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~Nobody's POV~

(Y/n) laid in bed running low on tears as she cried. Whilst in the mansion all of the creepypasta's gathered to retrieve their precious member back! It didn't take long for them to form their plan and it was simple... infiltration. Nobody was bothered about small details so they all quickly gathered their supplies. Weapons I mean. Then set out.

~reader POV~

I looked at the stone wall and then was teleported to Zalgos side at the front of his throne. "My dear, the creepypasta's are on their way and are gone to try and take you away from me.. I want you to be a good girl and to stay behind me at all costs" He exclaimed in a worried tone which did not sound truthful at all but was unnoticed. "Yes father" And with that they prepared for the arrival and for the battle to begin.
The door slammed open and Slender stormed in along with all the creepypasta's at his aid. Zalgo growled and called his minions to his side and approached them. Sooner than expected, Zalgo made the first move and the battle began. Screams of anger and pain echoed through the castle walls as I watched my friends fight for.... for me...
After a while I spotted BEN try to reach out to me. Tears welled up in my eyes. I miss him... was it really his fault?


I saw her hiding behind Zalgo but she slowly stood out from behind him. I reached out to her and grabbed her away from him. I apologised to her countless times. I explained all of what happened with Angela and how it was a misunderstanding as the battle raged on around us. However, a fireball was headed straight for (y/n) so I quickly pushed her out the way and took the hit.


After BEN explained what happened between him and Angela I felt really bad. As I was about to hug him and kiss him he pushed me out the way and was sent flying to the wall by a giant fireball. Zalgo approached him and shoved his claws into his chest and used his magic to drain BEN'S life away from him. Slender appeared and pierced his tentacles into Zalgos chest and I watched as my so called 'father' turned into ashes.
I ran up to BEN'S side and cried my eyes out by his state. His pale skin and dull eyes... His skin colder than ever before. "I'm....s...s...sorry" He croaked out with his strength draining fast. "HELP ANYBODY" I screamed but I was informed that there was nothing that could be done. "BEN... you idiot.. why did you have to do that.." I cried out to him as my teardrops soaked him. I held him in my arms as he faintly chuckled and then replied "anything f...for my p..p.. princess.." As he finished that phrase his Red eyes seemed to lose their glow and his body became unresponsive. "BEN?... BEN!!!!" I screamed. Looks of shock and depression was on everybody's faces as they stared at the body that lay in my arms... 'why....' I thought. I carried his body and arranged a special funeral made by Slenderman himself. This funeral would give all the creepypasta's the ability to see their memories with BEN right to the very end. I remember crying at the side of his grave and leaving him gifts everyday as I grew restless and depressed. I would lock myself in my room and would not be seen by the fellow creepypasta's. As I was sitting in my room crying my eyes out there was a knock on the door. "Go away!" I growled but they just kept knocking. So I forced myself to the door and swung it open full force. "Hello princess..." BEN spoke as he wrapped my in his arms. "H...how?!" I was baffled. "Slendy still saw a tiny bit of my life force that Zalgo missed and was able to resurrect me. Do you really think I would leave you?.." with that I smashed my lips onto his and cried into his neck. My happiness has returned into my life by complete luck. Now I get to continue a life with my dear BEN and have the ability to kill, marry and have children that will live on knowing that even killers have hearts and can find love... Don't you hate sad endings? You can thank Slender for making this one happy! And the creepypasta's lived a happy and murderous life. Discovering love and true happiness...

THANKS FOR READING! HOPE YOU ENJOYED! I certainly enjoyed writing this book and I hope you have a great time READING it! Oh and by the way.... THANK YOU SLENDY! you didn't forget to thank him for saving our dear BEN now did you?

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