woman first, before judging her. Perhaps she was just a friend and actually very nice.