Knives And Killers PART 4

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~??? POV~

The moon was full and mist was covering the damp forest floor. For some reason there was this... feeling... that somebody else was in these woods with me. I decided to shake it off and to keep walking. My stealth was really good but tonight I didn't have a care in the world so I just let my shoes drag across the dry leaves that surrounded me.

Crunch, Crunch, Crunch. The sound of the leaves under my shoes made an echo in the woods and the snapping of twigs sounded off around me. I took my hand and placed it on the pocket that contained my trusty blade. The feeling of somebody else in these woods was starting to get to me. I wasn't scared! It is rare for me to be scared because... well... Killers aren't meant to get scared. It just doesn't seem right for a killer to be scared especially in woods that I am so familiar in. My senses were now on alert that was until...


Whilst I silently lowered myself to another branch below, the sound of footsteps got closer and closer. My grip on my bowie knife was getting tighter and my body was motionless. I stared at the ground waiting for this person or thing to wander past. What I saw next caught me off guard. It was a teenage looking boy. He was on his own and he wore a white hoodie with black trousers that was covered by some bloodstains. Call me crazy but my combat instincts kicked in and I got into a suitable position to leap off the tree and at this person. He got closer and closer till he was right in front of me and was at a good angle to attack.

'Let's see if your combat skills are as intimidating as those blood stains' I said in my mind. There was silence.. only the sound of him walking by. I took this as my chance I swung from the branch and kicked him to the floor as I reached the ground.  I climbed onto him and raised the bowie knife to his neck with slight pressure but not enough to draw blood out. He had a look of shock on his face but I still remained with the cold, insane look in my eyes as I stared at my victims face.

It took me a few seconds to notice but he didn't seem to be blinking! It looked as if his eyelids had been burned off and he had a carved smile on his cheeks that was still dripping fresh blood.

I heard a snap of twigs behind me and I did the wrong thing and I looked behind me. He took that time to get up, grab my neck and pin me to a tree with such force and brutality. My face had turned from the look of a killer to a shocked next victim. Damn I was in a hell lot of trouble.

"You think you can kill me?" His voice was dark and chilly. Our faces were only centimetres apart which made me rather uncomfortable.

"I.. I'm sorry just let me go!" I whimpered as his grip got tighter. He wrapped his other hand tightly around my wrist as he stared at me with his never - blinking eyes.

Chills ran down my spine as a smirk appeared on his face which I didn't think would be possible considering he had a huge cut out grin on his face which only seemed to get wider as he smirked at me.

"Do me a favor and Go... To... Sleep" Those words was the last thing I was ever gonna hear but I just smiled because I didn't really have a reason to live or anything to go back to that really cares about me.

"W..Why are you smiling?! Aren't you scared?" He questioned with slight tone of anger. His eyes grew cold as his evil stare never seemed to look away from me.

"Kill me, I don't care because I really don't have anything to live for" I whimpered as I looked away from his eyes and down at the dull forest floor. My reply must have caught him off guard because his grip loosened from me and he eventually let go whilst taking a step back from me.

"I have a place for people like you and me. Maybe you should come live with me and my family" My attacker asked me with a sound of pity which made me look back to his gaze.

"Give me time to think about it.." I replied with uncertainty. It was hard to speak due to me thinking about all the years I have suffered.

I turned and began to walk away from him and back to my 'home'. I wasn't eager to get home so I took my time. There was a feeling inside me that made me shiver. What if my parents found out I was gone? Worst of all.. What would happen when I get home?

I slithered up the side of the tree with the urge to sleep nearly washing over me. I was lucky to even climb up the tree since I was so damn tired. I was happy to be home because I could play music, play video games and sleep but my parents brought despair to those happy thoughts of mine. Sometimes I wish for to have a family that loves me and I guess I just have to keep dreaming.

"That guy said he had a family I could live with.." I whispered to myself in wonder as I imagined a family with people like me that live there. A place I could belong! My mind was made up.. I was gonna find that boy in the woods again and tell him my decision. For now, I am gonna get some decent and well deserved sleep!

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