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Continuation of the Flashback

"Oh my god!" a female voice woke Elena up the next morning.

She was still laying in bed with Elijah, his arm wrapped around her waist and their clothes scattered all over the room. Memories of the last night appeared in her mind. Blissful memories that would have made her smile if it wasn't for the shocked facial expression of Freya Mikaelson who was standing at the door.

Elijah shuffled in bed, unwillingly opening his eyes. "Oh, hey sister. What are you doing here?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Well, I was going to tell you breakfast is ready, but now I'm telling you we need to talk! Now!" she sharply replied, glaring at her younger brother.

Elena felt uncomfortable and tried to get out of bed, but Elijah pulled her closer to him and murmured towards Freya: "Okay, I'll be down soon. Gimme a few minutes."

Freya left, shutting the door behind her. Elijah nuzzled into Elena's neck. She couldn't help but smile at him. "Good morning." he mumbled, easing her out of her discomfort about waking up to his sister's voice after their first night.

Years later, Elena still vividly remembered how she silently went downstairs on that morning, hoping noone would see her. But, luck was not on her side. Esther had stepped outside for a moment, to enjoy the crisp morning air, when she walked out of the mansion, her hair ruffled and wearing the same dress as last night.

"Elena?" Mrs Mikaelson was shocked to see her. Elena tried to hide her embarassment behind a smile. Although she was blushing crimson, she wished the blonde woman a good morning and left.

Anger and disbelief flooded through Esther's veins when she walked back into the house and met her younger son and her nephew in the living room, waiting for the rest of the family to show up so they could finally have breakfast.

"Niklaus, Kol! I just saw Elena leave this house. I trust you remember her, a friend of Rebekah's. A lovely girl who is a respected and honoured guest of this family. Someone we would never want to get hurt by some irresponsible boy using her for only one night." her voice was sharp as she scrucinized both young men. The message was clear. She had seen a crime and now she wanted to punish the culprit.

Kol was the first to speak up. "I didn't do anything! I didn't even see her at the party, I swear!"

"Don't look at me, I'm innocent in this . Perhaps she just drank too much and fell asleep on some couch here." Klaus suggested. Esther raised her eyebrows. She could see sincerety in both of their expressions, but she had also seen Elena and thus she still had her doubts about Niklaus' idea.

Before she could question them any more, though, the voice of her eldest child rang through to them. They couldn't understand what Freya was saying, but she sounded upset.

Rebekah came down. "Hey, little cousin, could you tell us what has my other cousin so upset?" Klaus requested.

"Oh, apparently, she caught Elijah with a girl in bed. You might think people would stop treating us like children after we turn 18, but no, they don't!" she answered.

Her words were clear enough for everyone to understand. And so, before breakfast even started, the whole Mikaelson family knew about Elena and Elijah. While Esther, Mikael and Freya were mainly upset with Elijah for seducing a teenager, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah didn't think too much of it. Rebekah had known about her friend's crush for a long time and it didn't bother her.

On the same afternoon, Elijah visited Elena at her parents' house on Maple Street. He asked if she would go for a walk with him and she agreed.

"Look, Elena, I thought about it. You, I mean. And - what could - maybe - become of - this. You see, the thing is," he stuttered a little, searching for words, "I'm not sure if I can do this." Seeing her disappointed expression, he quickly added: "No, that came out wrong! What I mean is, I want to do this! I really do! It's just, it's been a really long time since I've been with someone for real. I'm not sure if I still know how this works." he admitted.

Elena gently took his hand. "I've never been in a relationship before at all. I don't know how it works either. But, perhaps we could try. Together."

He smiled at her. "Yeah. I'd like that."

And then, he pulled her into a tender kiss which symbolized a promise of a happy future together.

In that year, Elijah brought Elena home with him for Thanksgiving. The welcome in the Mikaelson home was complicated. Esther and Mikael seemed distanced, Freya was nicer than ever and the rest were the same. Elena managed to get a moment alone with Esther, in the kitchen after dinner.

"Do you think I'm not good enough for him?" she asked the elder woman.

Mrs Mikaelson looked at her, completely shellshocked. She walked up to the brunette and looked at her with worry in her eyes. "Of course not. Elena, I think you're a lovely young woman. It's exactly the other way around. I love my son, but I also know him. What I think is, you deserve better. I'm afraid he might break your heart and I wouldn't want that for you." she said sincerely.

Elena just smiled at her. She had faith in her and Elijah. And she was right. During the next years, it was always Elena whom Elijah brought with him when he came home. Slowly, the family started to see that their eldest brother and son had found the one.

Hi guys, 😊

That is a lot of the past, I know. The next chapter will be the last flashback chapter, promise. After that, we can see how Elejah, the twins and the rest of the family are doing after the Elejah reunion. 😊 Votes and Comments are welcome anytime! 🙂

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