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"I'll be at my locker." I wave at Stiles before he and Scott go into the chemistry room.

I open my locker and grab my textbook, getting ready for my first class. I look down the hall and notice the boys were still in the chemistry room. Curious, I make my way into the chemistry room with a distraught Stiles.

He crumples a piece of paper as I join them. "It was here. It was all here."

"Dude, are you feeling okay? You look really tired." Scott asks Stiles.

Stiles looks back at both of us. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been getting much sleep really."

Scott looks at me, knowing that I've been staying with Stiles for the past week. "Stiles, why don't you just go home? You can take a sick day." I smile and he nods, finally letting himself have a day off.

"Can you drive him Myla?" Scott asks me.

I look at Stiles, he was drained, and all I wanted to do was help him. "I can't. I have to go to class and talk to Dad. He's been texting me like crazy and well, I'd rather get it over with then have you two on the edge of your seats waiting."

"I'm fine, I can take myself." Stiles runs his hand through his hair. I go on my tip toes, hugging him and holding him close. This position felt vaguely familiar, but it must be because I've hugged him many times before. I let go and Stiles walks out, quite quickly.

"He's not sleeping." I look at Scott. "He's also been sleep walking. He's been anxious too. I've caught him walking out if the house many times at night, but I thought it was you and him doing something. I realized something was off when he never took his jeep, he always walked." I sigh. "I'm worried about him."

"I hope he will be okay." Scott's voice rang in my head, but his lips never moved. I try to do it again, but while I was doing this, Scott had a concerned look on his face. "I need to figure out what she is." His voice rang in my head again.

"Am I like you?" I ask. "I can hear what you think Scott. What's wrong with me?" Tears welled up in my eyes which made my twin wrap his arms around me.

"Nothing is wrong with you Myla. Stiles and I have been looking into it. Just be patient." He lets got and pushes a piece of hair that was in my face behind my ear. "I have to go talk to the twins. Let me know how Dad is. Text me." With that, Scott left me alone in the chemistry room, with me thinking about everything I have to fix before I leave.

I park my car and walk into the sheriff's station, regretting this already. Deputies look up from their desks and stare at me, as if I did something wrong. I walk up to one of the deputies. "Um, do you know where Detective McCall is?"

"Myla?" I turn around to see Noah Stilinski standing in the doorway of his office.

"Noah I-"

"Come in." He quickly cut me off and welcomed me into his office. As I walk in, he closes the door and blinds to his office. "What are you doing here? Your father is here."

I sit on the sofa. "I know I'm here for him. He's going to take me anyways. He might as well do it now so everyone is acting like it's my last day. I want to get it over with. I've been killing Stiles, he's been anxious every day about it."

He lets out a big sigh, "Do you really want this?"

I sit up straighter. "Of course not. I don't want to leave. But I have to, so I'm going." I stand up and open the door but I stop and run to Noah and hug him, for he was the true father figure in my life. "Thank you." I say as I let go. I walk out as my father does from another room. He stops as I look at the ground.

I hear his steps quicken as a hand grips my wrist and pulls me to the exit but a voice stops my father's movement. "You're going to effect a lot of people's lives by putting her back in Fresno, McCall." My father stops, looking at Sheriff Stilinski. "Think of Scott, Melissa, even Stiles, even though you've never liked him. Think about yourself. You take her back to Fresno, she'll never forgive you."

Without saying a word, my father dragged me out the station forcefully. I didn't make eye contact, I just stood there, staring at the FBI badge around his neck. On it was an old picture of him with Rafael McCall under it. My whole life, I've never seen him without it.

"I'm letting you stay." He finally said.

I look up, furrowing my eyebrows. "What?"

He sighs. "I'm letting you stay. You're already going to school, and then I don't have to get a babysitter. But only with a few rules," he points his finger at me, "you have to stay at your mother's house, no more Stilinski, and you must stay in school."

I smirk, "Like staying with him or hanging out with him?"


I laugh. "Once you get Scott to stop, I'll stop." I pat his arm as I walk by, unlocking my car and stepping inside. While on the topic of my mom and staying with her, stopping by the hospital seemed to be a better option then school.

As I pulled up, memories of coming here as a kid flooded my mind. I smile as I push through the doors, seeing doctors and nurses swiftly walking around. I walk up to the desk my mom used to be behind to see a middle aged women with brown curly hair wearing blue scrubs. "Hey Mom."

She looked up and immediately smiled at me. "Myla!" She stood from behind the desk and hugged me. "What are you doing here? Are you hurt?" She quickly looked over me for any obvious injuries.

"No, no. I get to stay in Beacon Hills though! Dad said if I stay with you, I can stay in town." I smile.

My mom returns my smile. "That's amazing. So you and Stiles are skipping school today?" She jokingly laughs.

"You saw Stiles? He is supposed to be home resting. Why is he here?" My stomach sort of drops, my mind thinking things it shouldn't.

She flipped through a patient chart. "Yes, he came in with extreme sleep deprivation among other things. He's fine. He's in patient room 57 down the hall." She points to my left down the hall and I nod, heading for room 57.

I find the room and open the door, Stiles fast asleep inside. I grab the folder on the outside of the room and look inside. My mom gave him a sedative, which he needed badly. I put the folder back and walk in the room, sitting on the bed next to him. I push back the hair mopped on his forehead, letting me see his face clearer. I smile, taking in his sleeping face, something I don't see often.

Darkness filled the room as I laid next to Stiles, my mom left because her shift had already ended, although she was soon to come back. The whole time felt weird though, as if something bad was happening on the outside. Stiles finally stirs and wakes up, to be slightly frightened by my appearance.

"It's okay. It's just me." I say as he sits up, throwing the blankets off of him.

"You leaving soon?" Stiles asks as I follow him out the door.

"No, actually-" I stopped myself as I noticed Stiles was halfway down the hall already. "Stiles, wait for me!" I jog but don't catch him, noticing that he wasn't that concerned about me being here.

I kept loosely following him, wondering what the hell he was doing. He stepped into the morgue and I stood at the door, peering through the window. Suddenly three men in black suits and yellow glowing eyes appeared out of nowhere and surrounded Stiles, who tried to run but couldn't.

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now