down it - Ayato Yuri

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Drunk reader x Ayato Yuri (ybc)

Au pov-You had gone drinking and at this point , you were drunk

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Au pov-
You had gone drinking and at this point , you were drunk .. VERY drunk. You missed your boyfriend Yuri and like usual , you had decided to go to his instead of yours. You didn't feel very comfortable at your place and Yuri knew that so he tries to keep you at his with him as much as he can therefore, he gave you the key so you can go there even if he's not. No one else would of guessed but Yuri was actually the sweetest boyfriend. He was completely different with you.

You didn't really understand how , but you were now at the front door to his dorm/apartment/house/etc+
You got your key out and tried to open the door with it. You just couldn't get the key in the door, the world was moving too much. As you started to devise a plan of how to get yourself inside , you heard a noise before seeing the door open and reveal a dishevelled looking yuri ..

The tall male stood there in nothing except pink sweatpants and his thick black sunglasses , slightly covered by his soft , messy pink hair.

"Y/N?" He said questioningly as his head slightly tilted to the side before smiling tiredly and moving to the side to let you in

As you walked in , you got extremely dizzy before stumbling and falling forward. His instincts quickly kicked in as he moved to catch you in his arms before standing you up , trying to stabilise you until he decided to just pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his muscle filled waist while your arms snaked around his neck, tiredly nuzzling into him.

"Y/N okaayyy ?" Yuri asked as he walked over to turn the light on , he did so , you whimpered as the light hit your eyes.

Yuri being the intelligent dude he is soon realised you were drunk and placed his shades gently onto your face shielding your sensitive eyes from the light.

" Ahhh Y/N is drunkkk? Hmm?" He said slipping in between his real voice and the voice everyone else hears making you gently nod your head against him in reply.

" whaaatt havee youuu eaatenn?" Yuri asked concerned that you won't feel well later

After getting no reply from you , his voice changed into his real voice as he said "Comon, I know your tired baby but you gotta answer me" after hearing this out of him , you looked up at him before telling him what you had eaten and when , he decided he should make you some toast to soke up the alcohol without upsetting your tummy (A/N- when your just trying to read an ff but instead you get tips on how to sober up).

He was deep in thought about what he needed to do to care for you in this delicate state but was soon snapped out of his planning when he saw you still looking up at him. He looked back down at you clung to him and smiled before kissing your forehead and walking over to the kitchen. He placed you on the nearest surface as you whined from the lack of closeness between you making yuri instantly pick you back up deciding to just keep his sleepy lover attached to his front while he made some toast just the way you liked it.

*Time skip to the toast being ready*

"Y/N needs to eattt toasst now"

After another ignored comment, he looked down to realise you had fallen asleep. He sighed and shook his head with a smile.

Yuri placed you down onto the counter, infront of him as he stood between your legs and gently woke you up

"Mmmm noooo I wanna sleep" you grumbled at him. He chuckled before explaining to you why you had to eat your toast peppering your face with soft kisses in the process

Once you were finally awake enough , he carefully fed you the toast making sure you took small bites as to not choke. After all , there was only one thing Yuri was okay with his baby choking on and that thing definitely wasn't food ;).

*Time skip*
After finally getting you ready for bed , he laid you down in his bed, covered you in the warm duvet and got underneath with you. He then held you close to him. He kissed you, hummed sweet nothings into your ear and gently rocked you until you fell into a deep sleep.

Yuri thought you were absolutely adorable during the whole process... however he wasn't looking forward to you having a hangover

( A/N I love him)

If yuri was a song he would be this one                    👇                                                             👇

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If yuri was a song he would be this one
👇 👇

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