Full moon

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Willa ran as fast as she could from the Whomping Willow. She could see the lights of Hogwarts in the distance. The fog began to roll in over the ridge and Willa knew she must get back before it moved through the thicket. The Dementors screeches could be heard echoing and moaning from above. It was a reminder of everything that happened. It was a reminder that she wasn't where she should have been. She bit her lip, looked back at the Whomping Willow to see if anyone followed, and began running again. She followed the dirt path winding between the knobs, knees, and root; careful not the draw any attention to herself.
Her throat burned from the crisp air as she heavily breathed it in. Her legs grew heavy while running up the treacherous terrain along the back end of the castle. Stopping at the back entrance, she leaned against a column and gazed back down the path she came. Nothing but darkness stared back. Sighing with relief, her eyes then turned up to the moon appearing from the veil of clouds that masked its silvery glow.
"It will be fine, he took the potion." She thought to herself before realizing he certainly did not. They ran from Hogwarts straight after dinner; exactly the proper time for him to drink down his tonic.
"No. Not now." She whispered to herself.
Climbing up the back stairwell she found the nearest window overlooking the wooded land below and scanned for any signs of distress.
She thought about running back knowing that if Remus turned, the situation would be extremely dangerous for anyone near him.
Her heart was racing. She watched for any movement and listened for any sounds that would be out of the ordinary. The trees shifted with the breeze blowing overhead, howling smoothly through the covered walkway. Nothing seemed to be out of place, nothing seemed strange. She moved forward towards the main hallway leading to the corridor where her living quarters were. She would shift her ears towards every window that opened to the outside. Not a sound. Not one. She hesitated momentarily before jogging the steps up her living quarters. She could never forgive herself if something happened to Severus, to anyone out there with Remus.
"The Confundus charm? You really believe Sirius used the Confundus charm on them? Come now Severus, your blinded by your hatred." Dumbledore, certain of his words, questioned Severus, who paced the cluttered office. His brows winced together angrily as he slid his fingers through his slick black locks. Anger, desperation, and spite, raged through his bones as he teetered on the edge of reality and retaliation.
"I know what I saw Albus. I know what I saw, I know what I felt, I know what I..."
A long pause brought back the subtle memory of the faintest hint of Jasmine as he stormed the shrieking shack. He pressed his fingers against his chest to assure himself that his heart had not stopped. Albus was right. His anger did consume him, but it was with good cause. Sirius Black had taken everything away from him and he deserved to rot because of it.
Dumbledore stood behind his desk, leaning slightly, reaching for a cinnamon disk that called his name from the candy dish before him. Unraveling the crimson papers he inched towards Severus who still seemed to hold the weight of the world.
"Severus, let the past stay in the past. You are better then this. We both know that. I'm sure Willa would agree."
Severus, sizzling in his emotions, gritted his teeth. It was easy for Dumbledore to shrug it off, but Severus couldn't. The thought of Sirius Black weaseling his way between he and Willa turned his stomach.
"I stand by my words, Albus. Black deserves the death that awaits him and Lupin must be sent away. Surely you agree with that."
He muttered sternly. When Albus didn't answer, Severus sharply flashed his eyes towards the old wizard. He said nothing which only meant one thing, he didn't agree. Severus curled his top lip and stormed out of the Headmaster's office, jogging down the winding stone stairs.
Snarling with frustration he stood in the hallway alone. Closing his eyes is the only thing he could think of besides screaming at the top of his lungs. He'll always be overlooked, he'll always be second best, he'll never get his way. In the same instant his thoughts turned to Willa. If she was really in that shrieking shack, what was her reasoning? He wanted to bluntly just ask her but if her answer was not what he wanted to hear, what would his action be? If he was wrong he would be adding a brick to the wall he was slowly putting up between them.
His heart and head lightened slowly with every passing minute while trekking to her living quarters. A slow trickle of guilt fell upon him. He drove her away. How could she love him when she could have any other man of her choosing?
Opening the door to her sitting room, Severus was greeted with no warmth or light. He stepped into her bedroom to find an empty bed and the sheets weren't even turned down.
"Where is she?" He thought with a slight lump in his throat.
