Feelings - Wakko x male skeleton Reader

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— Requested by @yourapeasant —

Wakkos pov
"I'm bored!", I sighed out loud as I laid on the living room floor bouncing a small balloon. "Same here!", Both Yakko and Dot responded. Dot was flipping through a magazine on the couch and Yakko was flipping through tv channels. "Why don't you call that 'friend' of yours?", Yakko asked making air quotations on the friend part. I turned my head slightly in confusion and mimicked him "Why 'friends'? and who are you even talking about!" "You know that skeleton guy your all kissy kissy with", Yakko smirked making a smoochy face. Dot looked up from her magazine and smiled, "Oh yeahhh you mean Y/n?" I blushed uncontrollably and pouted at them. "Wakko loves Y/nnnn Wakko lovess Y/nnn!", They both began to scream and jump on the couch. "Oh stop it!", I yelled out, knowing deep down they were probably right. "So when you gonna call him loverboyyy?", Yakko asked wiggling his eyebrows at me, I stomped off into my room and fell face first into my bed. I sat up and thought for a moment, 'I wanna see Y/n so bad', I thought but I knew that Yakko and Dot would make him coming over extremely embarrassing for me. I shivered at the thought. Maybe I could go to his house? I quickly grabbed my phone and went to my contact titled 'Y/n <3' and pressed call. "Hello?", I heard him ask, I felt squeamish just hearing his attractive voice. "I'm bored! Please let me go to your house! Oh hi by the way", I responded and he laughed, I blushed at the thought of me making him laugh. "Sure Wakko come over", he said excitedly, "I'll be right there!", I yelled and hung up the phone. I quickly ran out my room and into the bathroom, I stared into the mirror making sure my fur wasn't messy and I looked my best. After making sure I looked good I ran out into the living room, "I'm going to a friends house!", I called out. As I opened the water tower door Yakko came up to me "Wait Wakko. What friend you can't just go off !", he said to me sounding like a dad. I groaned and looked at my feet knowing I was about to get made fun of, "Y/n.", I replied. "Oh! Well you guys have fun then", he winked at me and practically pushed me out the door. I started to walk out of the Warner Brothers lot, Y/n lived only a few blocks away so it normally only takes 10 minutes to get there. As I kept walking I felt more and more nervous, we hang out all the time but this time it just felt different.
~~He gets 2 ur house:)~~
2nd person pov
Wakko rung the door bell and began to fidget with his hands as he waited for you to open the door. You opened the door making Wakko flinch and then smile. "Hi Y/n!", he waved, "Hey! come in", you said opening the door wider for him to enter. "Do you wanna play some video games?", you asked as you closed and locked your front door. "Faboo!", he called out, "So that's a yes right?", you asked and he nodded childishly. You both ran to your living room and sat on the floor, you handed him a controller. "What game?", you asked showing him your collection. He began to look through all the games giving small amounts of feedback every few seconds. "THIS ONE!", he yelled holding out 'Mario Kart 6s'. You smiled at his choice and started playing. "I WON!", Wakko called out and started to bounce around your living room, "Yeah only because I let you!", you replied playfully. Wakko sat back down next to you, but this time so close his shoulder was touching yours making you a bit nervous. "Wanna try another track?", you asked to break some tension, "sure", he replied grabbing his controller. You looked over at him for a second you just wanted to hug him, but he would probably think you were weird if you just randomly did, you shook the thought from your head and started a new track. "I won!", you called out and he childishly pouted at you. "Aw Wakko don't be sad you won the first match!", you said jokingly but took this as an opportunity to hug him. The hug lasted a bit longer than you had first expected, you leaned in and put your arms around him and to your surprise he hugged you right back but didn't let go for a few minutes.

Wakkos pov
Y/n hugged me and of course I hugged back, this whole time i've just wanted to be embraced in his arms, I didn't want the hug to end but eventually I let go. I blushed as he brought his arms back to his body and smiled at me. "Guess you like hugs?", he laughed a bit and picked up his controller. "From you? Yes.", I responded quietly and he looked over at me, making me blush. "What makes my hugs so special?", he asked and I tried to think of a good response in my head. 'Probably because i'm absolutely in love with you and can't get you off my mind', I thought in my head but knew I could just say that out loud. "Well you're uhh.. different from others you know?", I replied awkwardly and he put an arm around my shoulder. "Why is it because i've got no skin?", he said jokingly and I giggled. "No not that! Well yes but no!", I laughed forgetting his arm was around my shoulders. "Then what?", he asked, great. I have to think of another response, or I could say I was hungry and end this whole conversation. "Well I don't know.. I think about hugging you a lot so it's nice for it to actually happ-", I stopped talking realizing what I just said and put my hands over my mouth in embarrassment. Y/n took his arm of my shoulders and looked at me, he looked surprised but also relieved, an expression i've never seen him make. "If it makes you feel any better I think a lot about that to", he responded and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I removed my hands from my mouth and just stared at him. "R-really?", I asked nervously, practically shaking out of my skin.( hehe) He put his hands on mine, and I looked down at them, his hands were so much bigger it's like they perfectly cupped mine. He started to lean into my face and without thinking I leaned into his.

2nd person pov
Your lips touched and it felt amazing, sadly it didn't last as long as you guys had hoped for. 'RINGGGGGGRINGRING', You guys both jumped and Wakko pulled away quickly and grabbed his phone. "Oh it's Yakko, I need to answer.", he said sounding embarrassed and quickly picked up the phone. "Sorry to interrupt your make out session sib but Plotz called us and says he needs to have a talk so you should probably come we can meet in his office.", Yakko said through the phone. "Wait how did you know we were ki-", Wakko stopped talking quickly and covered his mouth again making you laugh like crazy. "Say what? WAIT. YOU WERE KISSING?! WAKKO LOVES Y/NNNN!", Yakko yelled out so loud you could hear it. Wakko quickly hung up the phone and nervously smiled at you. "I've gotta go! Plotzy needs to talk to me and my siblings", he said and made a sad face. "I can walk you back if you want it's not far", you insisted and his mood quickly picked up. You guys left your house and started walking back to the lot. Nobody was talking and you felt a great tension until Wakko randomly grabbed your hand, you smiled at him and continued walking trying not to make it look like you were extremely nervous. Finally you guys got to the lot and it was time to say your goodbyes. "Well Wakko I had fun", you smiled, "I did to! Sorry I had to go so quick." "WAKKO THERE YOU ARE COME ON!!!", Dot yelled from like 50 feet away and kept waving her arms to get Wakkos attention. Wakko blushed in embarrassment and you laughed, "Well bye I guess", you said sadly. Wakko quickly smooched your cheek and began to run away screaming "BYEEEE ILL CALL YOUUUU!!"

:))) I have 5 more requests i'm working on rn so it might take a few days but I promise i'm working on them and they will come out!!!

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