messed up century - YUNGBLUD

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YUNGBLUD x Cross dressing reader

This is a story for my bestfriend

(I recommend listening to parents by YUNGBLOOD while reading this, wattpad wouldn't let me add it)

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(I recommend listening to parents by YUNGBLOOD while reading this, wattpad wouldn't let me add it)

Author pov-
You ran out of the house frustrated still hearing the words they said repeating in your head..

"We didn't raise you like this , your a boy why are you wearing that?!"

"Are you trying to embarrass us? Your brother would never do this"

You can't get the harsh words out of your head they replay again and again as you walk until they remind you of everything other people in your life say to you about the clothes you wear.

Yup, that's the whole reason for all of this. Because you wear 'womans' clothes.

You feel yourself start to tear up as you reach into your pocket, grab your phone and call your bestfriend Xavia.

"Hey man what's up?" They answer
"They are at it again" you reply emotions raging
"Ffs they are dumbasses. Let's meet up, rn" you feel relief hearing the words

"Yess. See you at our tunnel in a minute?"
"Sure man I will be 30 minutes tops"

With that you hang up and continue to walk trying to ignore all the thoughts in your head.

*Time skip to when your at the tunnel*

About 10 minutes later you have arrived and you lean against the wall.

At this point the rage and sadness has been replaced with numbness. Feeling nothing , you close your eyes, putting your earphones in and listening to the music playing.

After a few minutes you hear someone walk into the tunnel and stand the opposite side opening your eyes to see if it's your bestfriend but as your eyelids flutter open, you are shocked at the person stood infront of you.

"THAT'S FUCKING YUNGBLUD" you aggressively thought to yourself as you watched him bring a cigarette up to his lips before lighting it.

You stood their wide eyes staring at him until he made eye contact with you

"It's cool if I stand here with you right?"
He asked you as you tried to stop yourself from squealing. God he's hot you thought to yourself as you tried to answer. You eventually gave up trying to speak and just nodded.

"Thanks. I like your outfit btw, it's hot. What's your name?"

After more aggressive fangirling happened in your head , you thanked him and told him your name

"Well hello y/n. What are you doing out here at this time of night?" He questioned smirking and taking a hit of the cigarette between his teeth.

As he blew out the smoke , you answered "waiting for a friend because my parents suck"

After hearing that he said "tell me about it? But dw we'll survive cause parents aren't always right". After a chuckle fell from his lips , he was getting ready to say something again when you saw Xavia walk into the tunnel and you both looked at them

"Sorry man , you know I'm terrible with time managemen-" they instantly stopped talking when they realised who was in the tunnel. Never before had you heard Xavia so speechless. Even when they go through deppressive episodes , they were never this quiet.

After seeing their state he chuckled again saying "well y/n , see ya round" he said while putting his half smoked cigarette in Xavia's mouth, handing you a piece of paper , winking and walking away.

*time skip 5 minutes*
Xavia finally broke the silence
"Am I smoking YUNGBLUD'S fucking cigarette right fucking now?!" They half yelled at you

You couldn't answer , you just silently looked down at the piece of paper with 11 numbers and a note that read "call me when you need to escape ;)"

A/N- sorry this sucked,  I'm not great at writing stories where people meet but I hope it made you happy and you didn't cringe too much.

I can make it a she/her or they/ them reader if anyone wants me too

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