No Longer Friends - Flirty Wakko x Reader

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hi guys i'm back! I will be trying to update like three times a week or more on both books but please understand I still have some more health issues I will be trying to resolve this month! I am feeling well enough to write and I can walk around and stuff like normal so please don't worry I wouldn't If i couldn't!!Also Thankyou to everyone who wished me luck!! I will update if anything major happens where I would have to take a break again, but I doubt anything will! Enjoy the story:)

2nd person pov

You and the Warner's had been friends for about a year now, you were a main character in a featured cartoon on their show, 'Animaniacs'. You were all very close but specifically with Wakko, he had been your crush since the day you met him he was adorable, funny and you loved being around him. It was a known thing around the studio that you guys had a thing for each other, apparently everyone knew but you two! Every morning you would stop by the water tower a few minutes before the work day began, and today was no different.

"Hi Y/n!", Wakko said as he answered the door and embraced you in a giant hug. "Oh hey Y/n. Geez Wakko let em breathe!", Yakko said as he walked past the door way, Wakko let go quickly. "Oh I don't mind!", you said to Wakko who looked embarrassed. "Yeah of course you don't it's not like your both not constantly all over each other!", Yakko said out loud making the two of you blush. "Y/n Y/n! Which is cuter!", Dot said running towards you holding two different colored dresses. "hmm that one!", you pointed and she jumped in joy and ran back off. "Hurry Dot were leaving!", Yakko yelled out and Dot ran out in the dress you chose. "I'm ready!", she smiled brightly and twirling.

The four of you walked to studio set #22, you and Wakko walked just a few feet behind Yakko and Dot. As you walked Dot and Yakko had become submerged into their own conversation leaving you to listen to Wakko's terribly cheesy pick up lines that made you laugh. "Are you an angel? Because I want to kiss you", he said winking. "That doenst make sens-", you began but were interrupted by Yakko. "We're here!", he said aloud and you guys walked into the gigantic open area with a giant garage door. Everyone was running around frantically trying to get things ready, making the place very noisy.

"Kids you're here!", John the man in charge of making sure you guys did what you needed to get done. "Today we're filming a special so this is really important! Aaa you can see we've got a full house today many investors here for the show so try not to mess up we're going for 2-3 takes in every scene today!", he said making you instantly feel pressured. "Woah.. that is a lot of people.. big people.. with money.. I don't know about all this..", you said realizing if you messed up at all everyone would watch. "Cmon i'm sure you'll do fine! Wakko has no idea what's ever going on and he's doing great.", Dot said smiling innocently at you. "We could hold hands if it makes you feel better.", Wakko said flirtatiously but to his surprise you took the offer. You latched your hand onto his making him smile brightly and wiggle his eyebrows at Yakko who rolled his eyes. "Okay go get ready guys you've got 15 minutes!", John said and you noticed him quickly glanced at you and Wakko's interwoven hands.

Wakko walked into the dressing room with you instead of going to his because it was "booorrringg", as he put it. He sat down on a small couch in the corner, as you picked up the outfit the costume designer had set out for you. "So uhh are  you gonna go or can I change?", you asked playfully and he stood up. "I will go.. after a kiss", he smiled innocently and fluttered his eyelashes at you. "Wakko.. fine. On the cheek though.",you replied just as you leaned he tripped on the clothes you were holding,one of the pieces had been dragging on the ground and you guys hadn't noticed. You fell onto the ground and he fell down almost on top of you before catching himself with his hands  on the ground, his body still lingering over yours, suddenly the door opened.

"Woah.. uhh you should really lock the door!", Yakko said as he stood by the door way. "Oh no wait-", Wakko began to explain blushing and quickly picking himself up. "We tripped.", you said to Yakko and he smiled. "yeah that's cute.. anyway we've gotta go on set in a few minutes so maybe finish this afterwards", he said pointing his finger and motioning towards the both of you. You smiled shyly and he closed the door. "I will just go then", Wakko smiled awkwardly and ran out the room for you to change.

