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"and aera was just crying like a little bitch and hyuck was all like 'this is the first time in my life that ive been provoked to hit a woman' and i was just sitting there watching the show and i... i dont know... it was a mess."

mark and lucas were sitting on the stools as nari prepared their cocktails behind the bar. mark was telling them about the day before and how aera was crying as soon as cook showed up on the screen.

the bar was pretty cool and simple. it was your typical dive bar with a small stage in the corner, big enough to fit a drum-set and the rest of the band. there were a few people in there but not too many, which was nice for a change.

"hey nari, we're here!" she turned her head just to lock eyes with taeyong, who was standing against the entrance. "you guys can start setting up your stuff over there." she pointed at the stage and he nodded.

jungwoo, doyoung and yuta walked into the bar a few minutes later and sat down on the stools next to lucas and mark. "excuse me alice cullen, i would like a gin and tonic please!" nari looked at yuta and smiled. "thanks that was what i was going for." she said referring to her outfit. she was wearing a white button up with a gray vest on top as well as some gray jeans.

"AYO DONGHYUCK IN THE BUILDING CAN I GET SOME NOISE!" "HYUCK SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "OW MOM THAT HURT!" the two walked up to the others who were staring at them. "yo this is my mom." 

"hello im jungwoo!"

"im yuta, nice to meet you."

"ayo im lucas."

"im nari, its so great to finally meet you mrs lee." hyucks mom raised an eyebrow. "mrs lee? nah nah fuck that call me dasom. its nice to finally meet you all, donghyuck and doyoung have told me so much about you!"

mark was right she was a total milf and nari fell in love because how could she not? dasom looked just like donghyuck but like hot, you know.

they all sat at the bar, talking. hyuck was riding his bike later so he just ordered a coke while his mom decided to drink a martini. "yeah i used to sleep with women too before i had hyuckster over here."


"I DID WHEN YOU CAME OUT! you were like im bi and i responded with a lol same."

"i thought you were just joking because i told you over text."

"well yeah thats not over text ne- OH MY GOD MINJUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

they all looked at the door to see who hyucks mom was screaming at. it was a middle aged man with a beard and a man bun. he was wearing one of those biker jackets and he was hot asf. behind him was a blonde girl that most of them recognized. "AERA!"

the two sat down with the others and introduced themselves. "hi hyucks mom, im aera!"

"this is the girl you were hanging out with yesterday? nice." she fist bumped her son. "you can call me dasom babe, nice to meet you" they all looked at the man. "this is my dad."

aeras dad and hyucks mom used to apparently date in high school before she met hyucks gross father and she got pregnant. it was weird cause they were like flirting with each other while the rest just sat there and looked at each other in silence.

taeyongs band made sure that everything was working and had a little test run. they then started playing a cover of nirvanas cover of 'where did you sleep last night'. taeyong played really well and so did everyone else. their lead singer, hyori, had a great and slightly raspy voice which fit their type of like grunge sounding music a lot. their drummer, jun, was a hottie and she was also great even though you couldnt really tell since 'where did you sleep last night' is kinda slow and last but not least was their bassist, haru. he was also a great guitar player and a background vocalist.

they played for like one and a half hours and a lot of  the songs were their own. they were like really good and nari was actually surprised to see that taeyong was wearing the maid dress she bought him.

"you guys were awesome."

"yeah it was so great."

"i had no idea hyuck had cool friends."

"what do you guys wanna drink? its on the house."

they ended up hanging out for another hour and people started to eventually go home. taeyong and his band were the first ones to leave. jungwoo, doyoung and yuta were next. hyuck, his mom and mark left right after and then lastly aera and her dad. nari was left alone with lucas who was waiting for her to finish with her shift.

the two walked home together under the starry sky and the city lights. it was even colder than usual and it wouldnt surprise them if it started snowing even though it was the beginning of october. they walked in a surprisingly comfortable silence before lucas broke it. "wanna come to my place? yuki would love to meet you." she looked at him as the corner of her lips quirk up. "yeah sure."


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