Birthday Girl PART 16

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A/N Sorry for not updating in a while! I have been really busy and not had the time to write currently. I have been eager to finish this story so I will try update more often to make it up to you guys :)


I woke up the next day with Ben not by my side. Strange right? I got dressed into the usual hoodie, baggy trousers and converse. A yawn escaped from my mouth and I stretched my limbs whilst receiving the occasional cracking of bones. Hearing the sound of bones crack was satisfying but didn't fulfill my need to kill. Ha, look at me! I go killing once and now I'm eager to kill all the time. Nobody can blame me since my life was filled with abuse and Hate from my recently murdered parents. Heheh. I walked down stairs and nobody was there. Curiosity got the better of me and I eagerly went further into the living room to search for somebody. Until all of a sudden....
"SURPRISE!" All the creepypasta's shouted happily as balloons were released and Splendorman placed a party hat on my head. Wait what? Slendermans brothers were here? Oh boy... I saw BEN smiling at me from across the room and I gave a cheeky grin back before I raced over to him and tackled him full force with me landing on top. Wolf whistles were heard around the room but as expected Angela had her famous scowl on her face and made me tempted to make her bleed and cry in agony.
Jeff dragged me into another room with all the others and watched as I opened my presents which is what I enjoy most about my birthday. I opened Jeff's gift first and I got a knife. How typical! I chuckled and placed it aside and repeated the process with the rest of the gifts till I reached BEN'S gift. I slowly opened the present and gasped at what was in front of me. A golden necklace with a green gem in the shape of a controller shined as the sun hit it and caused it to reflect. My mouth gaped open in awe and I scanned the area for Ben. Nowhere... No Angela either... Strange. I put the gift down and went on a hunt for the pair but mainly for ben of course hehe. I opened the door to the last room that I had not checked and saw ben on the couch with Angela on top in the middle of a make out session! Tears streamed down my face at the sight and Ben turned and saw me and instantly pushed the bitch off him.
"Y/n, it's not what it looks like I swear! IT WASN'T ME PLEASE LISTEN!!!" BEN pleaded but I ignored him and pushed him away with all my might before storming out the mansion and racing towards into the darkness of the woods. I stopped to catch my breath and heard a voice suddenly speak up.
"I tried to warn you my dear"
"Z...zalgo?...." I sobbed as I looked up at the tall dark figure.
"Come with me and live with me and I promise things will get better. You do not deserve to live in despair" He spoke again in a soothing fatherly tone. Zalgo held his claw like hand in front of me waiting for me to decide and I slowly accepted his hand before we vanished into the darkness and into the giant castle of the powerful so called father of mine.
"I can't believe he would do that to me!" I cried out as the pain in my chest grew from my heart shattering into tiny shards of glass.
"Shhh.. it's ok... I am here I will take care of you" Zalgo calmly responded and embraced me in a hug as I hugged back and sobbed till my tears went dry.
"You can stay with me if you like? I would do anything for my daughter!" Zalgo offered. I was tempted and agreed to stay with him since he seemed to prove no harm. Zalgo led me to a spare room which was huge and was a combination of dark colours like black and blood red.
"Get some rest my dear. For we will be having a busy day tomorrow" Zalgo smirked as he closed the door of my bedroom and made his way back to the throne room. I lay on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. My thoughts raced as I wondered as to why Ben would go behind my back for her out of all people! A growl formed in my throat and I slowly closed my eyes and escaped from the pain into the abyss of darkness as I slept.

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