Ballroom dance- Yakko x fem reader

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-requested by @yakkosimp—
Yakko pov
I sat on the edge of my bed as I watched y/n get dressed up for the banquet party. Plotz thought it would help with publicity and impressing new people to buy stocks. Scratchy said we had to dress and act 'fancy and polite' if we wanted to attend so I wore a black suit with a bright red bow tie. Wakko and Dot ran into my room and shouted "WE ARE READDYYY!", in sync. Wakko wore a blue suit also with a red bow and Dot wore a pink dress that puffed out at the sleeves. "Wait a sec sibs y/n is still getting ready.", I replied and they both let out childish sighs and went into the living room to watch tv. "here let me help you with that.", I said quickly to y/n she struggled to close her black dress from the back. "thankyou!", she replied and kissed me on the cheek and ran to get her small purse.

2nd person pov
The four of you climbed down from the water tower carefully to not dirty your outfits. When you got down there was news cars and reporters everywhere trying to catch the moment when stars would walk into the ball room. The four of you walked through a small red carpet while microphones and cameras were being shoved into your faces making Yakko snap a bit. "Hey leave them alone!", he said sternly to a man trying to interview you and Wakko. When you walked in it was beautiful the floor was so shiny and there was small sparkly gems embedded into it, the walls had beautiful golden railings, there were tables to sit at and tables with tons of food at each side of the beautiful big dance room. In the back there was an orchestra playing music and in the middle was the most beautiful chandelier you had ever seen.

"LETS EAT!" "LETS DANCE!", Wakko and Dot yelled out at the same time and the made faces at each other. "oh no you don't!", Yakko said grabbing the both of them by the arm and leading them to a table. The four of you sat down trying to act as respectful as possible which got boring after a while. "Pleaseeee can I just have one chocolate strawberries I won't make a mess!!", Wakko begged and Yakko agreed so they both got up leaving you and Dot at the table. "You know he's in love with you right?", Dot said to you as she looked at her nails. "what?", you asked pretending not to hear what she had said causing her to look up. "Yakko. It's sooo obvious", she smirked. "When your not with us he talks about you allll the time! He has been working hard all week to act mature at this party to impress you.",Dot continued. "really?!", you whisper yelled, your eyes filled with excitement. "yes. you should probably ask him to dance he's been practicing.", Dot said quickly and shot you a wink as Yakko and Wakko returned.
"Hey Wakko I think I just saw Don Knotts over there!", Dot said pointing across to the other side of the dance room. Immediately Wakkos jumped up and went running with Dot. 'She did this on purpose', you thought and looked up to see Yakko tapping on the table watching people slow dance. "Hey Yakko wanna dance",you asked gulping nervously. He turned his head quickly and nodded. He quickly ran to your chair and picked you up by the hand elegantly just how Scratchy taught him and led you to the crowd of people. He placed his hands on your hips and began to move around to the music, you followed his lead and stayed that way for a while. "SAY CHEESE!", Wakko yelled out and the both of you turned your head to see a giant flash come from a camera he was holding. "Hey you stop that right now!", Plotz yelled out as he had noticed the commotion and snatched the camera away from Wakko causing Wakko and Dot to chase him around the party. You and Yakko joined them saying stuff like "hey that's not yours!", and "give it back!" Eventually people got scared  because maybe.. just maybe Wakko pulled out his mallet. You all got kicked out, so you went back to the water tower where you would stay the night. Where Wakko and Dot fell fast asleep and you and Yakko watched a few movies before falling asleep on his bed.

hehe i tried!! i will probably write some more tonight and i will try to update tomorrow night but i'm going on a date hehe wish me luck :D

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