baby doll

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"Myla you need to hide." Stiles runs up to me and grabs both of my shoulders. His voice was in panic.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, about to push him out of the way. But he stands his ground.

"Your dad is here." I pause and look into his eyes.

"Why didn't you just lead with that?" I ask as I run from the scene.

Stiles called his father, which made the whole department come to investigate the den. Malia Tate was a girl that had been missing for years, Sheriff Stilinski was determined to find her. Recently he felt like a failure, due to my father stepping in telling Noah he can't protect. Which was far from the truth.

I hid behind a rock, yards from the crime scene. I peered my head around, examining what was happening. My father had come with who looked like Malia's father, Mr. Tate. Yelling started to come out if Malia's father's mouth, directed towards Sheriff Stilinski. My dad and Noah walk towards the den,

Scott and Stiles just observed the scene, Stiles glancing at me every few seconds. My heart raced at the thought of my dad seeing me. I peek around the rock again for Stiles to be looking at me. He takes an obvious deep breath, wanting me to copy. It's like he knew my heart was racing. But how?

As they left the scene, I walked into the den again, observing anything they could've missed. My eyes watered, as the stench was terrible. I quickly walk out and find my brother and friend.

"I have to go to school. My dad is okay with you staying here." Stiles said while giving me a bagel for breakfast as I sat couch with a messy bun.

I take a bite of the bagel and look up at him. "I could go with. I used to go to the school." I take another bite.

Stiles sighs and scratches his head. "Uh I don't know. What if your dad just shows up."

I scrunch my eyebrows. "My dad hates you and that school. Why would he come to it?"

"I would have to talk to-" Stiles was cut off by the front door swinging open.

"Scott!" I stand up and jog my way over to hug him. "What are you doing here?"

Scott wraps his arms around me, hugging me. "I haven't seen you in three years and you thought I wouldn't come over?"

I step away from Scott, allowing Stiles into the conversation. "She wants to come to school." He blurted, and I smiled.

"I only have a few days before dad finds out I'm not home. Please."

Scott sighs. "Sure. Why not."

As we made it through the hallway, I got many weird glances, familiar faces passed me, but they had no recognition of me. Scott had gotten me enrolled already and I had almost the same schedule as them. Scott directed me to a seat in the front in our first class, while he and Stiles talked to a dark brown haired girl in the back of the classroom. A few minutes later Stiles joined me in the front to my left and Scott sat behind me.

"Okay class lets get started. We have a new student, Myla, so please give her a warm welcome in the halls. Last time we talked about prisoners of war. There's a passage that I would like someone to read. Who would like to come up here and read?" Mr. Yukimura asks the World History class. As no one speaks a word, he continues. "Mr. Stilinski, how about you?"

I turn to face Stiles and I could feel his anxiety as his face goes completely pale. "Um, maybe someone else could?"

"Everyone participates in my class Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Yurkimura directed.

Stiles exhales as he nervously gets up to the podium. Stiles looked at the pages, as if he couldn't understand them. He closed his eyes and grabbed the podium as if he was about to have a panic attack. He used to have them a lot as a kid. He searched the page, as he starts to sweat and breathe heavily.

"Stiles?" I whisper.

He looks up and scans the class, as if he was about to fall over. I stand up and walk over to him. "Stiles are you okay?" Stiles looks back at the pages again and starts to breathe even heavier. I look at the teacher. "Can I get him to the nurses office?" I lightly grab his arm and Stiles gets out from behind he podium as Scott stands up and follows us.

As we reach the hallway Scott stops us as Stiles is still freaking out. "I got him. You get back to class." Scott directs as he transfers Stiles's weight to him.

"But I don't even go to school here." I say starting to follow them in the wrong direction of the nurse's office.

"Just go back to class Myla." Scott says one more time and Stiles nods. They start to walk towards the locker room as I go back into the classroom. I sit back into my front row seat as another student was reading in the front of the classroom. I slump in my seat, for the only reason I wanted to go to class was to get closer with my brother and friends.

As the bell rings, Scott and Stiles haven't gotten back yet. I quickly grab their things along with mine and head down the hallway towards the locker room. It was darker in the hallway, as no one was in this area. I kept walking with Stiles's bag on my shoulder and Scott's in my hand. I scan the hallway until I stop dead in my tracks. A coyote was on the top of the steps, and it looked like the one in the woods before.

In pure fear, I drop Scott's bag in run into the other locker room and shut the door behind me. Stiles's bag falls off my shoulder as I run into the far end of the locker room and stand behind the lockers away from the door. Glass shattering sounded as the coyote leaped through the window. The coyote growled as it tried to find me. Growling was close, I looked around the lockers to see it standing in the other side. I slowly scoot away from the corner as someone grabbed my shoulders. A small scream escaped my lips as I saw it was Scott, who then pushed down the lockers. As fear was running through my mind, I didn't question how Scott could possibly just push down some lockers. I followed close behind him as there was no sight of the coyote.

Cops finally showed up, including Sheriff Stilinski. I stood with Stiles and Scott in the locker room. "I think I know what it was after." Stiles pulled out the baby doll out from his backpack that was from the car.

"You have the doll?" Scott glares.

"Why would it want the doll? It's just a doll in the woods. And why was that the same coyote?" Many questions swirled through my mind but before anyone could answer, Mr. Tate walked in.

"Where did you get that?" Mr. Tate asked us three. "Where did you find this?" He asked more aggressively and swiped the baby doll from Stiles's hands. "It belonged to my daughter." He stared at the baby doll until Sheriff Stilinski lightly pushed me away from Mr. Tate and confronted him.

"I don't know how you heard of this Mr. Tate, but you can't be here." Sheriff Stilinski pushed Mr. Tate but stopped immediately and pushed back Mr. Tate's coat to reveal a gun. Stiles put an arm out protectively in front of me as I stepped back.

"I have a permit."

"California schools are gun free zones, permit or no permit. You need to leave." Sheriff commanded.

Mr. Tate stepped back, "You find that animal." With that he left and all three of us glanced at each other before we left the school.

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