You finished changing and walked out your dressing room to the bustling set, Dot saw you and quickly greeted you over. "I saw Wakko run out your dressing room all red and Yakko laughing at him what happened?", she began to interrogate. "Oh.. uhm well nothing really just I was gonna kiss him on the cheek because he said- well you know just a friend thing and we tripped and then Yakko walked in.", you said so quickly the average person would have not been able to understand it. But this was Dot, she definitely understood, "hmm.. do you-", Dot tried to ask a question but Yakko butted in. "Hey guys-HELLOOOOO NURSE!", he yelled out at one of the investors and began to chase her off set. Safe to say they put no money into the show.

Wakko quickly walked towards you and Dot, "Everyone! Places! Scene 1! Yakko Dot! You two are up!", the director yelled out and the two siblings ran up behind the giant green screen. "So..", you said quietly making sure there was no awkward tension between you and Wakko. "You know you never gave me that kiss.", he said blankly not looking at you but keeping his eyes on his siblings preforming in front of him. "On the cheek.", you reminded him and leaned closely up to his face. You gave him a small kiss on the cheek and he visibly blushed, he seemed to float in the air for a second out of pure bliss then quickly grabbed you and began attacking you with kissed all over your face. "Wakko hahaha that tickle-Wakko!!", you yelled out and he continued his actions, making the entire set go silent and look over at you two.

You quickly stopped smiling and lightly pushed him off of you, he noticed the silence and looked around. "Uhh sorry uhm you guys can uhh continue.", you said looking down at the floor but nobody moved for another five seconds. "OUT! WE HAVE INVESTORS HERE AND YOU ARE MAKING A FOOL OF US GO! Maybe tomorrow you two can do better John escort them out.", The director yelled out and you and Wakko made puppy eyes at each other. people began to talk and drop commentary to each other about what had just happened, as John took you guys out the set. "Sorry kids..",
he said closing the door behind you guys.

You both silently walked to the tower, embarrassed as ever, he rubbed his hand against your as you walked and you held onto his making him intertwine your fingers with his own. "Yakko is gonna give me a lecture.", he groaned. "Don't worry he'll probably give me one to.", you said quietly. "You know he thinks we're dating.", he said quickly looking at your face to catch your reaction. "I know we are just friends but isn't that funny.", he said not laughing or smiling in fact his expression was more of a frown. You could tell something was off, normally he would wiggle his eyebrows at you or try to kiss you on the cheek but he stayed dead silent. "I guess I could see why he'd think that.", you said motioning your head towards your interlocked hands. He smiled slightly then looked back up at you. "Yeah we do hold hands a lot.", he said. "Yeahh.. you know i'm sure everyone thinks we're dating after what happened in there!", you laughed out as you pointed at the set building you two were previously in. "You're right", he said trying to hold back his laughter but failing.

"I mean.. why aren't we!", you tried to fit in between giggles and he quickly stopped laughing and looked directly at you, his mood shifting back to serious. "what..", he said quietly and a knot formed in your stomach out of fear you thought you shouldn't have said that. "Well no what I meant to say-", he quickly embraced you in a tight hug pulling away and putting his hands on each side of your face and passionately kissing you. Shock coursed through your body. He pulled away and smiled at you. "Woah.", was all you managed to say. "I've been waiting to do that!", he smirked as he took your hand again and you both continued your walk back to the water tower. "You have?", you asked and he nodded. "Wait. does this mean we're dating?", he asked you his face genuinely curious. "Hmm", you thought for a moment, "yes.. it does!", you smiled and he fainted on the ground. "Wakko?! Are you oka-", you asked but he sprung back up and went on a rant. "Know that we are dating I can spend hours giving you kisses, and we can cuddle, and I can buy you so many gifts and you can hold me and WE CAN EAT SNACKS TOGETHER WE CAN HAVE A SNACK EATING CUDDLE PARTY!", he yelled out and you broke into laughter. "Yes! That sounds awesome!", you said nodding in approval. He smiled the brightest he had ever smiled grabbed your hand and ran to the tower at a million miles an hour.

"Here i've been saving this for you.", he said handing you a small stuffed animal [your fav animal], your eyes widened at the small toy in his hand. "I LOVE IT!", you shouted out practically pouncing in him for a hug. "I was always too nervous.", he said shyly. "Oh come here you're adorable!", you shouted out and showered the boy with kisses.

The rest of the night you two fulfilled Wakko's relationship dream of having a 'snack eating cuddle party', and watching movies, the best time you'd spent with anyone in your life.

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