Feelings; New and Uncertain

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Willa sat in the front corner of Minerva's classroom. Since her ancient artifacts class was dissolved for the remainder of the year instead of sitting around all day, she invested her time helping other professors ready their students for the end of the year exams. Today Minerva reviewed simple transfiguration with her first year students, starting with switching a matchbox into a needle. Minerva gave direction and then permission for the students to begin. Willa stood and walked the opposite end of the classroom ready to assist students if needed.
"Lift your wand a little higher, Mr. Gram." She called out a few desks away from a struggling boy. She paused as he attempted again this time successfully executing the spell.
"Try again." She added with a nod of approval.
Minerva watched the interaction as she proceeded to the back of the classroom to help a student waving their arm in the air for help.
Willa watched as the boy lifted his arm a little higher and once again turned the matchbox into a needle and then back. She patted him on the back and moved on to the next student until she reached the end of the row of desks.
"I can see why your students love you." Minerva whispered moving in next to her.
"Mini, I'm just doing my job." Willa answered with a smirk. Minerva clasped her hands in front of her and scanned the room.
"I know you couldn't stay away for long. We're all glad you decided to return. Especially a certain potions Professor." She whispered before scanning the room once more for eavesdroppers.
"He was an absolute wreck being separated from you, he hid it pretty well, but I could see through it. It was like torture."

       Severus stood over a cauldron of a bubbling  black substance mumbling angrily to himself when Willa walked through the door. She quickly pinched her nose and fanned away the putrid smell of rotting fish.
"Merlin's beard. What the devil happened here?" She gagged pushing the door back open.
"A poor attempt to a swelling solution." He muttered gathering ingredients to breakdown the sludge.
"How can you breathe? The air in here is so thick with that awful smell." She questioned positioning herself closer to the doorway attempting to breathe in the clear air from the hall.
"I'm quite used to it."
"Do you need any help?" She called out.
Severus turned towards her taking in her silhouette blocking the light from the hall.
Biting his lip he placed the dropper he had in his hand down and walked slowly towards her.
"Matter of fact I can use a hand" He started.
"Maybe two." He said flicking his wrist towards the cauldrons waiting to be cleaned. Magically the contents inside each one disappeared and so did the smell.
"I hope you checked every single one of those. Someone could have gotten it right!" Willa shouted craning her neck over Severus.
"They never get it right. It's hopeless really. Kind of silly to teach such a thing to second years when they can barely tie their shoes."
He said stepping passed Willa and peeking out into the hall before closing the door. Willa smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waste and pulled her in tightly. Severus wasted no time bending down and pressing his lips to hers.
He slid his hands from her waste to her buttocks and tightly gripped both cheeks drawing her closer in and moving her body against the wall.
"When is your next class?" Willa asked catching a quick breath as he trailed his kisses down her neck.
"After lunch." He answered with his lips pressed against her skin.
Willa quickly calculated that they would have a little over an hour, and by the way Severus was charging her, they weren't going to need it.
Severus moved his hands down her leg and then slid his fingers under her skirt as Willa pulled his lips back to hers.
"Oh darling wait." She stopped catching a whiff of the failed potions class on his clothing.
Snape's furrowed brow waved the question of why was she stopping.
"Perhaps a shower first." She smiled in a begging way. His eyes worked their way up and down her curves as he thought about having to wait a second more before consuming every inch of her.
"A shower?"
Willa nodded her head still wearing a begging smile.
"Fine then, but you're taking one too." He demanded grabbing her hand and pulling her to his office door causing Willa to roar with laughter and she was dragged through his office and then through the door of his private quarters.
Dropping her hand Severus quickly began undressing, dropping his robe onto the floor and kicking his shoes off where he stood. His eyes stayed fixed on Willa.
"Damn these buttons." He said as he clenched his jaw hastily trying to free himself from his jacket. Willa's fingers reached out and began tackling the bottom buttons while he continued with the top.
"I never understood why you went with a coat that has buttons from your neck to your hips." She complained.
"I like my jacket. It's menacing." He jabbed back with hooded eyes.
"Besides I get to stare at you longer while you unfasten each one."
Willa smiled, flattered by her fiancé's advances.
His hands cupped her face and kissed her lips softly. Willa reached the last button clasped right above his navel and unfastened it while opening her eyes to meet his. They stood there for a moment gazing at each other before Severus lifted her off of the ground and carried her through his bedroom and to the bathroom. Dropping her to her feet, he wasted no time to undress her. The cold air rushed her skin as his long finger pulled her sleeves from her shoulders, dropping her dress onto the floor. Willa pulled her hair away from the clasp of her bra so that he could remove it with ease. The straps fell forward along with his lips, landing gently on top of a stray freckle. His fingers cuffed her breast, gently squeezing them enough for her to grit her teeth with arousal. She reached behind her and fondled with his belt. Doing it behind her back was no easy task and his throbbing cock pressing against her ass didn't help her concentrate either. After releasing her breasts he stripped himself of his jacket and shirt before lunging down to her panties. His fingers curled around the lace as he guided them down her legs.
