Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.


(adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous.

She hopped onto the train as it began to skid away from the station. Year 6. What could go wrong.

The overwhelming scent of hot chocolate and wood intoxicated Roseys nose and she stepped back slightly. But this, this was the smell of home. Breathing deep to regulate the clash of smells, she took a step farther into the train. She was pushed off balance as a tall figure in black burst past her, with two slightly shorter but larger figures following closely behind.

"Excuse you," Rosey regained her balance and grabbed the figures shoulder, having to reach up to get anywhere close to it. Spinning quickly Rosey breathed deep and braced herself. The tall figure, dressed in a crisp black suit, was Draco Malfoy.

"Talking to me Hawthorn?" He easily towered over Roseys height of 5"4. His strong, no doubt expensive, cologne seemed to heighten all of her senses and combined with everything else in the train. Borderline clashing scents, but somehow still intertwining in a captivating way.

"Watch where you're going," Rosey huffed at him. His bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle, stood at attention behind him. At her words they seemed to tense up, as if they'd hit her.

"Oh calm down we both know you're not going to hit a girl," She spat at Crabbe and Goyle, the tension in her voice was a little too present for her liking.

"Stay away from me," Malfoy finally answered. He started to turn to keep walking but Rosey was already talking.

"As if I would want to get close to you with the amount of cologne you have on, I'm surprised you didn't drown in it," He whipped back around and quickly advanced towards her until her back was pressed against the velvet cushioned door. He leaned down until his cologne was so strong she was positive it broke her sinuses.

"It's designer," He was whispering, his obvious anger practically rolling off of his words. It took Rosey a second to be able to respond, regaining her thoughts was challenging when it was hard to think through the cologne invading her mind.

"I," She breathed deep before continuing, "Have no doubt,"

"Full sentences blood traitor," He knew names regarding her friends pissed her off. She pushed him off of her, practically seething.

"Who the fuck do you think you are," She was nearly laughing with rage. Her chocolate hair waving around her.

"You can do wandless magic?" Crabbes voice suddenly seemed interested as he watched her hair rise and whip slightly, even though there was no air circulating the hallway.

"Only when an asshole pisses me off," She didn't stop staring at Malfoy as she answered.

"Anger issues," He smirked at her as he diagnosed her.

"It's not anger issues if it only applies to you," She rolled her eyes.

"Well blood traitor, I must be on my way. See you later,"

"I seriously hope not," Rosey shot back. He tsked her and walked away, slowly disappearing down the hall. She bit her lip in frustration and made her way to her cabin.

Roseys POV

Aubrey Vinne sat on one velvet red seat, next to her sat her oh so loyal boyfriend, Daniel Sussard. They are both french, and Aubrey is rumored to have been a veela. Her red hair frames her face as her blood red lipstick sits on her pale lips. Daniel is not even close to as perfect as Aubrey, but I assume that's what made their relationship work. His largely elevated brown hair and his kind eyes. Aubrey was more of a sharp witch, her grades were great, she was the one to carry you back to the common room when you were dead drunk, her hair was always done, the red ringlets curling over one another, her laughs sounded like that of an elegant adult. Given all that, she didn't laugh very often, she had us fend for ourselves unless we were in a dangerous state, and she would quiver ever so slightly before receiving her test, praying she got a good score. Daniel has been nice ever since I met him in year 1, always an optimist. Sometimes I think he's just a support animal to Aubrey, always stroking her hair the way she likes it and sensing when she is stressed. They have been together forever though, and they make up 50% of our elite friend group.

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