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Continuation of the Flashback

"I have a job for next friday. Would you like to come? It's at the opera. They hired me to play in 'Carmen'." Elijah asked his girlfriend about a month after they got together. They were having dinner at his place at that time. Elena was happy about his invitation and immediately said yes.

It was a great evening. Elena came to the opera wearing a long blue dress. She felt a little insecure going to the opera alone, but Elijah greeted her upon her arrival and escorted her to the first class box where she was seated before he had to go behind stage. One second before he started playing, he shot a smile to his girlfriend making her heart flutter.

After the event was over and the other people where going home, Elijah took Elena to the room underneath the stage. It was an old room where people sometimes stashed some equipment. But there was also a piano standing there, so Elijah also sometimes used it to practice. Just for himself, of course.

In the rather untidy mess of the room, Elena found an old, dusty radio. It looked like nobody had used it in years. She curiously pressed a few buttons to see if it still worked. And it did. When she pressed a button, it played the Waltz II by Dmitri Shostakovich. (see video above)

As Elijah heard the music, a smirk grew on his lips. He held his hand out to his girlfriend and she accepted. They started to dance, quickly losing themselves in a bubble of their own where there was nothing and noone but them.

Weeks later, Elijah asked the director of the opera about the old radio. When he replied he didn't know and that it was probably going into the trash next month, Elijah secretly took it and gave it to Elena as a birthday present. On Thanksgiving this year, the family saw the two lovebirds dancing to the Shostakovich song in the garden, completely by themselves even though they could be seen from the windows. The sight made especially Freya Mikaelson's heart go warm. She had never thought her brother capable of such romance, devotion and love.

Elena started attending all of Elijah's performances. When she started college, she lived in a dorm room for about half a year. It brought her closer to her high school friends, Bonnie and Caroline, who were sharing the dorm room with her. But after half a year, she packed her things and moved in with Elijah. For another two years, they lived happily in Elijah's small apartment, him making progress with his career as a piano player and her finishing her studies to become a journalist.

On Elena's 20th birthday, Elijah got down on one knee and asked the brunette to marry him. She was overcome with joy and immediately said yes. They got married a few months later. Mikael and Esther were proud to see their eldest son get married and glad he had finally stopped playing around.

Shortly before Elena's college graduation, her parents died in a car crash. She and her brother Jeremy were devastated. Elena had Elijah to help her through her grief, but it took Jeremy a long time to process his own. Elena and Elijah moved into her parents' old house on Maple Street. This way, the place could always be a safe haven for Jeremy, even if he had already moved away.

It wasn't long after Elena had started her first job as a journalist when she realized she was pregnant. She was 22 years old when she got the news from her doctor and 23 when her twin girls arrived.

Elijah was completely taken in by the two babies. "They are so incredibly cute! And beautiful! And precious! My darling, we are so lucky!" he happily exclaimed and kissed his wife. "I think we should call them Elena Jr. and Elena Jr. II."

The young brunette woman looked at her husband in shock. "Please no!"

"But yours is the most beautiful name I've ever heard! We can't just give them some random names!" Elijah argued. In the end, they decided for Elle Rebekah and Lena Freya, as a compromise.

Life was good. Life was happy. The Mikaelson family lived through ups and downs, as usual. Klaus got engaged to Andrea after she found out she was pregnant. Their relationship failed when Hope was one year old. Klaus got closer to Elena's friend Caroline and they turned out to be epic.

Kol started a career as a restaurant manager. Through his job, he met Sophie Deveraux, a security specialist who became his wife.

Rebekah gave everyone a big scare when she started dating a feared gang leader. Marcel Gerard was a well-known bad boy, reckless as a shark. That is, until their daughter was born. At the sight of his little baby Davina, the dangerous wolf seemed to turn into a lamb. His devotion to his wife and daughter had no limits.

On the evening of Klaus' bachelor party, Elijah met Stefan Salvatore and his brother Damon. The rest you know. Elijah moved from Mystic Falls to New Orleans to live with his sister in the mansion she occupied. Freya, who had been focussing on her career as a world-class lawyer, welcomed the company of her brother and niece.

And six years later, Elena and Elijah finally reconciled, yet again during a fateful night.

End of Flashback

On the next morning, Elena and Elijah were woken by Freya Mikaelson who had her arms folded and a partly amused 'seriously?'-expression on her face.

"Well, this situation seems awfully familiar." she stated.

Elena covered her chest with a sheet and smiled at her.

"Oh, don't worry, it's alright, Freya. We're divorced." she said.

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