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New Orleans

A few days after the concert, Elijah was sitting in a noble restaurant having lunch with Hayley. The atmosphere between them was relatively comfortable and she made sure to be nice and charming towards him.

Hayley Marshall was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. And she wanted Elijah Mikaelson. She had first met him six months ago in an art museum. His siblings and cousin had dragged him there while Lena had been at home with a fever in her body and both of her aunts at her side. Hayley had noticed Elijah standing there alone and had approached him. On that evening, she had learned enough about Elijah and his life to be interested and intrigued. And throughout the last months, she had dug up enough information to come to decide that he would be perfect as a future husband for her. He was handsome, charming and rich.

"Hayley, I was thinking. How would you like to go to Paris? With Lena and me? I think it would be a great way for the two of you to bond over the holidays." Elijah said.

Hayley smiled. In her head, she was planning on extending that holiday in Paris for an indefinite amount of time, since she really liked the idea of living there and not having to deal with the rest of Elijah's family. But right then, she just said: "I would love to! Elijah, that's such an amazing idea! Just you, me and your lovely daughter in Paris!"

Elijah smiled a little. "I was hoping you'd say that."

Hayley smiled back at him. She knew, while her modeling career was going well at the moment, it wouldn't last forever. She was in her mid-thirties and the number of job offers she received already started thinning. So, she had been planning to get herself married to a rich man and live a comfortable life ever after.

Though she knew she had to press a few more buttons to get there.

She sighed. "Oh Elijah! It's been such a happy time since we met. But..."

"But?" Elijah asked.

She pursed her lips in a pouting manner. "But sometimes, it's like you're pushing me away. I mean, we only meet in restaurants or bars. I wish you'd let me visit you at home some time. So we can start actually becoming a family. I feel like you don't really want me to be part of your life." When she looked at him again, she dramatically batted her eyelashes at him.

Elijah shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but took her hand. "Hayley, I'm sorry to hear that. I promise, it's not true. I do want you to be part of my life. A life without you would be..."

Sensing the chance, she gave him her full attention. "Yes?"

"Well, what I'm trying to say is..." Elijah paused for a moment, inhaling.

"O my god! You're proposing, aren't you?!" Hayley said, eyes wide open.

Completely taken by surprise by her words, Elijah muttered : "Wait, what?"

Hayley grinned widely. "Yes, of course I'm saying yes! I love you, Elijah! And I promise I'll be a great Mom for Lena! It will be so good for her to finally have a mother again."

She squeezed his hands in hers and smiled at him. Elijah tried to contemplate what was happening. He had not been planning on proposing tonight. Sure, he thought it would be good for his daughter to have a mother figure again. He was not sure whether that person should be Hayley Marshall. But how many women were there that would accept the part of the mother of someone else's child so gladly? And how could he disappoint her, now that she had declared her love and was so happy with him. He decided to go along with it, for the time being anyway.

Hayley noticed his thoughtful expression. "Hey, I know that look! And I think I know what it means!" she said, waiting until she had his undivided attention before adding: "You forgot the ring. Don't worry, that's fine! I can wait for that. It doesn't matter."

Elijah gave her a half pained smile. "Yes, you're right. I came here today with no ring."

"As I said, it's fine. I am gonna get one though, right?"

He nodded and assured her she would get her ring soon.

Satisfied with the results of her work, Hayley leaned back and smiled at her man.


Mystic Falls

"I must say, Miss Gilbert, Elle's behaviour is quite unacceptable! We do not tolerate our students punching each other." the principal of Elle's school, Mr Fell, said.

Elena looked him straight in the eye, unimpressed by his words. "If you'd been listening to your staff, Mr Fell, you would know that Aurora de Martel is a known bully and Hope Mikaelson is one of her favourite victims. My daughter was only protecting her friend! And you know what? I am proud of her for it! Because despite what you say, Aurora definitely needed a lesson!"

"Miss Gilbert! As principal, I strongly recommend you start raising your child properly! Since this happened in a place that is technically not part of the school, I cannot punish her. But I urgently ask you to do it instead of me!" Mr Fell gave her a poignantly glance.

Elena arched an eyebrow. "I see. Anything else?"

Mr Fell pressed his lips together in frustration and shook his head no. Elena just nodded, stood up and left his office.

Outside, she met Aurora and the girl she thought to be Elle. She approached her, grinning. "Okay, I never would have thought you would do this, sweetheart. But I'm glad you did! You stood up for Hope! That's amazing!" she smiled. "But remember: hitting people is still wrong. We only do it when there's no other choice!"

Lena nodded, knowing her behaviour was probably not very Elle-like, but she had to do what she considered best for Hope. "There was no other choice Mom, promise!"

Elena laid an arm around her daughter's shoulder when Aurora was called into the principal's office.

"Come on, sweetheart! Let's go home. Why don't we make your favourite dessert tonight, I think we deserve a treat." Elena warmly said.

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