Author's Note

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Hello Beautiful People!

I'm sorry it took so long to complete this one. As most of you know, I'm a mother of four which is crazy all by itself. Lol

Unfortunately we were hit by Covid pretty hard. Between our own recovery, learning how to do online learning, healing and transitioning back into school we have been bonkers busy.

Amongst the chaos of all that, my husband started his own company and guess who had to help?

Not griping at all. Just wanted to update you guys in what's happened, why it's happened and all that jazz.

I hope you enjoyed the second book in the Born to Burn series. Book #3 is already in the works.

I'd love your thoughts and input on what should happen next! What crazy character should join our group? Bonus points if it's uncommon!

If you'd like to support my current and future content, feel free to buy me a coffee! No pressure though, your appreciated either way!

Coming soon:

Godkiller. The 3rd book in the Born to Burn series.

The Lost Fae (Book 2 of the Born to Burn Series)Where stories live. Discover now