Chapter 3

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Narrator POV

Rosey practically sprinted down the stairs down to the quidditch pitch, where a large variety of red and green jerseys stood. Only a few yellow jerseys could be seen scattered around the mass of people. Finding Aiden in the crowd Rosey ran to him and jumped on his back. He staggered slightly before chuckling and adjusting his weight.

"Hey Rosey," Aubrey stood with black high waisted jean shorts with a green athletic shirt tucked into her shorts and her hair in a high pony tail. Daniel stood next to her wearing green athletic shorts and a matching top. Aiden was the only one in the group who played for the Slytherin quidditch team, he was a chaser and in the starting lineup. Meaning they all went to every single one of his games.

"Where are the hufflepuffs and ravenclaws?" Rosey spoke as she surveyed the location again.

"Hufflepuffs are boring an-" Aiden started before Rosey squeezed her arms around his neck, choking him and therefor preventing him from speaking.

"Hufflepuffs are my favorite. No honeybadger slander alright?" She talked, not letting go of his neck until he was nodding vigorously. He breathed for a moment before resuming.

"Hufflepuffs needed to catch up on homework and Ravenclaws wanted to study and are too caught up in the rules of the game so it would be hard to play," Rosey nodded, accepting his response.

"Hey everybody," A large red figure floated in the sky, his voice booming over the field. "I'm Oliver Wood, and I am hosting tonights games," He paused as everyone cheered. "Make teams of up to 8 people then come up to me to recieve your color of penny. I'll talk more about legistics after everyones gotten into teams," The moment he stopped talking the whole field erupted in chatter.

"Hey Miles," Aiden nodded towards a hulking figure who was standing nearby. The boy turned and walked to the group, he was at least 6"4 and stood next to Aiden as he pat him on the back.

"This is Miles Bletchley, Slytherin Keeper," Aiden introduced the boy to the rest and nodded as they all introduced themselves. A boy named Lucian Bole, a Slytherin beater, and Cassius Warrington, a Slytherin Chaser, ended up part of their team as well. They had a solid group of 7, and everyone had their positions layed out even before they were handed their Silver Pennys. There ended up being 10 teams in all, and a bracket was layed out. It was a mini tournament of sorts and they played till either one team catched the snitch or one team got to 100 points, meaning there would be fairly fast games. Some Gryffindoor and Hufflepuff blended team was Rosey and her teams first opponents, they wore emerald blue jerseys that became astonishingly bright as they shot up into the sky. Roseys team up close behind. The stands filled up with the teams not playing, it would be a long night of quidditch, and everyone there was practically beaming with excitement. Screams were echoing through the protection spell over the field so the teachers wouldn't see or hear them. As they pulled into their positions, they all double checked their spots. Aubrey was seeker, Daniel was beater with Lucian Bole, Miles Bletchley was the keeper, and Rosey, Cassius, and Aiden were chasers. The snitch was released and the Quaffle was thrown onto the field. Aubrey flew up to get a better view of the field as Aiden grabbed the Quaffle. Daniel and Lucian hardly had to do anything before the opposing beaters were on the ground, and soon the chasers were too. The rest of the game was simple and The Silver Team took in an overwhelming win. They lowered themselves to the ground and hopped off their brooms, they had 4 games before they were going to play again. As they moved to go off of the field Malfoys team was coming on, all wearing green pennys. Malfoy led his team of seven onto the pitch, flicking away Pansys hand as she tried to keep up and hold his own.

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