Hyde's Rock&Roll Baby Doll

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Steven Hyde x ALT Little reader 

Steven Hyde x ALT Little reader 

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Hyde pov- 

"what's taking so long?!" I groaned in annoyance as I stood pacing behind the couch in Formans basement . Y/N was supposed to be here by now. They were supposed to be coming over here after school like usual. They are never this late. 

Y/N pov-

I was making my way to Hyde when some bitches from my school stopped me 

girl 1- "hey freak"

girl 2- "hey ,what's with all the black? is that what Satan asked you to wear? No wonder the guys don'tlike you the way they like us"

ugh ffs , every fucking week . I've had a long day and I'm not dealing with this crap today..

Author pov-

Y/N- "hey miss narcissist,Satan's a cool dude I wish I had that close of a relationship with him" 

girl 2- "wtf did they just call you?"

girl 1- " you wanna say that to me again slut?"


girl 2- "wtf your so rude"

Y/N - " your right , how inconsiderate of me. I should know better then to use such big words around you"

they both scoff before you push past them . You look down for a second once your passed them but you look up as you bump into someone firmly stood in front of you. You look up to see Kc. This girl is the ringleader of the bitches because she beat up one of them once . 

KC - "you better go apologize before someone gets hurt"

Y/N -" I'm not apologizing for shit , idm if you end up getting hurt"

with that she raises her fist and punches you in the eye. As a reaction, you punch her in the throat, grab her behind her ears and pull her head down to your knee so her chin gets bashed before grabbing her hair into a ponytail and punching her in the side of her head right in her temple. To finish her off you pushed her down to the floor before swiftly getting pulled away and pushed into a car. You soon realise It was Kelso putting  you in Eric's car as Eric drove off.

*Time skip to Eric's Basement*

Author pov - 

You walked into the basement behind Eric . The whole car journey was just  Eric telling you how much you wailed on that girl.

Upon arrival you instantly made eye contact with Steven as he gave you a confused look. That look soon changed when he saw your blackening eye

 All day you couldn't wait to just be in Hyde's embrace but now you were presented with an angry looking Hyde you weren't as sure.

Hyde - "doll , you wanna explain why your so late and why you have a black eye? hmm? "

you just stood there starring into his eyes. They were so full of diffrent emotions mostly anger but also confusion , worry and pain.

"you shoulda seen the other person" Eric interjects but quickly shuts himself up again when Hyde's angry expression moves to be on him.

After Eric not so subtly excuses himself upstairs not being able to bear the tension, Hyde's gaze returns to you. 

 " well baby? I'm waiting" Hyde growls 

Even under his shades he still gives off such pure intimidation.  

" I um got in a fight"

He looks to the side and exhales a deep sigh, his arms uncrossing as he moves across the room sitting down on his chair and patting his lap for  you to sit on. You quickly did what was suggested. 

" tell me what happened " he said with a slightly softened tone.

After you explained everything that happened , you broke down crying as you slipped fully into littlespace.

"shhhh shhh baby it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay" Hyde said calmly as he gently rocked you in his lap while rubbing your lower back just the way you like. 

you nuzzled his chest with your face whimpering as you tried to speak . 

"but daddy is mad at me and I don't want daddy to be mad at me" you eventually spat out.

After hearing your use of the name daddy he instantly realised you were little.

"awww I'm sorry baby , I'm not mad at you. I was just worried and mad at those bitches for hurting my baby doll " he said the last part with a slight growl

" really ?" you sniffed 

"yes baby." he said as he cupped your face "so you kicked her ass good?"

he asked booping your nose  making you giggle. 

"Yes daddy" he smiled kissing your forehead. 

"that's my cute little goth baby. Now , I'm gonna get some ice for your eye" he told you before gently lifting you off of him enough for him to be able to slide off the seat and put you in his previous position. 

After holding the ice to your eye while softly talking with you  and playing with you a bit, he sees you yawn and insists on you taking a nap with him.

He holds you close on his bed with him until you fall asleep. 

He admires you thinking about how lucky he is and how to get revenge on the girls that messed with his baby. He may have gone soft for you but that's  defiantly  not the case for others...

A/N- hey , hope you enjoyed that , let me know if you want another hyde x little . If so , I will go more in depth with  cg Hyde.

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