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Two years later

"Hurry up, honey, we're gonna miss the train!" Caroline said to her step-daughter. The summer holidays had just started and it was time for Hope Mikaelson to go to Rosamund summer camp for the first time. And she was not going alone. The Gilbert twins, 12 years old by now, were going too, as were the Saltzman twins. They only had yet two more years to wait before Davina was to join them too, although the grown-ups among them had their doubts whether the twins wouldn't be too old for summer camp by then. But that was a topic for another day.

A camp supervisor was waiting at the train station for everyone to gather around, so they could be on their way. Alaric and Josette Saltzman were already standing there with Lizzie and Josie. The twins immediately waved Hope over to them while Caroline joined their parents.

A few minutes later, the Gilbert-Mikaelson family joined them as well. Elijah was watching the twins while Elena carried their almost one-year-old baby in her arms.

"Hey! I already thought you were gonna miss this!" Caroline greeted them.

Elle and Lena gave the blonde woman a quick hug and then joined the other children. Elena went to her friend.

"Yeah, I almost thought that too. But Riley was making it impossible for me to feed him. I'm so glad we made it after all." the brunette woman replied. Caroline grinned and stroked the baby boy's cheek. She, like everyone else, had been thrilled when they found out that Elena had gotten pregnant again, only months after her second wedding to Elijah. And now, little Riley was keeping the Gilbert-Mikaelsons on their toes.

Not long afterwards, the supervisor lead the children to the train and they set off for summer camp. Lizzie, Josie, Elle, Lena and Hope were smiling and waving at their parents as the train drove off.

Caroline sighed. "They grow up so fast."

"They certainly do. But, with Riley around, I don't think the house will be that empty without them. And while Hope is gone, you can take a proper breather before your own little one arrives." Elena replied, gesturing at Caroline's baby bump. The bubbly blonde and her husband were expecting a child and it was only two more months before the baby would be born.

Caroline sighed and gave her friend a small smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Then, she straightened herself up and gestured towards their cars. "Okay, Klaus is getting off of work at six o'clock. Which gives us three and a half hours to go to my place and set everything up for the dinner party. Bonnie and Damon will arrive at five o'clock, so they might help us, or, at least Bonnie will. So come on, guys, let's go!"

And so, Elena, Elijah and Caroline went to their respective cars and drove to Klaus and Caroline's place.

Meanwhile, the girls were sitting on their train on their way to the camp, talking.

"And do you remember that thing with Aurora last week?" Hope asked Lena and grinned.

Her cousin affectionately nudged her side and smirked. "You bet I do!"

Turning to the other girls, Hope said: "Aurora stole my sandwich from my lunch box. Then she wanted to eat it, but Lena tapped her on the shoulder. They didn't even say anything. Lena just looked at Aurora and then, she gave me the sandwich back! I broke it in half and shared with her and she said thank you!"

"If this goes on, Aurora and Hope might actually become friends one day." Elle said, a soft chuckle escaping her mouth.

Josie shrugged. "Perhaps, but first we got summer camp ahead of us! What do you say, guys, who's up for a swim in the lake once we get there?"


Elena, Elijah and Bonnie were preparing the food for the dinner party while Caroline sat in a chair next to them, giving instructions to everyone. And Damon, since he couldn't cook, was watching baby Riley.

When Klaus arrived, he kissed his pregnant wife as a greeting and then went to take over Elijah's place at thes tove. This way, Elijah could help Elena set the table.

"Looks like we will now have the summer holidays for ourselves." he whispered to the brunette woman.

Elena grinned at him. "Yeah, just you, me... and our adorable Riley who will definitely not disturb our couple time at all. You know, crying whenever he wants his Mommy or Daddy, giving us diapers to change or just being so adorable that we just have to look at him. How could any of that possibly interfere with our time for ourselves?"

Elijah pursed his lips and watched his wife for a second. Then, he rolled his eyes, put the plates in his hand down and grabbed her by the hips. He pulled her close to him and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

When he pulled away again, he said: "You and I are definitely going to a place far away, for at least three weeks, as soon as Riley is old enough to go to summer camp too!"

The End

Hello guys! 😊

I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I can promise there will be more stories with Elena, Elijah and the others coming in the future! 😊

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