Drunken Talks

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Ava groaned as she had been right and the annoying blonde girl didn't disappoint as she began to nervously make judgemental comments about her and her parenting as well. "Um Ava you're not really going to record your vogue interview right now and please tell me that what that child is drinking isn't what I think it is," Zoe told Ava making Ava roll her eyes as she picked up the sippy cup from Mal and handed it to Zoe.

     "Is it what you think it is?" Ava sarcastically told Zoe while sipping on her own drink knowing already what Zoe was getting at. Ava was drinking and the color of the drink Mal had was a very dark colored drink. It was obvious that Zoe really thought that Ava was that messed up to give a toddler alcohol.

       Before Zoe could really tell what was in the sippy cup the small toddler started throwing a fit as she began to reach for her sippy cup back. "My! Gib ba! My! My! My! Gib id ba!" The small toddler screamed out as she wanted her sippy cup back.

        Zoe just hesitantly handed the drink back to Ava and Ava rolled her eyes again as she handed it back to the toddler that immediately stopped crying once she had it back. "Relax I did not give my two year old sister alcohol! And I have to record my vogue interview right now. It's due tomorrow!" Ava told Zoe in frustration as she downed another sip of her drink making Zoe feel more worried.

         "Yeah but..." Zoe began but Ava cut her off. She was too drunk to listen to Zoe's complaints. "But what Nolan died! Or wait let me guess it's because I'm now a single mom basically! Is that another reason that I shouldn't be filming my vogue interview right now! Well guess what life moves on and in fact I need this vogue internship to get a better career and help provide for my little sister and brother!" Ava practically screamed out as she wasn't able to really think clearly.

          The small toddler noticed that her new mama was upset as she carefully climbed up on the bed and smiled when she had managed to get up without hurting herself. "Yay I dib id," the small toddler congratulated herself as she smiled and clapped her hands excitedly. She then carefully made her way over to Ava and sat down in her lap.

           Ava just smiled a little as she moved her cup, so that the toddler couldn't reach it and so that it wouldn't spill, but she got annoyed again when she saw that Zoe was still just standing at her door and just staring at her and Mal.

           "What?" Ava told the blonde in frustration and the small toddler just gave Zoe the same look. "Yeah! Wa!" The small girl told the older blonde as she was trying to be like Ava making Ava laugh a little before getting stern again and looking at Zoe.

            "Nothing it's just that you're day drinking which is something I've never seen you do before this week and I'm really worried about what that toddler is drinking. I'm assuming it's juice and you're supposed to water it down, but that doesn't look watered down and I really don't think you should be drinking around her," Zoe told Ava nervously as she was trying not to make Ava go off, but there were just things that Zoe couldn't ignore.

            "I know what I'm doing so stop trying to tell me what to do! I'm sick of people trying to tell me how to parent! And for your information it's soda not juice!" Ava told Zoe with an attitude making the blonde girl feel even more uncomfortable.

            The small toddler just held up her sippy cup trying to be like Ava again. "Yeah! Id sowa no uwce!" The young girl told Zoe with as much attitude as a toddler could have as she then took a sip of her soda. And Ava laughed again as she found it funny and adorable how Mal was trying to back her up and copy her.

           "Ava I really don't think that she should be drinking soda. I heard it's really bad for toddlers and I just don't think you should be drinking around her," Zoe told Ava nervously hoping to snap Ava out of her drunkenness.

        Ava just rolled her eyes as she saw that Zoe was wearing her coat again despite the fact that Ava had told her multiple times to stop taking her coat. "Yeah and I really don't think you should be wearing my coat again which is something I've seen you do a lot of," Ava told the girl trying to change the subject and bring attention away from her and her parenting.

         And the young toddler had no clue what Ava was talking about, but she still wanted to be like her. "Yeah!" The small girl screamed out making Zoe feel very uncomfortable and awkward knowing that Ava had caught her. "Oh wow how did that happen," Zoe nervously told Ava in a fake clueless act making Ava just take another sip as she looked at the girl.

          "Keep it. It looks good on you," Ava told the girl just wanting Zoe to leave her dorm despite the fact that she loved that coat and definitely didn't want to give it to Zoe. Zoe just gave her a nervous smile. "Really, but didn't your dad give you this? If you're serious then you have to be wasted," Zoe told Ava and Ava winced a little at the mention of her dad especially with her two year old sister in the room.

           Before Ava could respond the toddler looked at Ava. "We hab a dada?" The small girl asked her big sister in confusion and Ava sighed as she didn't want to have this conversation with her sister. Especially because her parents had given up their rights to ever even see her or Carlos, but she really didn't want to tell her two year old sister that.

         "Yes Mal we do," Ava told the toddler hoping that Mal would take that answer and calm down, but it did the opposite as the toddler started asking her more questions making Ava look at Zoe in frustration. "Wew dada?" The small girl asked Ava making her look at Zoe in anger as it was Zoe's fault for mentioning her dad around her toddler sister.

            "Well look what you did! Isn't today sorority rush or something!" Ava practically screamed out not wanting to deal with Zoe anymore. Zoe just looked around nervously as she could see that she messed up even though she hadn't meant to. She didn't realize that the toddler would even know what she was talking about.

              "BHU doesn't have sororities and it's volunteer week remember," the blonde college student told Ava hoping to change the subject, and Ava took that to her advantage as she got up picking up the toddler that was still asking the same question over and over again.

              She then practically pushed the girl out the door. "Great so go do that and leave me alone! Now thanks to you I have to have a serious conversation with a two year old that I really don't want to have!" Ava told the girl as she pushed her out of her dorm.

                The girl just looked at Ava before Ava shut the door. "Ava I'm worried about you and your sister," Zoe told Ava and Ava just nodded as she practically shut the door on Zoe. "Mama! Wew aw weaw dada an mama? Cawos nebew tow me!" The small girl asked Ava once she shut the door and Ava just grabbed her drink taking another huge sip before looking at the toddler again.

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