He stormed out of the bedroom leaving the door open and sprinted out into the silvery lit hallway. Surely she had made it back to the castle if she had left the forbidden forest. If she didn't she would still be out there. Possibly running from the creature Lupin had turned into. His heart raced. The forbidden forest was much to large to search on his own. Daylight would be approaching soon and he prayed she was in the safest place she could be at the moment, his living quarters in the dungeon.
Immediately upon opening his sitting room door, Severus could tell she was there. The door to his bedroom was slightly ajar and the yellow glow from a the dimming fire cast shadows of the furniture against the wall. Quietly he peeked into the room to find Willa curled up under the blanket on his side of the bed. Her blonde curls spread across his pillow, trailing down past her shoulders. The side of her face was barely lit by the softening glow of the fire burning out at the foot of the bed. Severus sighed to see her safe. He quietly removed his robe and climbed onto the bed next to her. She didn't move but seemed to melt into him somehow. Kissing her forehead, Severus wrapped his arms around her as tightly as he could swearing to himself that he would back off of her and let her make her own decisions without his interference which could result in her leaving him and rekindling with Sirius Black. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his nose into her hair taking in the familiar scent. Willa slightly stirred before opening her eyes to find Severus laying beside her. Tilting her head up to find glistening tears cradled in between his eyes and lashes.
"What time is it?" Her broken voice asked. Her fingers found the buttons of his pressed black shirt and traced the rounded edges.
"Almost morning." His voice was quiet, gentle and smooth as he held back his emotions.
Willa said nothing, just locked her gaze at his chest.
"What is it darling?"
Willa's eyes lifted and leveled with his.
"Nothing. Just hold me."
There was nothing more Severus wanted to do then hold her and never let her go.
   Two days had gone by and neither of them had mentioned anything of that night. The name Sirius Black was tip toed around like it was a ticking time bomb. Minerva had to nudge Pomona multiple times during tea. Willa would try to ignore it but the recapture and sentencing of the murderer, Sirius Black was the topic of all conversation. Willa tried to not let it show how disturbed she was by the thought of Sirius having his soul sucked out of him by the dementors. Had his madness and obsession of hunting Peter Pettigrew down would have not prevailed, she would have been his wife. It took years for her to leave the pain of being second best to the man she loved behind and move on. She herself wasn't sure of her own feelings if she saw him again, and it was now that she feared she never will get that opportunity. Minerva and Poppy tried cheering her up by keeping her busy, she didn't want to let them know that she knew exactly what they were doing simply because she knew they were coming from a motherly place. Minerva's eyes were constantly held at their concerned glares for hours, motionless waiting for any sign of despair. Poppy would sit at the opposite end of the lounge pretending to read as Willa knitted Pip a new apron. Willa found it somewhat amusing to have them worry so. Severus on the other hand stayed his normal self. Willa knew that on the inside he was screaming with excitement. She didn't let it bother her, she understood his jealousy and anger towards Sirius along with the reasons behind it. She was however, misunderstanding the reasoning behind notifying parents of Remus's situation. The night at the Shrieking shack was her fault and would have never happened if she had listened to Severus and stayed on the castle grounds. Remus took it well and started packing his belongings. Willa felt extremely guilty and couldn't let him leave without an apology. After dinner that night, Willa found herself walking down to the defense against the dark arts classroom. Pushing open the heavy door, she slid into the room lit by nothing more then the setting sun.
"Remus?" Willa called out while searching the room for a sign of movement.
She moved closer into the room towards the short staircase leading towards Remus's office.
"Remus?" She called out once more before the office door opened and a frail looking Remus Lupin stepped out of the echoing room above.
"Ah Willa! I was wondering if I was going to get the chance to see you before I left." Remus said lightheartedly as he slowly climbed down the stairs using a cane in his right hand for support.
"Remus, I came to apologize. It's truly all my fault,"
Remus held up his hand stopping her from rambling on. His pale skin looked thin and fragile. It was obvious that he was in recovery from that dreadful night.
"Nonsense Birdie. It was bound to happen. Besides this job wasn't meant to be mine forever." Remus explained as he tucked a few books into his suitcase before flashing a smile her way.
"This takes me back." Willa smiled through gathering tears, knocking on the trunk Remus packed his suitcase on top of. Taking a step back, Lupin couldn't help but chuckle. The trunk was the same trunk he packed year after year traveling to and from Hogwarts. The last time Willa had seen it, Remus was hugging her goodbye as they both departed from the stoop of 12 Grimmauld place.
