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Scott's alarm woke me up for school. I cover my head with a pillow, which made my twin throw another pillow at me. "Get up."

"I'll drive myself." I say into the pillow.

Scott picks me up which makes me scream. I give him the death glare as he sets me down. "Super strength, not fair."

"I'm going to go to school. See you later." Scott grabs his helmet off his floor and leaves me alone in his room.

I grab my keys and start my car, but instead I go to the opposite side of town. I arrive at the hospital to see Stiles before Scott came later. I walk to his room where I find my mom and Noah in the hall talking. My mom notices me immediately.

"Myla? What are you doing here?" She asks crossing her arms.

"I'm here to see Stiles." I walk up to the two. "I don't even technically go to that school."

Noah sighs. "He's in there. You can stay with him before we do tests."

"Thanks Noah." I smile and walk into Stiles's room where he was sleeping in the bed. The door closes behind me and I smile, sitting down in the chair next to his bed.

Stiles laid on his back, with a blue hospital gown on. He looked so peaceful, more than I've ever seen him. As I look at him, his eyes start to flutter open. He looks around the room before eventually meeting my gaze. I smile, knowing that he's okay.

He smirks slightly. "What are you doing here?" His groggy voice was deep and raspy.

"This is better than school." I graze my teeth with my bottom lip as he raises his bed slightly so he could sit up a bit.

"Where's Scott? When is he coming?" Stiles asks looking around to see if he missed him.

My smile fades. "He's at school. Mom made us but I like to break the rules."

Stiles holds out his hand, wanting me to take it. I do and the purple glow happens once again as I make contact with his skin. I flinch back and scoot away, as Stiles sat there frozen.

"Say something Stiles. Say something." I say in my head, hoping that I hadn't hurt him.

"Myla?" Stiles's voice was in my head and my eyes widen.

"Stiles? Can you hear me?" I say to him in my head.

"No way." Stiles says aloud, but I flinch back, his voice in my head loud.

"I think when you try saying in your head to me and actually say it, it's louder." I say rubbing my head. "What's wrong with us?"

Stiles looks away, thinking. "Hand me your phone." I do so and he starts typing on it. "I have been doing some research on what you could be, and there were a few things that it would possibly be but now that," he pauses, looking at his hand, "this happened, I might know." He took a few more moments til he liked surprised. "Here. A telepathist. It's activated my a banshee scream, that's why when Lydia screamed..."

"I fell to the ground because it was very loud." I finish his sentence.

"What you did was mark me. It means that you can talk with any other being, even human. In longer distances, it takes more power but still possible. You can also feel some of their pain and emotions. You can read people's minds and-" he cuts himself off. "Well and telekinetic power, moving things with your mind, but you haven't done that yet." Stiles explained everything he could, making me a little uneasy.

"Well I should practice talking to you so we can do it more often and easy. This can help us later on." I look down embarrassed.

"That's a great idea." Stiles's voice says.

I look up and smile as he takes my hand. "Perfect." As I study his face, all I wanted to do kiss him, happily ever after. But I look down, stopping my thoughts.

"Okay Stiles, it's time for your MRI." My mom says as she walked in. I was laying in bed next to Stiles, mostly because he had asked to due to being poked and prodded all day. I get off the bed and hold out my hand, assisting him on getting up.

"Thanks." he says as he sits in the wheelchair. I smile and my mom pushes him into the elevator.

I look down at Stiles and I could sense his own nerves. "Why do you need an MRI?"

"Frontotemporal dementia, the shrinking of my brain. It's what killed my mother. They think I have it." Stiles says and I don't respond, I didn't know how to.

The elevator dings and we walk out until we find the door with the MRI label. We walk inside and Stiles sits on the MRI bed. We wait a few minutes until the doctor came, along with Noah and Scott.

The doctor just goes over the chart and I could see confusion in his face. "I'm not sure how do pronounce this, or if a misspelling."

The doctor turns to Noah. "Just call him Stiles." I smile, knowing that only a select few people actually know what Stiles's name is.

"Stiles, just to warn you," the doctor turns and walks towards the three of us, Scott and I on each of Stiles's sides, "you're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through metal coils inside the machine. If you want we can get you some earplugs or headphones."

"No, I don't need anything." Stiles scratches the side of his face as I feel his nerves down my spine.

Noah leans towards Stiles. "Hey, we're just on the other side of that window. Okay?" Stiles nods as I feel his nerves get stronger.

My mom, Noah, and the doctor leave the room, leaving the three of us together. Scott was looking down, obviously nervous about this too. "You know what they're looking for right?" Stiles asks us but more to Scott. Scott doesn't move, he keeps looking down. "It's called frontotemporal dementia." Scott finally looks at his best friend. "Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother had. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there's no cure." Unknowingly a tear falls down my face as Stiles glances at me.

Scott pinches the bridge of his nose. "Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something about it. I'll do something." The two hug, making me tear up even more. As Scott lets go he starts to walk out and I follow, before a hand lightly grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

I stop right in front of Stiles, him looking slightly down at me. "What's wrong?" He asks me.

More tears fall down my face. "It's not fair. Why do you have to be sick?"

Stiles immediately pulls me into a hug and holds me tight, making me feel warm and calm. "Nothing is going to happen. I'm right here in your head all the time. Never forget that." He kisses the top of my head before letting go, taking me away from the warm. He wipes my tears before giving one last smile as I walk out.

okay so if you are wondering, I made up the telepathist. but if you want a good understanding of what her powers are, if you watch Marvel, think of wanda maximoff and her abilities. so yeah. bye now!

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now