The Beginning Of It All

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Ava was woken up by her little brother Carlos shaking her in panic. The young twelve year old boy had freaked out when he had woken up in their practically empty house and heard the high pitched wailing sounds of his newborn baby sister Mal crying in the small bassinet that hadn't been taken from them yet.

    The young boy had immediately picked up the tiny newborn and gotten up to go find his mom. He knew that Mal was still breastfeeding. She refused to drink formula. He completely panicked when he found that his parents weren't anywhere and the last remaining things they had were gone.

      Carlos didn't even hesitate as he ran to his older sister's room and shook her awake while also trying to keep holding onto the newborn. "Ava! Ava!  Ava! Get up Ava! Come on! Get up!" Carlos cried out while trying to wake his sister up. The young boy had no clue what to do. They were alone and they had nothing.

        Ava just groaned in annoyance refusing to get up. She figured he just wanted to annoy her and wake her up on one of the only few days she could sleep in. Carlos always loved doing that. "Ugh Carlos you're so annoying! Go bother mom and dad! And let me sleep!" Ava told her brother. She still hadn't yet realized that their parents had left.

          They had been struggling with the FBI and other issues for a while now as their father had stolen money from his clients and was being investigated. However nothing major had happened yet and their father had promised them everything would be okay, but now everything was gone including their parents.

            Carlos just ignored Ava's attitude as he shook her again. "Ava please this isn't a joke mom and dad are gone! I'm scared and Mal is hungry, but mom left. We have nothing to feed her!" Carlos cried out to his big sister. He had tried to stay strong, but now he was just so scared and worried. He wanted his parents, but they had just left.

            Ava immediately shot up when she heard the urgency and worry in her little brother's strained voice. "What? What do you mean mom and dad left! Are you sure they didn't just go out or something without telling us! They do that sometimes," Ava told her brother as she was starting to panic too. She was the only one that was considered a legal adult and she had just turned eighteen. She wasn't ready to deal with something like this.

              Not only that, but they had a newborn baby sister that was breastfeeding and if their mom left they were screwed. Carlos just shook his head as he looked at his big sister. "No they left! They took all of our remaining stuff and they left! Ava what do we do?" The young twelve year old told his sister as he was just so scared and freaked out.

               Ava sighed as she looked at Carlos. "Okay let's not panic. We're going to be fine. I won't let anything bad happen to you or Mal. Now let's check the fridge, maybe there's some milk pumped in there," Ava told her little brother as she knew that it was her job as the oldest to look out for her little siblings and she had to be strong for them despite how completely freaked out she was.

            She then grabbed the newborn from Carlos as she went to the fridge hoping that their mother would have pumped some milk for Mal, but she began to panic more when she saw that their mom hadn't. Carlos just looked at Ava the fear very much evident on his freckled face.

"Ava there is none! Mal's going to starve and we're going to lose our baby sister! We can't lose her too! Ava what do we do!" Carlos rambled out as he began to worry more and more.

             Ava just sighed in frustration as Carlos's panicking wasn't helping this situation and it was making things worse. "Carlos stop acting like a scared little boy! You're almost a teenager now! Man up! Mal is not going to die. We're just going to have to get some formula and she's just going to have to drink it since we're out of options here," Ava told her brother in frustration as she grabbed her car keys and her money and headed towards her car.

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