Parental Responsibilities

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Author's Note: I'm really sorry for taking a while to update this, but school started back up again and so it's been harder to find time to write, but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you guys thought. And hopefully my next chapter won't take as long to update.

    Ava sighed in relief when their new TA came to their rescue as she didn't even let them answer any of Dana's questions as she quickly lied for them claiming they were with her during Nolan's murder and making Dana walk off.

     She wasn't completely relieved though as she knew that Dana would be back as Dana never gave up that easily, but at least for now they were safe. Ava had to hold back a laugh when she heard Alison cuss as she was enjoying her victory over Dana and the small toddler in her arms that she had almost forgotten was even there just looked at Alison in shock.

      "Mama se sa a ba wow," The small girl screamed out making Ava laugh a little as she couldn't help it.  "I know Mal," Ava told the toddler, making the small girl look at Alison. "You sa a ba wow!" The small girl told Alison, making Alison laugh as Mal was really reminding her of her daughters.

      Before Alison could respond to the toddler Caitlin and Dylan just looked at Ava. "Did she call you mama? Since when did she start calling you that?" Caitlin asked Ava in shock making Ava roll her eyes.

        "This morning and why does it matter if she wants to call me that," Ava told her "friend" a bit in annoyance as she didn't get why Caitlin and Dylan kept seeing her as some heartless monster that didn't like kids.

          Caitlin just sighed as she realized she offended Ava again. She hadn't meant to, but it just shocked her to see Ava be totally fine with being called mama by her sister. "Ava I didn't mean it like that. I think it's cute, but it's just a little shocking," Caitlin told Ava hoping to ease the tension Ava just sighed as she looked at Caitlin.

           "It's fine lets just get back to class," Ava told the others and they all dropped it as they went back to their classes like nothing happened. "Mal sit down," Ava told the toddler as she was trying to pay attention to her class, but the young toddler was no longer content just sitting down as it had been a few hours and Ava was now on her last class of the day.

             "No mama!" The small girl screamed out as she continued to climb up on the empty chairs. "Mal! I'm not going to tell you again! Stop climbing on the chairs and sit down!" Ava told the toddler making everyone look at her as she was disrupting class, but she honestly didn't care. She didn't like that the toddler wasn't listening to her and that what she was doing was dangerous.

              The toddler just shook her head no as she stood up on one of the chairs, but she quickly lost her balance as she crashed to the floor and started screaming and crying immediately. Ava wasted no time as she picked up the sobbing toddler and then grabbed her bag getting up as she didn't feel like concentrating in class anymore and she just didn't care.

                "This is why I told you to stop, but you never want to listen to me. Come on let's go get you cleaned up, and then you are in time out," Ava told the toddler as she just left her class and made it back to her dorm. When she got back Carlos was just sitting on her bed watching TV.

                  He immediately shut the TV off when he saw his big sister as he had been watching an R rated movie that he technically wasn't supposed to be watching. "Oh hey Ava. Why are you back so soon don't you still have like another class or something," Carlos told his sister trying to distract her from seeing what he had been watching.

                    Ava just rolled her eyes as she quickly found some disinfectant and a bandaid as she put it on the toddler and then placed her in the crib. "I know you're hiding something and I will deal with that after I finish this," Ava told her brother as she looked at the toddler.

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