Ah no - Steven Hyde

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Hyde x enby (non-binary) reader

Tw- slight violence, f- slur , misgendering/ deadnaming

A/n - hints at the reader being assigned female at birth and that you have a diffrent name now that your out just because I wrote this chapter to comfort myself please just ignore the hints if it doesn't apply to you

G/n = guys name
D/n = dead name

~Not proof read~

Y/N pov-

Slight background- The gang and I were all at the formans drive way for Reds anual veterans day bbq. I was now fully out as non binary and my friends and the formans accepted me completely.

~Back to normal pov~

"Hey y/n man I got you a beer" I turned around seeing Eric behind me. As he reached out his hand to give me the beer , I took it and thanked him before he smiled at me and joined the conversation I was in with the other guys.

After a couple minutes of us joking around, we were interrupted by Jackie's high pitched voice

"This is g/n" we all said hey to the guy Jackie was using to make Kelso jealous then he looked at me and said "hey d/n. We had English together last year right?" I cringed internally at the use of my dead name before saying "uh yh , I think so. Btw it's y/n" he looked at me confused .

G/n - "what?"

I was about to answer when Kelso spoke
Kelso- "their name is y/n now"
G/n- "that's kinda weird , why did you change it?"

I could feel the guys start to get tense but ignored it and replied "I'm nonbinary and my old name didn't feel right" he looked at me again before letting out an "okay" and then him and Jackie walked off.

~about 10 minutes later~

After the guys 'subtly' checked if I was okay, everything continued as usual. Eric had left to help Red , Kelso and fez had walked away to go shake up all the beer cans so it was just Hyde and I sat on the porch now.

Hyde and I were kind of in an unspoken relationship. He had been my bestfriend since we were kids and we had always shared a close/flirty bond so no one questions when we flirt, kiss or when I sit on Hyde's lap. We kinda just excepted that we are going steady without saying anything.

"Ignore how that dude acted y/n" Hyde suddenly said as he rubbed his hand up and down my thigh. I smiled then nodded before leaning over to give him a quick peck, standing up and walking to Eric who was being yelled at by Red.

Hyde pov-

After y/n kissed me and walked off to go try and save Eric, the dude Jackie brought came over and sat down next to me drinking his beer.

"So are you and that chick dating?" I took a deep breathe trying to calm myself . "what chick?" I asked cocking my eyebrow before standing up and walking over to get a beer from the table. He followed behind me answering my question "you know , d/n" I sighed again opening my beer and taking a sip "you mean y/n?" It wasn't fair on y/n that arrogant dumbasses like this guy keeps misgendering them. I know it hurts them so much. I was pulled out of my angry thoughts when he said "yh whatever her name is, are you dating?"

Author pov-

Hyde - "what's it to you?"
G/n- "I was just wondering cause it would be weird"
Hyde- "how so exactly?"
G/n- "you know" he said smirking
Hyde- "no I don't know" Hyde said looking at him with a blunt expression

G/n- "it's just weird that she wants to be known has they/them, that's not even a real thing. She's a girl , why can't they just accept that"

Hyde bit his lip looking down before letting out a small "ah no" and raising his fist punching the guy so hard that he fell to the ground everyone stopped what they were doing as the driveway fell silent.

Hyde was getting ready to walk away until the guy yelled from the floor "what the hell man ?! Why are you sticking up for that fag"

That was the last straw for Hyde before he was beating the crap out of the guy.

You stood next to Eric with wide eyes not being able to move or speak due to the overwhelming shock. Everyone felt a similar way until Red finally managed to do something he grabbed steven pushing him inside the house and yelling at the guy

Red- " if your still here by the time I come back out, you will be wearing your ass as a hat!"

Y/n pov-

I finally got my senses back instantly running into the Formans kitchen to find Hyde.

I was quickly confronted with a frightened looking kitty as I entered through the porch door

Kitty- "sweetie are you okay? That man was simply horrible" she said giving you a caring look

"I'm fine Mrs forman. where's Hyde?"

She pointed towards the door to the living room and I ran towards it

Hyde pov -

Red was trying to calm me down but all I could think about was how y/n was still out there and they needed me. I kept trying to go back out their and get y/n but Red wouldn't let me worried I would continue the fight.
I was about to yell when the kitchen door swung open revealing my beautiful y/n. They ran towards me and the next thing I know,  y/n is in my embrace, their head pressed tightly against my chest. My arms were wrapped round them in an instant,  holding them close while a sudden wave of relief washed over me knowing that they were finally safe in my arms.

Then I felt them whimpering against me.

Author pov-

Hyde moved you so he could see your face. Pain and anger hit him hard when he saw your teary eyes.

"What's wrong babe ?" he asked gently as he rubbed the back of your head comfortingly
"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that for me. I wish people could just accept me , I don't wanna be seen as a girl" you sobbed harder before he pulled you back in.

"Shshsh it's okay baby , your not a girl and I'm sorry that people are too dumb to get that"

You both stayed like that for awhile until your tears died down.

"Let's go lay down" and with that you ended up in his room cuddling on his bed

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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