Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Draco Malfoy POV

I stood on the field, waiting for Hawthorn and her unorganized team to arrive. They flew through the arch in a V-formation with Hawthorn in the front, flying right by my own team before taking to the skies. Her voice was light as she laughed and did tricks in the sky. Dangerous bitch.

"Assholes," Pansy muttered as she clutched her battered bat with one hand and smoothed out her hair in with the other. After everyone stared at the air show happening the teams eyes slowly began to land on me, as if they needed instructions from me to do anything at all. Which they did.  

"Are you fucking waiting for an invitation? Let's go," I snapped at them before launching off of the ground. We moved into our positions and I pulled my broom up to be able to see everything that was happening. I looked, waiting for Vinne to meet me up here, most seekers start the game above, so why wouldn't she.

Looking down I saw Hawthorn and Vinne talking, then Hawthorn pulled up and moved to be at the seeker position.

"What the hell are you doing," I hissed at her.

"I thought I'd try seeker," She spoke as if her words had no intent at all and no end goal. What a fake. Realization struck me slowly that if Hawthorn wasn't being a chaser I had no idea what her seeker style was like, and even less of an idea what Vinnes style as a chaser was.

Narrators POV

Rosey knew she should be probably worried for Aubrey, but the game started and she had clearly analyzed others enough to know what she was doing. After looking around for a few minutes for the snitch Rosey quickly got bored and looked over at Malfoy, who was looking below them.

A flash glinted out of the corner of Roseys eye, she darted around, turning to face the object she had seen.

"Ro!" Daniels voice was quick and precise, Rosey quickly flipped herself so that she was upside down. She watched a bludger zoom past where she had previously been and spun herself so she was right side up on the broom once again.

"Jesus Christ who gave her a bat?" Rosey remarked, eyes furrowed at Pansy who had no aim and no clear motive as she threw the bat around, attempting to hit the flying bludger.

"Her jobs to hit you," Malfoy spoke, eyes constantly moving but never even darting to her once. Rosey scoffed and watched her chasers, who had just scored and were flying to defend.

"The way she flies I'm surprised she got a job at all," Rosey frowned at the situation below before reminding herself she needed to be finding the snitch.

"She's my girlfriend," He spoke the statement as if Rosey hadn't seen his make-out sessions at all.

"Well thank you for the PSA," Rosey whispered to herself.

"Wind carries noise dumbass," Malfoy commented with a smirk absentmindedly playing across his face.

A small golden ball flew across the clouds, drawing the seekers attention. They both kicked off at full speed, dodging each other and trying to grab the snitch.

With Roseys light weight she easily pulled ahead of Malfoy, she turned to rub it in a tad.

"For a Slytherin Seeker you really are quite slow," She taunted as she moved always a little farther than Malfoy.

"At least I don't weigh the amount of an apple," He maneuvered the remark right back at her.

"At least I'm not dating Pansy," Rosey huffed out.

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