"Get in." He demanded with a simple nod towards the shower.
Willa said nothing and obeyed his command. Turning the porcelain nozzles he waited for the perfect temperature before undressing the remainder of his clothing and stepping into the tub. Pressing his body against hers, he only allowed beads of warm water to slide between the two of them. Her fingers traced his arms as he lifted her and wrapped her legs around his hips. She moaned as his tongue and teeth traced her collarbone. His affection was more then she ever needed. A single slide of his calloused fingers sent shockwaves through her entire body. She could barely open her eyes as he slid inside of her slowly, forcing her back against the stone wall behind her. He took his time being sure to hit every angle of pleasure. Her hands smoothed over his sturdy body as he held her firmly in place and slowly thrust in and out. She panted over his shoulder, closely humming into his ear. He could hear her shortened breath as he braced his arms under her buttocks. Severus bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes focusing in on her as the water trailed down his back. His snarled as he watched her face contort with pleasure. Every motion caused her to quiver in his arms. She could barely hold her head up. His grinding hips spread her apart even further as he pushed deeper and harder. Willa's eyes opened wide and caught his. Pushing his lips tenderly against hers, he could feel her release. The warmth from between her legs was almost to much for him but he held back and pulled her to the stone floor after stepping out of the porcelain tub. He pulled his lips away and guided her legs to his shoulders kissing her slippery skin on his way up to his kneeling position. Water pooled under Willa as Severus worked her body harder then he ever did before stopping every few minutes to catch his breath and adore her glistening skin. Willa cupped her breasts in euphoria, her eyes begging for more. Severus leaned down over her and pushed his dangling hair from his eyes to get a better view.
"I Love you." He stated with a pause and a tilted grin. Willa cupped his face with her hands and locked eyes.
"I Love you more."
He knew she loved him back but her statement was wrong. She could never love him more then he loved her. She shifted his whole world the day she arrived at Hogwarts. She saved him from a lifetime of loneliness and pulled him from living deep in his past. Being with her made him feel so different, so alive. If she only knew what his "I love you" truly meant.
His knees rocked against the cold, wet, stone floor with every grunting thrust. His hands gripped he waist to steady her from sliding away from him. Watching her lips curl and her hands trace her own body forced his orgasm to near. He attempted to hold off, but couldn't resist. His warmth filled her quickly as Willa pulled herself to her elbows and reached for a final kiss. They both gasped for air, attempting to calm their bodies as Severus pulled himself from on top of her and sat against the wall while pushing his hair out of his eyes. His eyes darted down towards Willa who reached for a nearby towel. He reached out and traced her spine gently with the tip of his finger.
"Everything alright?"
Willa tucked the plush towel around her and turned to face him.
"Settling in alright? I'm sure everyone was happy to see you."
"I'm happy to be back. It's nice to be with everyone and working."
The long pause and lack of eye contact concerned Severus.
"I don't know. Something feels off."
Severus pulled her closer towards him and kissed her forehead.
"It will get better, I promise."
Tilting her head up towards his she kissed his lips with an understanding smile.
"I know."
Willa pulled herself up and walked into the bedroom. The air was colder sending her straight towards the bed and under the blanket rather then getting dressed. Severus followed stepping back into his pants. His belt buckle clinked as he crawled onto the bed next to her.
"What do you have planned for the rest of the day?"
Willa rolled over and place her hand on his cold chest.
"No plans really. I was thinking about going to check in on Hagrid before dinner, but now that I'm here and naked, I'm feeling quite comfortable." She smiled.
"Unfortunately, I must go back to work. However knowing that you'll be here when I return makes me a little more excited about leaving."
Willa watched as Severus stood and tasked himself with buttoning his shirt buttons.
"You know, if you wanted to help me in the classroom, you are more then welcome."
Willa chuckled from the pillow.
"No offense, but I'd rather drown myself in the Black Lake."
Severus snickered rounding the bed and leaning over to take in one more sweet kiss before heading back out to the classroom.
"None taken. Sometimes I feel the same exact way."
Crossing the bedroom door Severus couldn't help but look back at her. He felt whole again. No more traveling, no more waiting. He could see her whenever he want to again.
