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Stiles and I help each other go away from the fighting, for we were in no shape to fight. Lydia runs to us, helping to support us. Kira and Scott start to fight, but what confused me was how we were here. How we were in snow?

"This doesn't make sense. How can the nogitsune show that form? And how are we here?" I openly ask.

"I don't know." Stiles says.

Kira drops her sword, cornered by two Oni. Stiles scrambles from my grasp and goes for it, standing up. He then puts it on his stomach, ready to stab himself.

"Stiles!" I scream, standing next to him.

"Stiles don't!" Scott yelled.

Lydia starts to panic. "What if it's just another trick?"

"What if it save you? What if it saves all of you?" Stiles looks at me.

"End it Scott." The nogitsune demands. "Let your friend fall on his own sword. Do for him what he cannot do for himself. Do it Scott. Give up the game."

More and more determination fills Stiles's eyes. "Stiles, please!" I yell. But he stops. He looks back and I follow his gaze, seeing a desk in the snow.

"You have no moves left." The nogitsune booms.

Stiles takes the sword away from his stomach. "I do." He throws Kira's sword back to her. "A divine move."

Stiles stumbles back to Lydia and I, wrapping his arms around us. We all walk towards our friends but I stumble, the weakness getting to me. Stiles looks at me concerned as I stand back up, but he looks back forward.

"Stop fighting them. It's just an illusion. It looks real and it feels real, but Scott, you gotta trust me, it's an illusion."

We all face the door, walking out. The Oni cut Scott and Kira, making them yell in pain, but they keep going. Scott grabs the nogitsune and pushes him through the door, but when it opens, we end up back in our high school. Scott and Kira check for wounds but there was nothing.

"We're okay." Scott says. But it was too soon before him and Kira get knocked out by void Stiles.

"This was my game." He looks up at us. "You think you can beat me at my game? Divine move. Divine move? You think you have any moves at all?" Void Stiles walked towards us making us have to walk backwards as fast as we could. "You can kill the Oni. But me? Me? I'm a thousand years old you can't kill me!" He boomed.

"But we can change you." Lydia blurts.

He looked confused and threatened. "What?"

"You forgot about the scroll. The Shugendo scroll." Stiles says.

Void looked scared. "Change the host."

"You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles states.

Suddenly Scott grabs him and bites his arm. Void screams in agony and pain. Pain shoots up my arm while I see Kira sneaking up behind him.

"No!" I yell and throw Kira using all of the strength I had into my power. I fall to my hands in knees, the pain beginning to be unbearable. Weakness spread throughout my body, I didn't even know if I could stand.

Scott holds void Stiles's arm while he keeps grunting in pain. "You can't kill him. You'll kill me." Tears run down my face while my hands shake. "Lift up his shirt." I say to Scott and he does so, revealing a huge gash on his stomach. I lift up my shirt, revealing the same one. "Check- check his arm." Scott does so and he had the same cut as me. Void laughs as Kira gets up again, holding her sword up to his back.

I use all of my strength to stand, turning to Stiles, grabbing his cold hand. "This is how it was meant to happen, okay?" A tear falls from his face. "Thank you, for everything." I turn to my brother. "I love you, Scott. This isn't your fault." I grab void in the shoulders, "Go to hell." I push him into the sword, but notice a purple glow leave his body. The sword goes through his whole body, which makes me gasp. Void falls to his knees and his mouth opens, a firefly exiting his mouth he then turned to dust. I couldn't breathe, but I watched as Issac caught it. I look down at myself, noticing my shirt turning a red color from my stomach and spreading. I fall to the floor on my back, knowing that this was the end.

"Myla!" Stiles yells as he drops and scoots by me. He picks up my body, laying it on his lap. He pushed hair from my face as he cried. Scott stood over me, not being able to handle two deaths. "Please Myla, don't leave me. Please. You can't leave me like this, not when I haven't told you everything." He sobbed. I held out my hand and he took it, but when he did, a purple glow entered his skin. Stiles squeezed my hand while he kissed the back. I felt my body get more limp as seconds went by, so I closed my eyes while I laid in a pool of my blood, letting the darkness consume me. "Please Myla. Please. Live." Stiles's words rang in my head, and my whole body started to feel like nothing had ever happened today. No pain, no stab wound, no slash to the stomach and arm, I was fine. I open my eyes, looking at him.

"Stiles?" I say in my head. "I unmarked him."

Stiles kissed the top of my head as he sat me up, my body somehow feeling stronger. "The mark, it's keeps you connected." I say. "In a way I was still connected to his power, which made him able to hurt me."

Stiles looked at the floor, seeing my pool of blood. I saw his eyes get droopy, then he quickly fainted. I grab his hand, sending my power into him, like I did that deputy. Stiles's eyelids fluttered open and he looked at all of us. "It was the blood. I fainted." I smile, laughing at him while I checked my stomach. "We're alive. We all alive?"

Scott nods. "Yeah. We're okay."

Lydia looks away and stands, as if she had a weird feeling. She starts to run down the hallway and we all follow. She bursts open the doors and she looks down the steps, seeing Aidan laying their lifeless. She runs back into Stiles's arms, as he was her best friend. I lean onto my brother, and he wraps his arm around me. My ache still lingered, but it was gone for the most part.

I may not have know Aidan or Allison that well, but I know that they were everything to Scott's pack. I could feel the sadness in the air, circling around me. The clouds covered the moon, trapping the emotions. I use my power and swipe the clouds away, making light for their deaths. Scott squeezed me, and I could feel the sorrow he had locked away, and not because of my power, but because he was my brother, and that's one of the strongest connections I could have.

authors note !
so there is one last chapter left!
I'm thinking about a sequel, but
I'll ask again after the last
chapter in my author's note.

I can't thank all of you enough for
supporting me during this book.
please vote and comment, it will
help me stay motivated !
love you all <3


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