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I woke from Noah making noise. I look around but instead of the couch where I've been staying, I was in Stiles's bed. I look over and Stiles's arm was around me, and he was still asleep with his mouth open and drool sliding down his face. Noah walks in the doorway and I sit up, embarrassed that he just saw me and Stiles sleeping with each other.

"Last night?" He takes a sip of his coffee.

"Most likely. I'll be in Fresno by this time tomorrow unless my dad somehow doesn't make me go. Thank you for letting me stay." I smile.

"No, thank you. I haven't seen Stiles smile this much in three years. So come back, for his sake." He laughs and walks away and I look at Stiles, who was still soundly asleep. I lean down and kiss his forehead before getting up and getting dressed. I put on a pair of ripped jeans, a black shirt and one of Stiles's flannels over top to complete the look.

"You really like stealing my clothes don't you?" I look over to see Stiles sitting up in bed.

"Hey. I have limited clothes and it's my last day so give me a break." I brushed my shoulder length straight black hair, and Stiles just kept staring. "Stop staring you're creepy. Now get dressed."

As school was coming to an end, I was at my locker grabbing all my textbooks, ready to return them. I look down the hall, seeing my twin brother walk away from Stiles as if they had a plan. As he walks away, I notice Stiles looking at his keys, as if they weren't his. He looks up at me and waves, but I stopped myself from returning it and I slammed my locker and turned away. I was leaving soon, I have to distance myself. I have been doing it all day, but I can't have Stiles get attached. I felt like he was doing it too, as he has been in the library researching something with Scott. I start to walk, but my dad talking to the principle stopped me in my tracks.

Screw distancing, it can wait. I turn around and throw my textbooks back in my then run to Stiles, grabbing his hand and running out the school. Once we get in the parking lot, Stiles rips his hand from my grasp. "What are you doing?" Stiles looked annoyed. "You've been ignoring me all day, but now you want to talk to me because it's a convenience to you? Seriously?"

I roll my eyes. "You've been in the library all day, and I know if I asked you wouldn't tell me. You told Scott to keep it a secret from me."

Stiles looked confused. "What do you mean? You heard me say that?"

"It doesn't matter! What are you hiding?" I yell, getting angrier by they second.

Stiles seemed to get a scared expression on his face. "Myla just calm down, we can talk about this. Calm down." He wanted to inch towards me, to grab my hand to sooth me, but something called him not to.

Was he afraid of me? "Are you- are you afraid of me?" I step back.

Sudden relief filled Stiles's eyes and he stepped towards me. "No, of course not. Come on, we have to help Scott and Kira." Stiles puts his hand on my back, guiding me to his jeep.

We met Scott and Kira outside the sheriff station. As they walk up to the jeep, Stiles fiddled with key cards in his hand. "Okay this one will get you into all of the perimeter doors, this one into the evidence room, and this one is for my father's office."

Scott had a concerning look. "You didn't steal these did you?"

"No. I cloned them using a RFID emulator." Stiles states.

"Is that worse than stealing?"

Stiles puts his lips in a thin line. "It's smarter."

Kira turns to Scott, "Scott can I ask you something?" Scott nods and they step away.

Stiles puts his hand out, "Okay, I'll just chill with Myla." He turns towards me. "They're here to get her phone."

"Shh." I put my finger to my lips.


"Shut up Stiles." I whisper yell, cutting him off.

I close my eyes and reopen them, listening to their conversation. "You didn't tell them anything, did you?" Kira asks Scott. "About the pictures?"

"Oh, no, I just said that you have some pictures of you on your phone that you didn't want anyone to see." Scott says, telling the truth.

"What kind of pictures?"

"N-naked pictures." Scott mumbles.

"Oh." Kira sounded unsure. "Good idea."

Stiles creeps closer to me and whispers. "What are they saying?"

"Shut up they're coming." I push his head away from me as the two come up to the jeep.

"Okay so, everyone is out dealing with the blackout. But there's always somebody at the front desk. There's Dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are going to use the service door entrance by the dumpster." Stiles points to the side of the building. "Nobody uses it. I'll text you if anyone comes out. But Scott, if you get caught, I can't help you. Dad's under investigation for impeachment because of your dad so if anything happens, we will run and leave you both for dead." Stiles adds a small smile at the end.

Scott lifts his eyebrows. "Got it. Thanks dude."

"I'd ask my dad, but you know..."

"I know. I get it." Scott nods.

"Hurry up." I say, finally adding to the conversation.

They both nod and head for the service entrance, leaving Stiles and I alone. We sit there for a bit, I wonder what he's thinking, but there's no way to tell.

"I hope they don't get caught." Stiles's voice said.

"Me too." I look at him but he looked utterly confused.

"What?" He questioned.

I furrow my eyebrows. "You said 'I hope they don't get caught' and I agree with you."

"Myla, I never said that." Stiles admits.

"Yes you did." I argue. "You-" I stop at the sigh of my father's car. "Shit. That's my dad."

Stiles grabs his phone and begins to text Scott. "Come on Scott." We watch my dad get even closer to the entrance. "I'm going to regret this." Stiles opens the door and jumps out, running after my dad.

"Stiles!" Before I could say anything else he slams the door. I jump out following him but I stop at the entrance. Stiles had stopped him and he looked really nervous doing it.

"I know the real reason you don't like him." I hear Stiles say.

My dad laughs. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, because he knows something you don't want him to know. And guess what, I know it too." Stiles's words put a chill down my spine.

"Go home Stiles." My dad orders. "There's a curfew. And um, you better cherish the moments you have with my daughter before I stop them. You're lucky I've been busy, or she would be in Fresno right now."

My dad walks past him, and Stiles walks out. Playing dumb, I stand outside and see he looked sad. "Everything alright?" I ask and grab his hand.

He smiles. "It is now." We wait outside as we saw Kira and Scott run towards us.

"That was awesome, terrifying, but awesome!" Kira exclaims. "Have you ever done anything like this before?"

Stiles and Scott share a glance. "Once or twice. But I guess I should take you home." Scott and Kira both get on his bike and Stiles and I get in his jeep.

The engine revs as his turns the key. He sighs and hesitates before putting it in gear. "Do you want to go to a party?" I smile and nod before he quickly speeds off.

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now