Anime-niacs pt.1 Yakko x Reader

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— Requested by @trashyfangirlFML —
2nd person pov

Yakko x Tsundere reader

It was raining and you were leaving your  job at a local coffee shop. "Good work today Mark, Y/n other than the dispute with that customer you did alright.", you boss's voice echoed through the empty shop. Mark, your co worker seemed to be so good with all the customers and their complaints. While you on the other hand tried your best but it never seemed to work out. You grabbed your backpack, opened your umbrella and started to walk out the shop.

You walked in silence, keeping your eyes on the ground trying to avoid stepping into any puddles on the sidewalk. "Hey cutie do you have a phone I can borrow I need to call my brother.", A voice asked behind you and you quickly turned your body around. 'Woah.', you thought in your head as an attractive person stood before you. "Do I know you?", you asked looking the soaking wet person up and down, they were very fit, they wore topaz pants with a white haramaki wrap around their stomach. "Don't think so.. I'm Yakko, and you must be the love of my life.", he said holding out a hand which you slowly shook. "I'm Y/n.", you replied still unsure about whether he was trustworthy or why he was talking so suggestively. "So about that phone?", he asked making you snap out of your thoughts. "I don't just let strangers use my phone.", you replied and turned to continue walking. 'How am I supposed to know he's not just gonna steal it?', you asked yourself then felt him grab your shoulder lightly making you spin back around.

"Don't touch me!", you said loudly holding onto your umbrella tightly. "Oh i'm sorry love but I reallyyy need to borrow it you can even put it on speaker and hold it I just need to call my brother.", he said sounding more desperate. "Don't call me that! and fine but i'll hold it.", you said and began to take the phone out of your pocket. You held the phone up to him tightly and watched his face as he began to type something in. You then looked over to see why he was typing for so long only to see he had been creating a new contact. "Hey! What are you doing!?", you yelled out and quickly snatched your phone. "Adding my number.", he said with a wink and you made a face at him then looked at your phone screen. He had named a new contact 'Yakko aka new bf', and put what you could only assume was his number. "So this whole time you didn't need to call your brother?", you asked. "Well no.. but-" "ugh I knew I shouldn't have wasted my time here I need to go home.", you yelled out and stomped off in the direction of your house.

You quickly turned to glance at him, he stood there the rain hutting him harshly with what seemed to be sadness on his face. 'Just go home Y/n you don't have time for this..", you thought to yourself and continued your walk.

When you got home you took your shoes off, set your stuff down, and took a nice warm bath to calm yourself down. Bath time was normally your time to reflect upon the day, you sat quietly in the warm bath thinking about Yakko. His stupid cute face. Maybe he is a good guy, I did yell at him and leave him getting rained, he looked sad. All these thoughts made you feel guilty. You glanced over at your phone sitting on the bathroom counter and quickly got out the bath and into pajamas. You sat on your bed staring at the phone now in your hands then slowly opening it and going to the contact he had made for himself. 'Ugh i'm just gonna waste my time.', you thought but your guilt took over and you decided to send a message. 'Hi it's Y/n I don't know you well, but sorry about yelling earlier' sent. Only seconds after you heard a ring and quickly checked to see if it was Yakko. 'Hi cutie ;) it's fine but how about a date to make it up?',you read from your screen. "ughh why is he so charming. He's not even here!", you said to yourself and shoved your face into a pillow. 'fine tonight come to my place at 8 <insert address>' 'Knew I would crack you ;) i'll be there' You shoved your face back into the pillow. The time began to near 8, you decided to stay in your pajamas to not make it look like you were trying too hard.

You then heard a knock on your door, quickly you ran to open the door. "Hi", you said quietly opening the door wider for him to walk inside. "Woah nice place.", he said looking around. "uhh wait there your dripping water", you said and he froze while you ran to grab a towel. When you returned he smiled, "Thank you", he said while wrapping the towel around himself and taking a seat on your small couch. You warmed up some hot chocolate for the both of you and sat down next to him, handing him a mug.

"Well you're certainly being nicer than ai thought you would.", he smirked and you made a face. "well.. uhh yeah just figured I would give you a chance.", you said quietly. "I know I don't know you but I can tell you're really sweet even if you don't wanna show it.", he said  playfully. You groaned and turned on the tv. "So is your 'brother' at home?", you asked making air quotations. "Yeah he's with my sister.", he replied then took a sip of his cot chocolate. "Oh so you've got a sister now to?", you asked. "Well yeah I didn't lie about having a brother I just lied abou- oh.. yeah sorry about that.", he said when he saw you make a face. "I have a younger brother and sister.", he then said turning to watch the tv. "You're lucky.", you spat out. "How?", he asked. "Well I don't know but I would just like someone here to keep me company if you have a brother and a sister i'm sure you never feel lonely." He looked at you soothingly, "Well it's kinda hard, protecting them from the world, while providing for them, acting like a parent, and still trying to have a life of my own.", he sighed and you placed your hand over his that was resting on the couch. "But you know if you ever feel lonely I could come around and we could have fuuuuunnnn", he said wiggling his eyebrows. "ew!", you pouted. "I'm kidding! But really I don't mind giving you company... or making out you know whatever you want." he said quietly making you giggle. For the next three hours you both sat there talking about your lives and how different but still similar they were. "So.. about that make out offer..", you said quietly joking but also knowing you wouldn't mind. "Wait really?", he asked smirking and scooting closer to you. "I mean.. yeah.. but we just met to-" He kissed you passionately keeping his hands on your lower back. Somehow he was able to guide you onto his lap without saying anything but kissing and lightly guiding your back. Before you finished his phone began to ring making the both of you jump up. "Sorry.. I actually have to talk to my brother this time.", he said answering the phone. You got off his lap and sat next to him on the couch thinking about what you guys just did. "I've gotta go sorry.. gotta take them some food.", he said turning to you and making a slightly sad face. "Oh it's fine yeah I actually have some cookies I made a few days ago if maybe you wanna bring them some also.", you offered, "They would love that", he smiled and you ran up to get some cookies for him. He handed you your towel and you gave him the cookies as he left the door. "Oh wait!", you shouted out making him turn. "here. take this.", you said remembering how he said he didn't have enough money for an umbrella right now. "You can keep it", you said handing him your umbrella. "Wait but what will you use?", he asked worryingly. "I can get another one tomorrow don't worry.", you reassured and he opened the umbrella. "Text me when you get home!!", you shouted out. "I will!", he shouted out and you closed your door. The rest of the night your heard was whirling with emotions of confusion and love. You couldn't wait to see him again.. whenever that would be.

hii!! part 2 will b Wakko and part 3 will b Dot!!! I will be posting them either later tonight or tomorrow

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