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This was incredible! Mere weeks after Ankou lay slain, his soul traded for our dear Morrigan, and we are beginning to bring Fae back to life. Gaia and Morrigan, along with Frey and Faline were already attempting to heal the dead lands. Gaia had shown me a spot where grass now grew upon scorched earth. I was thrilled, but soon learned it was struggling to survive. It had no keeper to connect to.

This prompted a long discussion that inevitably leads us to making Thorn Wolves our top priority. They're beautiful creatures of Fae nature from what I've been told. They purify whatever they touch and when they flourish the realm will too.

They will rebirth the land, plants, trees, waters...everything stained by Ankou's darkness will be brought back to the light. To life. To see Fae re-established to it's former glory has consumed me. I needed to find these beasts.

And they're guardians to boot! Once they choose a territory, they guard it viciously. Their bodies become woven venom tipped thorn vines. Their bites are said to be highly venomous as well. But they only take this form when needed. From what Morrigan told me, they will not harm any who are not attempting to harm their territory. Definitely number one on the list.

Thoughts of wolves brought the fairy dogs to my mind. Chiaro and Scuro lay calmly in the grass enjoying the sun. I'm perched on the porcelain steps of the Temple admiring them. Death's gifts to Fae. Harbingers of lost souls. They had indeed stayed on the grounds, only disappearing here and there. I didn't worry, I knew their duties and was proud they were once again in the realm.

I just couldn't shake the excitement of bringing the Faefolk back to their homeland. Fae would be full of wonder and wild magic again! This place was irrefutably the most savage yet stunningly beautiful place I'd ever seen. So imagining it at it's full potential had me at the edge of my seat in anticipation.

I smiled as I felt a familiar ripple ride the air. I watched as Morrigan simply stepped into existence. Her beautiful smile and bright eyes shimmered as she pulled another familiar form with her towards me.

I stood and returned their smiles before rushing them both. We became a tangle of arms and giggles as we hugged and greeted one another.

"I hope you don't mind, but I couldn't think of anyone better to help the returning Fae folk find their paths." Morrigan said as she released me.

A.K dipped her head as a smile tugged the corner of her lips.

"I couldn't agree more!" I quipped.

I led them into the Temple to a lounge area to await the rest of our merry band of adventurers.

"Oh, I have something for you." Morrigan paused before she sat.

I watched curiously as she dug into the small bag she had on her hip. She pulled out a lightweight pair of what I assumed were sunglasses. The silver housing shone brightly and I could see the slight magenta tint to the lenses. I offered her a raised confused eyebrow as she reached over and placed them into my hand.

"Are these rose-colored glasses? Cause if so, I don't need them, I already see the good and beauty everywhere!" I teased.

She laughed softly as she plopped down next to A.K.

"No, these are much cooler. I realized recently that the first half of this lifetime was spent in the human realm for you. Well, these neat lil specs will allow you to see Fae essence in other realms. If you wear them and look at somebody, something, whatever- you will see their fae essence, the very thing that makes them Fae." She smiled.

"Morrigan, you're a fucking genius!" I squeaked as I unfolded their arms and gently placed them on my face.

I quickly scanned over to Morrigan and she was a sea of energy. Beautiful, swirling colors linked and created a network similar to the nervous system. Her form was transparent but the essence she told me about was vibrant and a stark contrast.

The Lost Fae (Book 2 of the Born to Burn Series)Where stories live. Discover now