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nari was lazily laying down on her couch, waiting for the first guest to ring on her door bell. she was wearing those 'mens' sport shorts and a slightly too big black hoodie. she had thrown a bunch of pillows on the ground since her couch wasnt that big and there was no way all of them could fit on it. nari had a one room apartment since she didnt have a high paying job and couldnt afford anything bigger. all she had in there was a full xl bed, a small kitchen, a tv, a couch and her small bathroom.

she suddenly heard the bell ring and jumped up from the couch. she slid over to the door, opening it slowly. "NARI!" the girl yelled as she jumped onto her and gave her a big hug.

"jesus, aera im about to fall!" nari said to the girl. they pulled away and looked at each other. she was wearing grey sweatpants and a white tank top under a huge black coat.

"its freezing out there. cant believe its only september." aera waltzed inside the small apartment. "yeah it usually doesnt get cold until november." nari was about to close the door when someone grabbed the handle from the outside.

"FUCK DONT CLOSE THE DOOR YET!" nari turned around and saw two guys standing there, with their faces red and cookies in their hands. "hyuck picked me up so i could help him bring cookies his mom made." one of the guys spoke with a small smile plastered on his lips.

"mark im literally going to push you down the stairs if you dont shut up." the other guy threatened with one of his fists in the air. "woah nari youre even prettier in person." the hand that was curled into a fist now covering his mouth.

"what about me!!" aera yelled from the couch. "you somehow look even uglier!" he yelled back at her. the boys took their shoes off and walked in.

everyone had arrived after like 30 minutes of waiting. some of them had trouble finding her place and some of them just spent more time than expected getting ready, like johnny, ten and jaehyun for example. they all talked for awhile, getting over that awkward phase we all have when meeting new people.

"alright which movie do we watch first?" jungwoo asked, shuffling the dvds in his hands. "spirited away." donghyuck responded as he was sitting on the couch, playing bike race on his phone. "ok so not spirited away." jaehyun sneered at the younger boy who responded with a throat slitting gesture.

"hate to say it but donghyucks right, spirited away is a great first ghibli movie." yuta said as he held one of naris cats in his arms. "true." "alright spirited away it is!" jungwoo inserting the dvd into the dvd player.

"i cant believe you still have a dvd player, nari. that was like 2008 shit." mark stated to which nari responded with a simple "im poor."

they finally pressed play after arguing about who deserved to sit on the couch for like 10 minutes. the lucky people who got to sit comfortably were nari, lucas, mark, aera, sicheng and hyuck while the rest sat on the floor. they were all eating cookies and drinking either beer or coke. some of them were talking while some of them were trying to focus on the movie.

"ive never seen food this appetizing before," ten said as the mom and dad eating food and turning into pigs scene was playing.

"oh look its hyuck." taeyong joked when the talking frog first appeared, which earned him a kick on the arm by said hyuck.

"why is her head so fucking huge compared to his the fuck?" lucas questioned.

"that dude reminds me of taeyong."

"dont disrespect kamaji like that."

"excuse me?" taeyong added, raising his eyebrows at yuta and jaehyun.

"the cute ash things remind me of sicheng."

"no no the huge chickens are sicheng."

"GUYS GUYS ITS AREA!" donghyuck yelled out when yubaba appeared on screen. he laughed at his own joke before aera smacked his head.

"youre her annoying huge ass baby." she uttered, laughing quietly to herself as everyone agreed with her.

"what the fuck is that..."

"its donghyuck."

"am i the frog, baby or the stink spirit?"

"the stink spirit."

"yeah i changed my mind, tens the frog." ten glared at taeyong. "excuse me?"

jaehyun looked at donghyuck. "thats how everyone reacts whenever you enter the room." he was referring to the scene where yubaba and chihiro are welcoming the stink spirit.

"you dont know what youre talking about. i smell amazing."

they sat quietly and watched the rest of the movie until it eventually ended. donghyuck stood up and stretched his limbs, "yo that train scene got me a little emotional."

"that was honestly a great movie." jaehyun added before turning his head towards aera, who was sniffing. "stop looking at me!"

nari stood up and wiped her eyes, "who wanna take a smoke break?" lucas raised his hand. "alright guys put on the next movie, we'll be back soon."

the two walked out of the apartment, down the stairs and out of the apartment building. "so whatd you think of the movie." nari placed a cigarette on her lips and lighted it up with a lighter, sucking on it gently. lucas did the same before blowing out the thick smoke.

"pretty great to be honest. i liked the soundtrack." she nodded in agreement. "you go to college?"

"nah i dropped out and started working at a bar instead, how bout you?" she flicked the ash off of the cigarette.

"yeah i also dropped out so i moved in with my best friend yuki and we now work as tattoo artists together." nari looked at him with her eyes wide. "really?? thats hot." he laughed gently and rubbed his hands together. "working at a bar is pretty hot too. you cold?"

"yeah lets get back inside." nari took one last puff and threw her cigarette to the ground.


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