Enter Evie The Tutor

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Author's Note: I am really really really sorry for taking such a long time to update this story, but I was trying to think of a good way to introduce Evie since I decided to add her in this, but I was trying to come up with a good way. I finally figured it out thanks to livs12345 so thank you so much for the idea as it finally helped me to continue on with this story as I now have a whole lot more ideas that I can do with this concept. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you thought. And I promise I will definitely not take over a month to update this again.

   Carlos groaned as he looked at the test questions as he had no clue how to answer any of them despite him studying all night. Ava was out with Mal to his relief otherwise he would be in serious trouble for what he was about to do.

     "Okay I quit! This is impossible!" Carlos screamed out as he just started guessing on all the questions as he didn't care anymore.

     There was no way he was going to get a good grade on that test. "WHAT! I GOT A 40! AVA IS GONNA KILL ME!" Carlos screamed out as he finished his test and got back his results immediately.

     Carlos froze when he got a call from the headmistress at Auradon Prep aka Fairy GodMother as she made them all call her that as it was apparently some fantasy of hers. Carlos just sighed as he knew this wasn't a good sign.

     "Hello?" Carlos asked as soon as he picked up the phone. Fairy GodMother just sighed as she answered.

      "Carlos, we need to talk about this chemistry grade of yours. You are a smart kid, but Carlos this Chemistry grade is unacceptable. Unfortunately if you can't bring this grade up I will be forced to hold you back next year. I really don't want to do that because you are a good kid and you are Jane's best friend, but unfortunately I will have to if you can't bring up the grade. Now I will give you a chance to bring it up. We have a new student that just joined us. Her name is Evie and she is a genius when it comes to Chemistry. She has agreed to help you bring up your grade. In fact she can come over starting today if you agree," Fairy GodMother told Carlos, making him stare at the phone in shock.

        He could fail freshman year. Oh Ava was definitely gonna kill him. "Yes please! I'll do anything just please please please don't hold me back! My sister will literally kill me if she finds out! And please don't tell Ava! If she finds out I'm on the verge of failing Freshman year I'm dead!" Carlos screamed out as he began to panic.

         Fairy GodMother just sighed as she had grown a liking for Carlos. He was her daughter's best friend/secret crush and she knew how much of a hard worker he was and how much he sacrificed to raise his baby sister by himself at the age of 12.

          And she knew how much of a good kid he was. "Alright I'll tell you what. If you can manage to bring up that Chemistry grade with Evie's help then I will keep quiet about all of this because I know you are a good student and I understand that you are trying your best," Fairy GodMother told Carlos making him sigh in relief as she wasn't going to tell his big sister.

        "Thank you so much! You're the best! I promise I won't let you down! I'm gonna bring up that grade!" Carlos screamed out, making Fairy GodMother laugh at his enthusiasm. " Okay great well Evie should be there really soon. She's a very nice girl and I think she can really help you. Now I should get back to work. Bye Carlos and good luck!" Fairy GodMother told Carlos as she hung up.

         Carlos just sighed as he sat down on Ava's bed and just tried to take in all the information. If he couldn't manage to get his Chemistry grade up he would be held back and Ava would kill him, but if he could bring it up he would be fine.

         Carlos was brought out of his thoughts when the door opened and he was immediately met with a tiny girl jumping on top of him. "Cawos!" The small toddler screamed out as she hugged onto her big brother making him laugh as he hugged the small girl back.

         "Hey pup! What are you doing here," Carlos playfully told his baby sister making her laugh as she pointed to Ava. "Mama hab a wowk!" The small girl screamed out as she pointed to Ava who came back home after talking with Dylan and was just about to focus on finishing up her designs as she had a big fashion show coming up.

         Carlos just quickly looked up as he saw Ava. "Oh hey Ava!" Carlos quickly called out nervously making her look at him in confusion as he was acting weird. "Um hey... are you okay? You're acting weird... wait you failed that test didn't you!" Ava screamed out making Carlos give her a fake shocked look.

         "What! No, I told you I was prepared for that test! I definitely didn't fail! Oh look Mal's coloring on the walls again!" Carlos screamed out quickly as he tried to change the subject.

        "Wait what! Mal no! Mal Jalali drop the markers now!" Ava screamed out as she had looked over and saw that the toddler was indeed coloring on the walls with her purple marker. Carlos just sighed in relief as he watched Ava turn her attention to the toddler.

         "Mal Jalali I am not kidding! Stop coloring on the walls right now! We talked about this! We don't color on walls!" Ava screamed out to the toddler who just gave her an innocent smile. "Pweawy! No Sop!" The small girl told Ava as she continued to draw on the walls.

           "Alright that's it! I gave you a warning and you wouldn't stop! It's time for a time out!" Ava screamed out as she was getting sick of the toddler trying to go behind her orders. She was in charge and Mal needed to listen to her.

             Mal just started screaming and crying when Ava picked her up as she didn't want a time out. "NO! NO! NO! I NO WAN TIMOW! NO! WE GO! WE GO! NO! NO! NO! I BEHAB! I BEHAB! NO TIMOW! NO TIMOW!" The small toddler screamed out at the top of her lungs as she continued to kick and thrash.

              Ava just groaned as she hated this, but Mal needed to start listening to her. "Mal stop it! It's not going to work on me! I told you at least 3 times to stop coloring on the wall and you kept doing it. This is your punishment. You are going to sit in your crib for two minutes and if you get out it'll be longer!" Ava screamed out as she placed Mal down in her crib making Mal start screaming more as she was hoping to break Ava.

            "NO! I WAN OW! I WAN OW!" The small two year old screamed out as she held onto the side of her crib. "Mal I told you 2 minutes! You can scream and cry all you want, but I'm not letting you out! I'll be back in 2 minutes Mal," Ava told the toddler as she walked back over to her desk and started to work on her designing.

              "I WAN OW!" The small toddler screamed out from her crib making Carlos look at Aa who was just completely ignoring her cries as she was focusing. "Ava aren't you going to make her stop crying," Carlos whined out as he hated hearing the sounds of crying especially when he was supposed to have his new tutor over any minute now.

             He didn't want to scare her away before even meeting her as she was his only hope at this point. Ava just rolled her eyes as she looked at Carlos. "No she'll stop eventually when she realizes nobody is paying attention to her. That's what mom and dad used to do with you," Ava told Carlos, making him look at her in shock.

            "Wait what!" Carlos screamed out in shock, but before Ava could respond there was a knock at the door and Carlos immediately ran to the door as he knew who it was. "Hi I'm Evie and I heard you needed some Chemistry help," Evie told Carlos with a smile as she introduced herself making Carlos look at her in complete shock when he saw that Evie looked almost exactly identical to Ava except a little younger and the hair was different.

      Carlos quickly snapped out of his shock as he held out his hand. "Hey yeah I do and I'm Carlos. Come on in," Carlos told Evie as he tried to push away his shock. Evie just smiled as she came inside the dorm and Ava immediately looked at her in both shock and confusion.      

     "Carlos who is that!" Ava screamed out as she had no clue who this girl was that her little brother let into the dorm without permission, but the girl looked identical to her only a little younger and with blue hair.

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