"I'm here to take care of you" - Kohaku

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Haku spirited away (1 year older then you) x reader

Author pov- It had been years since you met the wonderful dragon spirit kohaku at that magical bath house

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Author pov-
It had been years since you met the wonderful dragon spirit kohaku at that magical bath house. He had helped you and you helped him remember his name. There wasn't a day that went past where you didn't miss him. You tried everything to feel better , including reality shifting, praying and just trying to move on. Nothing worked , you just wanted to be with him. This world was something you hated. You didn't belong here.

One night , your sorrow got extremely bad and you started calling out for him, begging him to save you. "Kohaku please. I need you. I can't do this anymore" you shivered and whimpered out. You cried harder and harder repeating a desperate "please" over and over again between tears.

"Okay." It sounded just like him , just like haku but there was no way. You finally looked up. There he was standing there infront of you with a gentle smile and what looked like teary eyes.

"Kohaku?" You choked out in disbelief
"Yes darling ?" He replied in a whisper. He was practically the same as he was the day you met, just looked a little older.
"How are you here?" You questioned looking up at him and staring into his beautiful eyes
"Well you called me. didn't you ?" He answered like it was obvious.
You smiled before reality sunk in and you started crying harder. There was no way he could actually be here and your just getting your hopes up.

You continue to cry into your hands until you feel a comforting hand on your back. With the other hand , he grips your chin gently tilting your head up so he can look into your eyes.
"I know it's all overwhelming but don't worry. I'm never leaving you again." He speaks before wipping your tears away. "I'm here to take care of you". After hearing his soft words , you leaped forward hugging him tightly as you cried onto his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner but I was always here with you keeping an eye on you." Hearing that, you looked back into his eyes questioningly. He stood you up along with himself and brought your head back into his chest and as you nuzzled your face into his neck he stroked the back of your head while saying "it was so hard to see you in pain and I was an idiot for staying away. Never again"

A/N - part 2?

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