"Some of my best memories started just by unpacking this old trunk. And all of my saddest ended with me packing it." He explained pulling Willa's chin up with the hook of his finger. She raised her eyes to meet his and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't hold back the tears that rolled down her cheeks.
"Come now Birdie. This is just goodbye for now." He said with a lump in his throat as he pulled her in for a hug. The embrace didn't last long before there was a commotion in the hallway right outside the classroom door. Willa could hear her name being called almost in a panic from a distance. Remus and Willa turned towards the doorway as the heavy wooden door was flung open and a panicked wave of Professors tumbled in. Severus leading the mob, called out for Willa once more before realizing she was standing at the front of the room, staring at the group in confusion. Storming her way Severus pulled her from Remus's side by putting his arm around Willa's shoulder and leading her towards where Minerva stood.
"Will someone please explain what's going on?" She rang out over everyone speaking over each other.
"He's escaped! Sirius Black has escaped." Minerva explained stepping closer to Willa. Severus's eyes shot over immediately towards Remus who seemed just as surprised as everyone else.
"What do we do Minerva?" Poppy asked from behind the crowd.
"What about the students?" Flitwick followed curiously.
The worried crowd passed looks of fear back and forth before a sharp voice reigned over everyone from the doorway.
"Absolutely nothing. We'll do absolutely nothing." Dumbledore's words traveled across the room quickly sending everyone into a steady silence.
"Headmaster if I may..." Severus chimed but was stopped by Dumbledore waving his hand in the air as to say, "not right now."
"Sirius Black has escaped, yes, but it is now up to the dementors to find him. We had enough excitement on Hogwarts grounds this school year. Let's not worry everyone further. The students will be leaving at the end of the week and they will leave happily. Anyone who disagrees can meet with me in my office."
Severus knew that was directed to him but by the look on Willa's face he allowed his aggressive flame snuff out. At the end of the week it would be just the two of them alone in Cokeworth, and that what was his driving force. The crowd slowly trickled out back into the hall whispering to one another, while Minerva turned to where Willa and Severus stood.
"Do tread carefully you two. My heart can't take much more this year. For Merlin's sake I'm an old witch."
Her eyes fixed on Willa as Minerva flashed a mediocre smile. Willa couldn't help but think back on the eventful year and all the heartache she caused herself. All she could do is softly nod in agreement as she watched Minerva turn and made her exit. Remus went back to packing and Severus stood against the stone wall with folded arms almost pouting waiting on Willa before leaving. With a swift glance in his direction, Willa hastily marched towards Remus and threw her arms around him.
"Write me." She whispered In his ear softly. She could feel Remus chuckle slightly as she pulled back.
"We both will." He answered quietly with mischievous grin before turning away leaving her to grumbling fiancé.
   Willa and Severus packed for their summer on Spinners end. The castle was slightly quieter then usual as students found themselves enjoying the warm summer weather after packing their trunks waiting for their trip home the following morning. Willa walked over to her trunk with the last of her shoes dangling from her arms. One by one they fell from her arms and magically landed in pairs at the bottom. Her dresses were going to be packed next but she decided to first pick out the one she would wear when she and Severus would depart. Standing in front of the mirror she dangled dress after dress before her before haphazardly tossing them on top of the bed. Using her opposite hand she lifted her hair to see if pulling it off of her neck would change the style of the dress hanging before her. Not getting the results she wanted, Willa pursed her lips in frustration not noticing the tall figure standing behind her in the reflection. Seconds had gone by before her eyes shifted to the outline of Severus standing in the doorway.
"How long have you been there?" She asked without changing her look of agitation. Severus folded his arms and grinned slightly watching as Willa swayed gently attempting a different view of the powder blue dress she held against her.
"Long enough to be disappointed."
Willa shifted her eyes to meet his in the reflection.
Severus nodded yes as he stepped forward and pressed his chest against her back. He leaned forward over her shoulder and kissed her collarbone softly before breathing her in.
"How so?" She asked as she leaned into his touch. His hands combed over her shoulders and his cheek leaned into hers while they both stared into the glass.
