Chapter 15: Running from Cryptor

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Cornered Rat

Chapter 15

Running from Cryptor

"No matter what happens Warren, no matter how dark, rainy, or cloudy it might seem the sun will always come up. Even if its hidden by those nasty clouds, its there. It will always be there."

Ow...Warrens head was killing him. The cloth fell from his nose and mouth as he was woken up after the Chloroform wore off. Several men ran past the small cage they had put him in. Danika looked as if she were still passed out in the seat in front of him. Blood caking parts of her head and shoulders. The hot poker they had used on them still lay off to the side. He hated the feel of this cage. His hands were sore, and so were his feet. He had angered his uncle greatly by saying he wouldn't help him. Looked like he didn't have a choice.

More yelling, and another explosion shook the building. The man he knew as his Uncle Reese walked into the room. He glared down at Warren, he had learned that he was the hacker known as Asisi.

"It looks like that damned nindroid has some friends. They're attacking, it would be a shame if I were to kill you here and run. But that'll ruin everything I have fought to accomplish. Now stand up kid...I have a plan. Too bad you've learned to talk again or this would be a whole lot easier for you." He grabbed Warren by the arm and pulled him along.

"Sir? What should we do?" Luth asked at the front of the building.


The windows smashed in and Cryptor walked across the landing toward the injured Danika. Leaning in looking over the human and narrowed his eyes. Her prosthetic leg she normally wore with all her tools was broken into several pieces and scattered around the room. Cryptor sighed hating himself for how he had become. He had attachments, and that made him more like that damned ninja then he wanted to be. It was a sad fact, but it was true. Cutting the ropes that held her to the chair he picked her up and walked toward the busted window. He took to the air and landed on another roof. Flagging down one of his men.

"Take her to Borg." They knew who she was, never questioning them whenever they needed fixing. It was their turn to do the same.

Cryptor on the other hand, wanted a little piece of this hacker he had heard so much about. Scanning the building he spotted Beck just outside the front door with Asisi using Warren as a human shield. The boy was crying, a piece of cloth around his neck. Asisi didn't realize just how much of a mess he was in. Beck...had his gun poised.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot him." Heil growled. Beck kept fighting between protocol and his desire to protect the boy.

Cryptor landed behind Beck and held up his own gun and fired at the man. The laser went right through the man's shoulder. The arm fell limp, lifeless at his side. Warren fell to his knees coughing, trying his best to pull in air. Beck raised forward picking the boy up from the ground. Turning around and disappearing into the crowd of nindroids. A shadow passed overhead that caught his attention. A latter hit the ground and he heard the voice.

"Come on." He grabbed the latter and climbed up. The cool blue eyes that met him were none other than the original Zane.

"Can you tell us, what's going on down there?" Lloyd asked, looking over the side at the horde of nindroids attacking and arresting the gang that once was Asisi's company.

"It's a long story." Beck sighed sitting down looking down at the boy. "But first, if you do not you have a first aid kit?" Zane was taken aback by this. A nindroid caring for a human being.

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