Lipstick- Wakko x fem! reader

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—requested by : @ur_local_weeb —
(btw I randomly picked uncle u can change if u want!!)
2nd person pov
You walked around the Warner Brothers lot, the breeze blowing your dress slightly, your makeup just newly done by one of the makeup artists, not because you were there to act sadly but just because your uncle worked there.
Really you were just looking for the building with your Uncles office, he had asked you to go get a supply of snacks for all the actors and staff there. You finally spotted the building and sped up your walking which caused a bag of goldfish to fall out of the snack bag. "GOLDFISH!", You heard a yell from the other side of the lot and a toon came running straight towards the goldfish baggy on the floor. You watched in complete confusion as he grabbed the bag from the ground, kissed it, and then raised it above his head to do what looked like a victory dance. The toon then noticed you staring. He blushed slightly before jumping into your arms making all the snacks fall onto the ground while howling "hellooooo nurse!", and then sticking his tongue out. "i'm Wakko by the way! I like your lipstck", he added and kissed your cheek before leaping out of your arms with his goldfish bag. "Hey you made me drop all the snacks! I need to hurry my uncles gonna kill me!", you screeched and scurried onto the floor collecting all the fallen bags. Wakko turned his head slightly as if confused, "why will he kill you?", he asked. "He won't actually kill me just he will be upset because i'm already running late.", you explained without looking away from your task of picking up the snacks. "Wakko why did you run off like that you know your not supposed-", Someone began and you looked up to see a taller toon. "it's fine i'm almost done picking up.", you said before Wakko could answer. "i'm Yakko by the wa-" "and i'm Dot!", a third toon came in and chirped. "oh hi i'm y/n, nice meeting you guys but i've gotta go!", you shouted while grabbing the last of the snacks and running off. Yakko and Dot waved bye and turned to walk the opposite direction expecting Wakko to join them, but he didn't. They both turned back around to see Wakko still standing the direction you walked away practically drooling, and his heart beating so quickly you could see it through his turtleneck. "boys..", Dot murmured and began to pull him by the tail.
***time skip later that day***
"Thank you y/n you did well today maybe someday it will be you in this office huh?!", your Uncle laughed. "yeah.", you replied while doodling on a notebook you found by his desk. Suddenly you heard screaming coming from outside of your uncles office, shocked he ran to the door and opened up and began screaming as well. "WHAT IS IT!", you yelled out. "it's one of the Warner's!", he yelled out and hid behind his desk. 'Warner's? what.', you thought. Suddenly the doorknob began to move viciously and you closed your eyes expecting your worst nightmare. "Helloooo nurse!", and Wakko jumped back onto your lap and gave you another kiss. "Wakko? what are you doing here?", you asked and your Uncle ran out of his office pointing at you and screaming "HES ON YOU THE WARNER IS ON YOU!" "I came to look for you!", Wakko explained as he leaped off of your lap and pulled you up by the hand. "why exactly?", you asked as he lead you out of the building. "well to do this!", he smiled and you stood there looking around to see exactly what he did. "muuuuaaaahhh!" he kissed your lips, you were shocked but got red very quickly. He smirked slightly and handed you a can of soda he had pulled out from under his hat? How strange. You both walked around for a bit not saying much other than Wakko complimenting your dress to which you replied "thankyou", shyly. "I KNOW WHAT WE CAN GET!!!", Wakko shouted and grabbed your hand and began to run 1 million miles an hour. He stopped the two of you in front of a small shop called 'Shakes', with a small picture of a milkshake next to the sign. "I wonder what they sell here?", you said sarcastically. "oh well shakes of course! how adorable!", Wakko said while glancing at you lovingly and then prancing inside. You both Ordered your milkshakes and ate them outside as the sun set. Or at least you did, Wakko stuffed the whole thing, glass, spoon, and everything else into his mouth in one bite. You both watched as the night fell and it became pitch black. Then your phone began to vibrate. "hello?", you answered, it was your uncle. "y/n y/n where are you I need you back here now we are going home!", he shouted through the phone. He had a rule that after sundown you shouldn't be 'walking about' You sighed and explained to Wakko you had to leave. He once again g babes your arm and raced back to the studio in less than 2 seconds. You found your uncle and got into the car Wakko came up to the window to say bye and you gave him a smooch on the cheek before your uncle drove off nodding his head in disbelief. Wakko stood there even after the car drove out of the lot looking as if he was in a trance. He was there for about an hour just entranced with love when Dot found and approached him. "Did Pinky and Brain do this?", she asked only to get no response. She then grabbed an anvil and dropped it on his head. "That outta do it!", she chirped and Wakko ouched in pain. "say why is there a pink lip stain on your cheek?", Dot asked but Wakko didn't reply and began to walk slowly to the water tower as if he was in an entrances daze.

(he probably refused to shower for a few days because of the kiss but Yakko and Dot probably wiped the lipstick off in his sleep so he would go back to normal lol)
hopefully u guys enjoyed:)

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