Ch. 1 Zlo & Ceann

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After weeks of tracking , I finally found where the fire elemental has been hiding. Anticipation grips me hard as I creep up to the mouth of the cave. I quickly wrap myself in darkness as I risk peering into the gaping mouth. A deep inhale tells me I'm spot on and my quarry lies inside.

I step lightly, trying my best to hide my approach. I've spent to much time and energy locating it to fuck it all up now. I inch forward, hugging the cave wall tightly. It guides me deeper and deeper until the smell of fire fills my nostrils. Yes. Finally.

I spring forward, flicking my fingers into motion and latching onto her with unseen ropes. Her skin ignites as she was caught off guard. Her struggle is pointless. I know how to handle fire. I pull my tethers tighter, trapping her arms and legs tightly against her body as she struggles harder. The cave is lit up by the intensity of her flames.

I watch her eyes dance around as she desperately tries to see her opponent. Stupid girl. I'm wrapped in the shadows. You'll never see me if I don't let you. I almost laugh at the panic and fear. For something with such raw power, she is weak. She is fearful and thus she is weak. Disgusting. Good thing I know how to properly use such a gift.

I watch her expend the last of her energy struggling. Her flames are dimming. She's just signed her own death certificate and doesn't even know it. I begin to wrap more unseen ropes around her until all that's left slack is an area under her nose and a sliver of her neckline.

Seeing as her eyes are technically covered, blacking out her vision I allow the shadows to fall. My steps fall lightly still as I make my approach. I feel enigmatic, almost like a black widow closing in on her prey and making the final strike. Her wild Fae magic will be mine. I pause and pick up a smooth pebble that lay on the ground before us. Yes, this will do marvelously.

I roll it between my hands, molding and shaping until finally it is bright as liquid fire. The smooth walls now shine and the orange is bright and beautiful. I may have a new favorite accessory. I hold it between my index finger and thumb as I bring my hands up to eye level. The dimming light dances through it, casting a stunning glow across me and the wall behind me.

I finish my death march, finding myself in front of the little elemental in seconds. I can see she's struggling to breathe against my tethers. Poor thing. If only you were stronger. If only you weren't so afraid to use that raw Fae magic. Tragic really. But don't worry, I'll be taking it from here. You won't know fear anymore. You won't know anything anymore. Only the gentle caress of death...

I lean in and inhale against her neck, seeking the strongest pulse of magic on her exposed neckline. I raise my right hand, growing a razor sharp nail from my pinky nail. It glimmers in the ever-dimming light. I notice how she trembles in my presence. If only she knew how scared she should truly be. It doesn't matter. I've won this hunt, now to claim my prize.....

I let my fingers dance across her exposed flesh and revel in her reaction. She's terrified, tied up and helpless. I can hear her heart beating wildly in her chest and see the jugular vein thumping at the side of her neck. I wait until she calms, waiting for a blow that never came.

In one swooping motion I bring my nail to her neck and lance it. Blood spurts in slow trails running towards her chest and she gargles grotesquely as I also sliced her trachea. Doesn't matter. Dead is dead.

I quickly incite the words of old and hold my new precious gem to her wound. As it is coated in her blood, it absorbs her essence. Seconds pass,turning into minutes before she finally gives the last of it. I release my tethers once I'm sure I've gotten it all and she falls lifeless to the cave floor. She was so frail, so scared, so weak ...
I'll put this to far better use.

I quickly press the gem to my forehead. It burns against my cool skin. I press harder, penetrating the skin to embed it permanently there. I am instantly hit with the overwhelming power of her essence.

It brings me to my knees as scream after scream rips from my lips. I can feel it coursing through my veins, racing through my head and burning in my chest. It's intoxicating, exhilarating! So...much....power!

I fall forward and catch myself on my palms. My chest heaves hard trying to fill my aching lungs with oxygen. But I did it. I actually fucking did it! I claimed a Fae's essence for my own!
But...did it work?

I push up and rest on my knees. It's pitch black now so this would be a great time to find out. I raise my hands, palms up in front of me and call the fire to them. In the blink of an eye the cavern lights up as flames dance across my skin. No pain, no heat, just perfect fire born of me.

This was going to be the start of something beautiful.....


I was too late. I didn't even have to enter the cave to find what Zlo had done. The taste of copper hit my lips as I reached the entrance. How could she? Why? This wasn't right at all.

I have too long been making excuses for Zlo. Too long have I tried to justify her actions and explain her short comings. But tonight, it's abundantly clear, Zlo must be stopped.

But she's my sister. My twin. We are so deeply connected that to kill her would essentially be suicide. I will have to find a way to out smart her.

The skyline was turning light blue, welcoming a new day. Zlo wasn't still here, but the marks she left were. What poor creature lay lifeless down the corridors of this cave?

The guilt got the better of me and I pushed forward. While I wasn't on time to stop this madness, the least I could do was give it a proper burial.

I took a deep breathe and forced myself forward, determined to do the right thing.

***Author's Note***

These Twins have unique names. I chose them for very specific reasons. Without giving to much away, I'll explain their names origins.

Zlo means "evil" in Bosnian, Croation, Czechoslovakian, Polish, Slovakian and Slovenian.
It is also a homonym for Yang in these same languages.

Ceann means "Ying" in old Irish.

If you can't tell, I'm a stickler for balance so ultimately these two are the personification of Ying and Yang.

The Lost Fae (Book 2 of the Born to Burn Series)Where stories live. Discover now