Chapter 9: Let Them

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Cornered Rat

Chapter 9

Let Them

Cryptor looked on from the park bench in his disguise. It was only a matter of time before his counterpart left the precinct. He didn't expect Beck to leave the police station and come right for them. Min was using his female disguise again. Chatting away at him while knitting...well he couldn't tell. Was that a sweater? Oh no it meant he would have to wear it. Oh well...he didn't mind. Not so much as he used to. The earlier knitting was odd but he had gotten better at it. They were an odd couple and when he tells people they are a couple they get weird stares.

Danika lay in the back of their car sleeping. She had fallen asleep on their way over.

"Borg works that girl blind." Min told him he had been chatting about Danika for some hours now. They couldn't feel the cold at all, and they ran a little warm.

Beck looked up as he watched the boy wave at them. Barbarah looked up from her knitting and smiled.

"Well, look at that philip! You found him! Oh I'm so happy you're safe Warren." Mindroid playing the chatty old woman.

"Hello again ma'am." Beck took off his hat respectfully to them. "What brings you out here? It's a bit cold."

"Oh it's Sunday dear. We always come out for a sunday walk. Helps with Philips knees. But we are getting old so we sit hallways through and have some coffee." She held up the thermos and smiled at the boy. Warren didn't seem bothered by the pair. Actually he seemed to know them pretty well. He pointed to the sweater. Mindroid giggled as she held up the red shirt.

"I bring my knitting with us during the winter. Keep my fingers warm out in the cold. Plus I've been making Martha a sweater. I told you about her didn't I?" Mindroid and Cryptors pretend daughters who live in the outskirts of the city. They even have a fabricated picture on the wall at their butcher shop. Warren nodded and signed 'picture' with his fingers.

"Oh yes you've been learning sign language haven't you? Good boy! Yes I have a picture of Martha in the shop. Spitting image of her father. Not a lick of me at all. I'm so glad though, I'm short." She laughed.

"Oh don't talk down to yourself dear. You fit right under my chin." Mindroid giggled and swatted his arm blushing through the disguise. Moments like that, weren't fake at all. It had taken the couple years to get used to one another, but when they realized after a heated argument that lasted a few days. One left and the other stuck behind. They hated being without the other. They both apologized, and grew very fond of one another. In private they were married. Even if by law they wouldn't be as they were droids, and no one knew who they really were.

"So where is the boy going to be staying? I read in the paper about what happened. Its horrible." Cryptor said. Beck shook his head.

"He's been staying in police custody till his family can be informed." Beck informed them. It wasn't unusual, it was the normal process of these things.

"He has family?" Mindroid asked. Beck nodded.

"Yes, an uncle up in the mountains. I don't know where." Beck told them he knew but he wasn't at liberty to tell them. It wasn't any of their business.

"Darn, well I suppose I can pass on your sweater to the kind people at the police station to send it to you." Mindroid started to knit again. Beck tipped his hat again. Watching as Warren started to roll the snow to build a snowman.

The alarm in the side of his vision told him exactly what he suspected. None human, but they weren't attempting to do anything, just sitting there.

"How long?" Beck asked as he pulled his cloak closer around him.

"Pardon?" Cryptor asked. Beck turned slowly and looked at them.

"How long have you been hiding?" Cryptor sighed not putting down his disguise.

"At least two years now. We wish for it to stay that way. We don't really have any desire to return to that way of life. However...a certain someone hired us to obtain him. So...Beck...are you doing to do what daddy says? Or are you going to hand him over?" Beck looked confused for a moment.

"Daddy? Borg hasn't given me any orders."

"Look at your creator." Beck pulled up his contracts and realized his creator had signed his blueprints.

"General...the General Cryptor." Beck stepped back and looked in awe as the General of the nindroid army made his presence known. "You...created me?"

"Pick your jaw up from the floor boy. You don't have a moment to lose. Take the car and go. We'll hold him off. But he has eyes everywhere. This man isn't to be messed with. Never ever think yourself to be alone. You're being" Cryptor threw something to Beck and motioned to the car. "We'll hold them off."

"Oh and take care of the good doctor for us." Mindroid called out.

Beck picked up the boy and ran. The bag he had been given clanked so he knew what was in there. Money, and it sounded like car keys. But he hadn't been given a drive for...he couldn't drive. He looked along his programs and realized not only had he been given drivers...he had been given drivers to every single type of vehicle from golf cards to jets. Cryptor...prepared him. Opening this drive changed his rank completely. No longer a sentry. He was a General, and he had weapons.

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