Ch.5 Asylum

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I felt better than ever after some R&R. I was beyond excited to be heading back to finish setting Asylum up. Zlo wouldn't be able to enter it thanks to some powerful wards from powerful friends.

I had Leena and Phee with me tonight. Two of the most powerful witches I'd ever met. Once I trusted them enough, I had shared my predicament and was pleasantly surprised I didn't have to ask for their assistance. They offered and I accepted eagerly.

I pulled off the highway and quickly brought us to the portal. We set about carving and hiding their ward stones so even if Zlo ever did find this place, she wouldn't be able to get within a 200 meter radius of it without severe pain exploding throughout her body. It would only intensify the closer she got, and inevitably kill her if she got close enough. But I knew Zlo had a very low pain tolerance. She wouldn't be able to get close enough.

"That should do it! Zlo wont have a snowballs chance in hell of walking through this portal." Leena declared.

Relief washed over me seeing the confidence in their faces. Asylum needed to be a sanctuary. Too many magical beings had been murdered by my sister and this was my only way of helping.
"Great! Ready to work on the inside?" I gushed.

Leena and Phee both beamed at me so I led the way. We were met by darkness until I pulled the flashlight from my back pocket.
"So, what exactly were you thinking Ann?" Phee asked.
"Maybe a marketplace? And a large meadow with a river so they can camp if needed? Im not really sure. What do you think is best?" I ask. "All of that! And maybe some woods or a forest for the woodland beings?" Leena suggested and Phee agreed enthusiastically. "Yes! A safe place for all!" Phee chimed.
"This is going to be EPIC!" Leena agreed.

We quickly set to work. I closed my eyes and envisioned a mighty island the size of Australia. It was flat so I drew it up to a huge mountain range in the center surrounding a dormant volcano. I had the edges taper off flat into the soon to come ocean and dreamt up sandy beaches. When I opened my eyes we stood on the edge of my new Continent.

"Great start Ann! Let me try!" Phee said excitedly. She repeated my process, closing her eyes and concentrating. I watched as a huge market took shape. Long, wooden tables expanded towards the horizon. Little storage huts sat behind each one and colorful, sail like cloths created a rainbow of canopies. It was beautiful. "Wow! That's gorgeous! But we need a sky and some sunshine!" Leena said. Phee opened her eyes and admired her work. Her smile told me she was proud and it was just as she had hoped it would be.
"Perfect! I was going for an old world arabian marketplace and I think I nailed it!" Phee gushed.

We turned and saw Leena concentrating hard. The darkness above us began to swirl and clouds blinked into existence. A majestic sun hung high, filling the mini-verse with light. The black above faded to navy blue and then continued to fade until an infinite baby blue sky came to life.

"Blessed Be, it's really coming together ladies!" Phee whispered in awe as she looked around at what we had accomplished. "But Im exhausted!" I agreed, and suggested we take a break and have some lunch. I walked back out to the car and grabbed the picnic basket and blanket I packed that morning.

As I was closing the trunk, the hair along my arms stood on end, and I realized I was no longer alone. Something or someone was watching me! I looked around and spotted a hairy being about 5 foot tall standing near the portal, wearing nothing but orange and green fuzzy socks and a sky blue beanie to match his eyes...and it was DEFINITELY a him. He waved at me and his ears wiggled. I stood there not moving for a minute...not sure if I should be worried or not, when he took a step towards me. My hands rose on their own ready to cast if needed and I felt my magic rise within me. Was this a minion of Zlo? Somehow, I didn't think so.

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