phantom knife

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Derek's loft was the only place I could think of. I went there for the party I don't remember, but I remember how to get there. Scott hasn't come home yet, and I already checked the animal clinic. I open the sliding door and walk in, noticing a familiar boy standing by the large wall of windows. He turned slowly, his hair was all messy, and he had big, dark red under eyes, something we both had in common for not sleeping.

"Stiles?" I question hesitantly, not knowing who was really here. There was something off in his eyes.

"Myla." He says, cocking his head slightly to the side. "I've been waiting for you."

I knew his voice. That was Stiles's voice, but not his tone. I step down the few steps that were in front of me and walk right up to him. "I want Stiles."

"Come and get him." His face wasn't far from mine, and I could see the nogitsune right through him. "Let me in, and you two can be together. I know you like him."

"No I–I don't. You have no proof." I say, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Stiles's memories say otherwise. What about the kiss?"

I take a small step back. "What–what kiss?"

He raises his eyebrows a bit. "You were too drunk so he kissed you and he could see it in your eyes that you enjoyed it. But you better act quick, Malia and him a had a fun night the other night." He smirks, but the only thing I could do was slap him on the face. The next thing I knew, he sent my flying back, sending me to the opposite corner of the room. Pain sears through my left arm and leg, as I tried to break my fall with them. "Stay there, I have visitors."

As on cue, the sliding door opens again and Stiles looks over, as if I never entered. "Hi Dad." He pauses while Noah pulls out a pair of handcuffs. "You want to handcuff me?"

Noah starts to walk towards him. "If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me," Stiles glances at me as I try to stand, "then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows, I'm here to protect him, from himself and from others." Stiles looks as if he was human and crying, I knew it was an act. He puts up his arms, allowing his father to handcuff him. But he looks up again, showing his other side. "You're not my son."

Heal faster. I had the super fast healing, why wasn't it working? Stiles breaks the handcuffs and I stand through the pain, it looked like Noah didn't bring backup. But I spoke too soon as both the Argents and Derek emerged from the door. Allison Argent went first and tried to tase him, but he grabbed the cable and threw it to the side. Derek strikes next and tries to just knock him out, but the nogitsune is strong, maybe stronger than a werewolf.

I start to limp over until I hear a click. I look up to see Argent pointing a gun to him. I try to limp faster, but the pain wouldn't let me.

"Argent, don't do this." Noah pleads.

"Why? I've don't it before. Werewolves, berserkers, I can easily add nogitsune to the list." Argent responds fiercely.

Noah pulls out his own gun. "You're not going to shoot my son."

"That's not your son."

"Put it down Argent." Noah commands.

Stiles fakes starting to tear up. "Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me Dad."

"Put it down!" Noah calls out again as I almost reach them.

Stiles locks onto Argent. "Pull the trigger. Come on. Shoot me. Shoot me! Shoot me!"

I stand behind Argent, watching the scene and the sun go down.

"Stop, stop it. This is exactly what he wants." Allison speaks up.

Stiles turns to her. "Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. And if someone would cooperate, but I'm glad you have your guns out. Because you're not here to kill me." He turns, facing the window as the Oni appear. "You're here to protect me."

He steps back behind his father and Argent, stopping next to me, while Derek and Allison stand on the other side of us. Shots were fired, but it didn't seem like it effected them. A battle surrounded us one I couldn't help because I didn't know how. Suddenly the Oni disappear and I look to my left noticing Stiles did too.

"What happened?" Scott and Kira appeared in the doorway.

"They disappeared." Allison answered.

I look up. "And so did Stiles."

Scott sits by me on my old bed, which was Issac's at the moment. He studies my face, probably noticing the eyebags. "You need to get some sleep, okay? Kira will be staying with us because of something with her parents. Sleep."

"I can't. He comes when I sleep." I say looking at the floor.

"He can't get you here." Scott closes the door behind him as I stay sitting at the foot of the bed. I look around, seeing a few of my old things that I had in here, bringing back memories.

But of course, my nice time was interrupted by stabbing pain in my stomach. I screamed in pain as I held my stomach, falling to the floor. Scott barged in my room, freaking out. Tears streamed down my face for the pain wouldn't subside. "My stomach, there's... there's a knife in it."

Scott lifts up my shirt, revealing blood and a huge cut. "Kira grab a towel." He turns to her and she quickly disappears, then reappears with a towel. Scott puts pressure on it as I groan in pain. "This doesn't make sense. When you mark someone, you shouldn't feel their pain, just emotions."

"Scott," I pant, "he's a nogitsune, he did this. He's trying to do the same thing to me as he did Stiles." I gasp for air. "Normally I would know that Stiles had pain, but the nogitsune did something where I can feel it, and have it." I groan again. "Take my damn pain Scott! I'm not going to bleed out."

Scott grabs my hand and he grunts as black veins sprout throughout his hand. But for me, my pain left. I felt peaceful. For a second, it felt like everything was okay.

But nothing was okay.

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now