"I was hoping you would be naked."
His words raised a smile out of the both.
"Besides, you won't need half of these dresses when we get home. I plan to keep you in bed all day."
Willa chuckled at the thought, spinning herself around to encourage his playful manor.
"Is that so?" She bit her bottom lip while gazing up at a dominant Severus. His curling long black hair fell along side his face as he peered down at Willa's flirting eyes. Stepping forward he began walking her backwards towards the wall.
"I can't wait to tear these wretched clothes off of your body and touch every inch of you while you lie naked in our bed." He hummed in her ear pressing his body against hers, now sandwiching her between himself and the wall.
Willa traded the smile on her face for a deviant grin.
"Why wait?"
She asked as his lowered his lips the hers.
There was a pause. Severus planted his hands on either side of her.
"Who said anything about waiting?"
He asked before diving in for a kiss. Willa pressed her tongue against his, drawing him closer to her. His hands skillfully trekked up her leg, leading to his prize. He hummed in delight feeling her body tremble under his grasp. Her breath lingered heavily on his neck as she gasped for air, leaving the sound of her whimpers rolling towards his ears. Severus knew all of her sweet spots, the ones that made her quiver and jolt. Pressing the bridge of his nose deep into her collarbone, he used his height and leverage to lift her body and brace her between the wall and his middle. For a moment she caught his eyes, giving him permission to carry on further. His slender fingers entered her. Her familiar warmth swarmed his calloused pointer and middle finger as he pressed deeper inside her. Their lips collided in a fury of passion. Willa's arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck holding herself with little strength she had, allowing her mind to focus on the pleasure of his movement. She took in the scent of his heavily starched collared shirt and the tips of his shoulder length hair that grazed his shoulders. He lifted her higher and pivoted quickly only to lay her gently onto her recently made bed. A smile grew across both of their faces, know what was happening next. Hiking her dress up a little higher, Willa bit her lip as she watched Severus unfastening his belt. One last fuck before leaving this stressful school year behind. Clenching his teeth together, Severus curled his lips into a pleasurable grin as he pushed himself slowly into his beloved. The sounds of Willa panting beneath him set him on his steady pace as his hair dangled haphazardly in front of his eyes. She pulled his lips to hers, opening her mouth to accept his tongue and pressed hers against it. She shut her eyes to focus on his touch as his fingers glided from her jaw to her breast. Her nipples were hard, harder then usual. Leaning her head back, she released his lips allowing them to travel down meeting his hands which were wrapped around each mound. He took his time rounding each of her supple nipples with his tongue, exploring every pink ripple and moved his hands to either side of her. He anchored his weight into his knees right before his thrusts became more powerful. Willa tightened her grip onto his shoulders with her top half while her bottom half became full immersed and captivated by his stimulation. He made her squirm underneath his weight in between the desire for more and the begging for him to stop. Severus curled his fingers around her thick hips and bit his bottom lip. Opening her eyes, Willa found Severus searching for hers as if he were lost without them. She pressed her palm to the side of his face ending his search and as her thumb softly traced the corner of his lip, he turned into her petite hand and kissed it. She pressed her pelvis into his, mimicking his motion, deepening his thrusts. Her lips traced his tense yet softened jawline slowly finding his lips once more and landing. She could tell by his tightening grip around her hips that he was close. It was always at this point that he would get harder and longer, so much so that it was like she was fucking an entirely different person. His grunting became more animalistic and forced when he shifted his knees and righted his torso. He looped his arms beneath Willa's legs and pulled her closer towards him and then he hung her legs over his shoulders allowing a him to watch his actions. Willa couldn't move but he liked it like this, pleasuring her was what made him feel the most wanted. Feeling her pulsating under his grip, Severus could feel himself reaching him climax. Looking down at Willa's body glistening with sweat didn't help the situation. Shutting his eyes was the only way he was able to hold off for a few moments more. His knees began to quake and the rest of his body felt the rippling jolts of his release. They both froze motionless from exhaustion, trying to catch their breath. Severus kissed her right knee before guiding both of her legs to either side of him as he knelt before her staring at the rise and fall of her chest.
"My God your beautiful." He muttered before collapsing into her arms and take a short nap before preparing for their final dinner at the castle before departing for their summer break.

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