Ch. 6 Veyu's Temple

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Location: Shiraz, Persia
Destination: 40 miles southwest, Veyu's Temple in Persepolis


I went into sensory overload with all the scents rising in the air. I covered my nose with my shirt in an attempt to block some of it out. The noise beat against my eardrums rythmically thanks to how alive the forest was. This was a new kind of torture.

I spun to see Eidon was handling it much better than I. He was of the human realm though and maybe was used to this. I couldn't handle this for long.
Eidon approached and offered me a pair of earplugs, which I grateful accepted. They didn't block it out completely, but they brought the assault down to a manageble notch.

"So, what's the plan?" I feel I say much louder than normal.
Ember, Skoll and Eidon snicker.
"I'll fly us to Persepolis so we don't have to fight our way through the jungle." Skoll informed me before he burst into scales behind a red smoke screen.

Im not a huge fan of flying, but I trusted Skoll enough to scamper up on his back and plaster myself along his spine. I watched Eidon and Ember exchange looks and a laugh before they joined me. They had no idea how terrifying it was for me to fly. Im a dingo, not a bird. I was never meant to be in the air!

I felt Skoll's muscle cord up letting me know he was about to spring us up into the night. I held tighter, trying hard not to dig my fingers into his flesh. We rose into the clouds and he circled a couple times before taking a heading.
"Isn't the world beautiful from way up here?" Ember yelled as she leaned forward and looked down below.
"No! No it really isn't!" I yelled back. My stomach was starting to do cartwheels and I was dizzy. This was not beautiful at all. It fucking sucked! I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to pretend I was standing on a cliff with a gust of wind rushing past me. A reallllyyyy long gust of wind.

I don't know how long we rode the sky but I suddenly became aware of Skoll circling and descending. As soon as I felt his muscles cord up and prepare for the impact of landing I dared to open my eyes.
Now that I was positive we were again on land I leapt from his back and laid down on the ground. My body desperately needed to feel the earth touching my skin. To be sure I was no longer in danger of falling to my death. I kissed the ground over and over, not giving two fucks about the dirt covering my lips.

"Well, do we need to give you some privacy or...?" Eidon teased.
I smiled into the ground. "Poke fun all you want Wolfie, Dingoes were never meant to fly!" I quip back.

They gave me a few minutes which turns out I very much needed just to find balance again. My ears kinda hurt. I felt pressure in them. I told Eidon and he taught me how to pinch my nose and close my mouth and pop my ears. My eqalibrium instantly came back to me. "Next time, I say we take the walk." I flatly stated.

"So, is this Veyu's Temple?" Ember asked as she spun looking for ruins. "This is exactly 40 miles southwest of where we portaled in." Skoll replied. "Huh. Well, maybe we need to push on a little further. Im sure the dogs could use a walk." Ember winked as she teased Eidon and I.

"YES! WALK! Do I get a treat if I'm a good boy and potty outside?" Eidon joked back. I didn't get it. Why would he get a treat for using the bathroom outside? Is that a human realm thing? I may could get used to that.... I like treats... Do we get to pick the treat? Is cake an option?

My thoughts were interrupted as I realized they had already started walking and were leaving me behind. I caught up in no time. We walked on in silence for about half an hour before we saw the crumbling remains of an ancient temple. The stones were squared, but the corners were smoothed and they were a deep steel gray color. They rose up in layers and there were the remains of a stairway that weaved from ground level up.

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