in your head

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I was laying in a bed in a building I didn't recognize. I try sitting up, but I couldn't, for I was strapped down. I look over, seeing Scott in the same situation as me. We struggle, trying to break free. After a few minutes, I put my head back in exhaustion. Scott does the same next to me. "Scott, do I have to remind you that you are a supernatural creature? Why haven't you broke free yet?"

Scott looks at me. "So are you."

"Just break free damn it." I yell.

Scott strains for a bit, but eventually breaks free. He throws the restraints on the ground and sits on the bed.

"Um hello? Help me." I say picking up my head.

"You're a supernatural too. Break free." Scott crosses his arms.

I look to the ceiling and feel my eyes glow and I struggle and rip through the restraints. I throw them at Scott, a little angry with him. "You could've just let me out."

"Whatever. Where next?" He asks.

"Not sure. First time doing this." I fake a smile and looks over at the exit.

"Just stay behind me." He starts walking for the exit and opens the door, going outside the room. Once he gets out of the doorway I slowly start to follow until the door slams shut and locks.

I pound on the door. "Scott? Scott!" I couldn't hear him but I had a weary feeling. I turn behind me and the room completely changed. It turned into a hallways with tiled walls. Suddenly bright blue lights started to shine down on me, causing me to close my eyes. I open them again to be somewhere different: Derek's loft. I look around, noticing blue lights scattered around the room and a DJ table. I look down and notice I was just wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a bra, with purple lines drawn on my skin that glowed. I was ankle deep in red solo cups, the ones I filled with a drink that night. I hear something moving behind me and I look to see the nogitsune. He was walking towards me slowly, whispering.

"Myla." He whispers, continuing his way to me. "Let me in."

I start running to the door, making a path in the cups. But suddenly I stop when I see another me standing in front of me.

"You know, when you're drunk, you can barely access your memories. But Stiles only had one drink that night. He remembers." The nogitsune's voice sounded behind me.

"Remembers what?" I croak, my mind had no idea what to do while another me stood in front of me. Suddenly the nogitsune dressed in Stiles's clothing appears next to the other me. I pushed him but he grabbed my arm, pulling me where I was only a few inches away. Words were exchanged but I couldn't hear them. Finally he grabbed me and kissed me. I look away, for my memories didn't line up with his.

"Let me in Myla." His voice rang out while our duplicates faded away. I felt something drip from my nose as I wiped it seeing blood.

"Trickster." I mumbled before I ran for the doorway and the nogitsune started to yell louder and louder. I slid the door open and I ran into a white room. The yelling stopped and I was at peace. I look back at the door, but it was gone, it was just a white wall.

I turn around and see a big tree trunk with two people sitting on it. Scott ran to me and stood on my right, examining what was on the other side of the room. It's was Stiles and the nogitsune, playing some type of board game. Scott and I share a glance before running towards them, but when we stopped, it seemed if we hadn't moved at all.

"Stiles!" I yell, Scott mimicking me. I wave my arms. "Stiles! Stiles over here!" But he didn't move. He couldn't hear us. We try to run again, but nothing worked.

"Why can't he hear us?" Scott asks.

"I don't know, this is his head. Nothing makes sense here." I had my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"Wait, you marked him. You can talk to him telepathically." Scott explains.

"Yeah, so?"

"Speak to him through your mind." Scott says.

I nod and close my eyes, concentrating. "Stiles!" I yell in my head. My voice echoes through the room, but it was as loud as our screams before. "Stiles!" I do it again, but nothing.

Scott touches my shoulder. "Wait. Didn't you say something where if you say it out loud and in your head, it's a lot louder?"

"Yeah, when Stiles did it, it felt like I needed to plug my ears." I stand up straight looking at the two.

The nogitsune looks at me, as if he didn't want me to do anything. I glance at Scott before looking back at the nogitsune and Stiles. "Stiles!" I scream. My voice echoes loud enough where Scott and I had to cover our ears.

Suddenly Stiles looks over at us. He slowly turns back at the nogitsune before throwing all of the game pieces off the board. The nogitsune roars in anger before my vision got blurry again and I snapped back into my living room. I gasp for air when Scott takes his claws out of my neck. I grab my neck and stand up, looking to see if it worked.

"Did it work? Why didn't it work?" I ask while Scott goes over to Stiles.

"Did it work?" Lydia asks.

"It's not science Lydia. It's the super natural. Now give me the name." Peter pulls Lydia to the side. "The name?" He whispers, but I listen.

Lydia answers, whispering, "Malia."

Almost immediately, Stiles wakes up and starts gagging, pulling out what looked like bandages from his throat. He falls to the floor puking up a tremendous amount of bandages. I stood there in shock, not believing what I was seeing.

Finally he got it all out and stayed bent over, spit coming from his mouth and his body shaking. Suddenly black dust started to form above the bandages and a hand emerged. Stiles falls back as a body wrapped in bandages starts to crawl out from the floor. All of us start to step backwards, not knowing why another nogitsune was forming. He lunged towards us and Scott and Peter push him back, trying to pin him to the chair.

"Hold him!" Peter yells.

The nogitsune keeps struggling, but I notice he keeps trying to scratch at his face.

"Wait!" I walk forward as they have him pinned down and I slowly grab the wrapping on his face. I start to pull it off, and to my surprise, Stiles's face appears under the wrap. He looked scared out of his mind, for he was shaking and tears were pooled in his eyes and stains were on his cheeks.

"Scott? Myla?"

"Scott." Deaton says and we look back, seeing Lydia, Peter, and the other Stiles gone.

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now