"Rest up. You're going to need it when I come back." He lifted his eyebrows in a playful manor as he backed out of the doorway leaving Willa giggling under the emerald sheets.
The next day was a rainy one. The gloomy sky was covered in grey clouds rolling over the forbidden forest. The mild breeze pushed the dewy scent of rain from the Black Lake into the halls and breezeways. This was the day Willa craved. It was this type of day that she had no problem lounging all day and reading a book while sipping tea. She barely dressed that morning. Severus had left her sleeping in his bed. It had been awhile since he too had a good nights rest and he woke before dawn in high spirits. She felt him kiss her forehead before leaving but she was to comfortable to rise and meet his lips for another.
Stretching she looked out the darkened glass panes right above the murky waves of the lake. The thought of lying back down was tempting, but she felt as though she had to at least make her way to the sitting room. She lazily made the bed and pulled her robe over her shoulders before entering the sitting room. Severus wasn't one to decorate. Books seemed to be his go to for lining his shelves. A few jars of specimens also graced the dark shelves. Willa never understood why he allowed his work to carry over into his living quarters but quickly she would remember for years he had nothing else. She sat on the lounge in the middle of the room and yawned before the a flame erupted in the fireplace and the door from Severus's office opened and a spunky Pip roared in holding a tray of scones and tea.
"Good morning Professor." She squealed as she made her way towards Willa.
"Professor Snape asked me to look in on you since you missed breakfast in the Great Hall." She continued placing the tray down on the coffee table and pouring a cup of tea.
"Of course he did." Willa shook her head.
"He also asked me to relay a message." Pip added.
She waited for Willa to look her way before continuing.
"What is it?"
"Professor Snape went to Hogsmeade for some supplies and he will return before dinner, which he hopes you will attend."
Pip delivered the message and quickly coward to the arm of the lounge.
"He went to Hogsmeade without me?!"
   Severus snapped his satchel, filled with a restock of wolfsbane, closed as he exited a small shop. His eyes darted in both directions before he stepped out onto the path before him. His walk was brisk, rushing back to Hogwarts in hopes he returned before Willa woke. The evening sun began setting and he knew if he had the intention on keeping his promise in the message Pip delivered, he had to move quicker. In the distance he could hear the clacking of an iron gate slamming with the gentle breeze at the top of the hill. His eyes focused in on the decaying old shack through the clearing. He slowed his walk only for a moment to pass the same glare he always gave the shrieking shack. "What a disgusting eyesore." He thought to himself as he pressed on. With his thumb clutching the strap of the leather satchel, Severus searched the thickening tree line of the forbidden forest. He didn't stand a chance against the creatures that lived in the dense wood. The road to Hogwarts was a treacherous one, especially traveling it alone this late in the evening. Severus always had the "what if" question spring into his mind while headed back from Hogsmeade. He didn't know why but the only creature that he'd hope to meet on the winding road would be non other then Sirius Black. He would kill him right on the spot. He wouldn't hesitate for so many reasons. Lily's death, what he put Willa through, the loss of their child, the guilt that Willa now carried. So many reasons. But none for himself. No, he would still be the villain. He wouldn't even give Sirius the spotlight in death. No. Killing him on the road, alone, no witness in site. That's the death he deserved. Nothing glorified in any way, shape, or form. With the iron gate of Hogwarts grounds before him, he felt a minimal amount of relief and a massive amount of disappointment that his daydream did not become reality. Unclenching his balled up fist, Severus closed the gate behind him and gave a long stare out into the darkening road. Nothing but silence. The Great Hall above lit the  rocky terrain below, creating a dimly lit path home. Severus sighed. He was late for dinner.
    Severus entered the Great Hall through the faculty door and kissed Willa on top of her head before taking his seat next to her. Willa, unfazed by his arrival, shifted in her seat before shooting daggers his way.
"You're late." She muttered.
"My apologies. Time got away from me." He answered before shoveling a spoonful of soup into his mouth.
"You sent a message that you would be back in time for dinner, one that you invited me to attend."
Severus knew immediately where Willa was headed and chose to say nothing.
"If you would have told me you needed to run an errand, I could have accompanied you." Willa had now fully turned her body towards him and he could feel the pressure building.
His eyes lifted from him plate and out into the lengthy tables of students.
"Not now Willa. We'll discuss this after dinner." He sternly whispered before averting his eyes back to his meal.
Willa, not surprised by his quick response, drank the last of the wine in her goblet and left hall. Severus watched as her long blonde lockets bounced against her back with her every step. Part of him knew he should have just taken her to Hogsmeade with him but the other part still feared for her. He knew Hogwarts was her best protection from Sirius Black.

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