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"The 16th century civilization of the Aztec empire was truly remarkable. The way that they farmed, hunted for food, built their homes, pottery, went to war, and yes... I'm getting to it Mr. Thachel... even how they sacrificed animals, prisoners, and even loved ones to appease their gods; All of it was a beautiful melody of art, power, and finally ruin." Willa explained at the front of the class. Eager third year students bogged down the first two rows to hear the way Willa romantically explain a saga of what seemed like fairytale stories of her time spent in Central America. She loved sharing her experiences with others especially when the time she took to tell the story was valued. Looking at the time she pause. "And I'm sorry about this but we've run out of time." A saddened whimper came over the class as books began slamming and feet began scampering around to run to the next class. "Next class I'll tell you about the gods of the Aztecs and how the locals would steal my tools tricking me into thinking I made the gods angry and would scare me away." She shouted as the students filed out of the room leaving it empty and silent. "Well that is a class I would like to sit in on as well." Said a voice at the back of the room. Willa smiled to see Dumbledore step out from the shadows and greet her. "You really should write a book about your travels Professor. I know a young Mr. Thachel would buy a copy or two." He said as he walked towards the front of the class where Willa stood collecting her work while excepting his compliments with laughter. "I'm afraid Mr. Thachel would be the only one silly enough to purchase anything I write." She giggled on. Dumbledore leaned against the desk on the second row. "You did a marvelous job with this classroom. So full of life, happiness per se. Tell me is everything going the way you imagined?" Willa smiled and moved down to the desk at the far end collecting her students work. "I know your not here to ask me if I'm enjoying myself, headmaster. What is your true intention of this visit?" Dumbledore blinked and cleared his throat. With a chuckle he stood and hunched over the desk in front of him. "I cannot come and check in on a former student on her first month of teaching?" Willa stopped at the desk he stood before and looked into his eyes. "Albus." She said with a straight face. He smirked, "I should have known you would be able to see right through me. Well alright. Seeing that your settled in and bring such charm and beauty to the castle I was wondering if you would like to extend your stay and continue teaching here at Hogwarts. Now before you say no, because I know this was supposed to temporary, just know that the staff and students here have taken a tremendous liking to you and would be heartbroken if you were to leave so soon. You know how quickly time goes by here." His voice was raspy yet steady as he explained himself further. Willa took a deep breath and turned his way. "I don't know, headmaster. As much as I would like to stay, I would like to get back to my studies as soon as the group expedition resumes. You know how passionate I am about it." Dumbledore nodded his head in agreement. So many teachers have come and gone through Hogwarts, it was very seldom that a professor that truly fit in arrived. In his eyes he knew she was meant to stay and continue teaching even if her heart was screaming leave. Albus also knew about the soulbinding charm between she and Severus but chose to keep that to himself at that moment. He had to convince her to stay not just for the school but for Severus. "Well the heart wants what the heart wants. I just wish I knew what I had to say to keep you here for another year or so." With that he knocked on the desk with his withered knuckle and began his short walk to the door. "Just let me know what your heart says by Christmas. I can almost guarantee you will change your mind." He said grasping the door frame and leaning back into the door. He winked her way and then disappeared into the sea of students rushing to their classes.
   It was her off period. Willa lay on her chase lounge in her seating area while Pip tidied the already clean chamber. Willa had her nose stuck in a book while clicking her heels together. Her ears perked up as she could hear Pip rummaging through papers and stacking them in no particular order. "Pip, I told you to leave the papers be. I need to go through them myself." She insisted as she kicked off her shoes in attempt to relax further. She let out a sigh as she sat up while closing the book she could hardly focus on. Her mind was racing with all the things she really wanted to tell Severus. Since that night she went down to his chambers, she tried her best to stay away from him. She hated to think on how ridiculous she must have looked standing in his doorway, half naked, and dripping wet. "What a fool I made of myself" she thought as she tossed the book aside and threw herself against the back of the chase. "Is there something I can do for you Professor? Tea perhaps?" Willa sat there with her hand clamped over her face. "No. No tea but thank you Pip. But I'll take any advice you may have on acting like a fool in front of someone you potentially have feelings for." She tossed the thought Pips way as the small house elf stood peeking around the side of the chase lounge with a look of confusion spread over her face. "Forget it." Willa grumbled as she stood and stretched her arms high above her head. "Pip leave it!" She exclaimed as she found Pip trying to stack the papers that covered her desk. "Sorry ma'am, it's just the only task I have left." Pip bashfully said while jumping down from Willa's stool, ducking and squinting as if she were shielding herself from being beaten. Willa saw her stop and look back at the papers as though it was bothering her that the scattered parchment was truly keeping her from her work. "Go on then Pip, if it's going to drive you mad. Your driving me mad watching you beat yourself over such a small mess." The tiny house elf delightfully scooped the papers into her arms and began neatly stacking them in the middle of the ink stained desk. Willa rolled her eyes with a chuckle at this sight as she grabbed her book and cloak and left Pip to her work.

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