Sleepy and hungry - Icebear

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Ice bear x depressed reader

Ice bear x depressed reader

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Author pov -

You laid their in bed face down with so many overwhelming emotions that it made you feel numb. You hadn't got up today at all. You barely did anything yesterday either. Guilt from the lack of movement made you feel sick making you wanna move even less.

So , you didn't move. You just watched the hours tick by..  3 oclock, 4oclock , 5oclok,  6oclok , 7oclok.

You still didn't move. Even though you knew you would eventually have to get up , shower (you had lacked motivation which made you skip showering for a couple days) and eat , you just couldn't make yourself. So you stayed their.

One moment you would have all the thoughts in the world the next , your head would be completely empty.

*short time skip*

Icebear walked down the hall to his apartment that he shared with his roommate Y/N.

Y/N was Icebears bestfriend and favourite person. He would do anything for them.

Icebear unlocked the front door holding the paper bags of shopping he got on the way back from work. As he entered the apartment,  he was expecting to see Y/N like he usually does when he comes back from work. It was extra suspicious because he had been away the day before visiting his brothers.

He walked over to the table and placed the bags on it. After further inspection, Icebear was even more concerned about his dear Y/N. There was only 1 plate by the sink and nothing on the draining board. That means that they only used 1 plate in nearly 2 days. He then looked in the overflowing bin , it was full of empty energy drink cans. Icebear hates it when they drink those , they are so bad for them and they use them to replace food and/or sleep.

Eventually , he had seen enough to quickliy walk towards Y/N's room.

Soon , he was stood infront of it knocking it instantly. After no answer , he knocked again before entering.

You heard the door creek and swing open at the same time as hearing a gentle , familiar voice ..  "Icebear is h-" before he could finish his sentence,  he paused seeing his Y/N laying perfectly still on their stomach , facing the door and staring into space with blank eyes.

Icebear knew Y/N very well and instantly knew what was happening so he soon layed next to them , moving them so they were snuggled into him.

Icebear said nothing as he soothingly rubbed their back.

After a few minutes of being in this position , Icebear spoke "Icebear will make food for Y/N" after waiting a few seconds for a reply , Icebear started trying to get up until you snuggled in closer and whinned "no. I can't. I can't move" after hearing this , Icebear felt a pain in his heart before telling them to shower because it will make them feel better.

After some persuasion, you find yourself under the warm water of the shower stood densly.

*Time skip to after the shower*

After showering,  you threw on some comfy clothes and fell back into your previous position in bed.

A few minutes later , you heard footsteps heading towards your room before a soft knock and another creek of your now opening bedroom door.

"Icebear has finished making food for Y/N"

Hearing another inaudible noise from you , he picked you up with ease and walked you to the kitchen.

Icebear placed you gently on a chair as he tucked you into the table. He then walked over to the counter and placed the food infront of you "Icebear made Y/N's favourite" you looked at the plate and smiled weakly at the care he had given you.

"Icebear hates it when Y/N is sad. Icebear also can't stand when he finds out Y/N hasn't eaten" after saying this , he started feeding you the food carefully.

*Time skip to after eating and Icebear getting you ready for bed*

He laid you down and sat on the edge of your bed , rubbing your head and smiling at you until your use of graby hand gestures made him cuddle up next to you.

Icebear gently rocked you until you were fast asleep and he stayed with you all night.

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