Chapter 3: Missing Boy

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Cornered Rat

Chapter 3

Missing Boy

Something didn't sit right with Beck, something wasn't normal at all. He got permission to look over the apartment. Nothing seemed out of order save for the murders. A further look at the findings it was a 'murder, suicide' meaning one of them killed the other and then killed themselves. Beck was odd. His eyes scanned the room over and over again only to then leave again with a single keychain and opened the mail box.

Within were several pieces of mail and a small package. All of them looked normal. Junk mail, bills, but then there was the small box. He narrowed his eyes to see not only an unknown person's prints, but the ones the hospital had on file as Warren Jacobs. It took him seconds to back trace the package. But of course it was illegal to open the package. He placed it back into the mail slot and closed and locked it back.

Beck had to hop a metro before he was able to find the address. He looked at the short apartment building just as it began to snow. It was a nice experience even for him. He loved the look of falling snow. His internal temperature however was a seering 182F(83C). He would remain at that temperature as he was liquid cooled.

The lower half of the building was a bar and it would seem to be busy. Beck could see the weapons they wielded. It would be best if they didn't know he was there. Beck slowly backed up into the shadows, he shimmered and disappeared. The only thing they could have seen was the boot prints in the snow.

Beck climbed the emergency ladder up to the roof.

Slowly looking through the sky light he could see an empty room with nothing but a bed in the middle, and a lump of cloth in the middle. He looked over the room a little bit to make sure no one was going to bother him as he descended. He hooked one of his wires around the large pole and then started to descend into the room. The room was just as cold as it was outside. No heater, no stove, just a blanket. No wonder there was no one in there. Perhaps he'll have better luck within. He turned off his cloaking device. who in their right mind would leave a kid in...

The bundle of blankets moved and Beck could see a pair of bright blue eyes looking at him. The hair was messy, we'll probably not be brushed in forever. No socks or shoes either. The boy looked up at Beck with a scared face. Beck moved a little bit and the poor boy jumped and recoiled away from his touch. Beck pointed to the badge on his chest. The boy looked up at him for a moment until he reached up for Beck. But jumped back hearing someone on the other side of the door.

Beck Quickly picked up the blanket and pulled it securely around the boy and picked him up. He was so small compared to most boys his age and his eyes were...not human. He had to get him back to the police station before anything else happened. He needed to hurry. He grabbed the line again and pulled them back up through the window.

Beck tapped his ear.

"Commissioner, it's Beck."

"Not now rookie. We're trying to get this hostage situation handled." Beck groaned and made his way back toward the Head Quarters on his own. He could feel the poor boy shivering. The boy was looking at him from under his blanket.

"My designation is Sentry 133KC. My creator named me Beck." The boy visibly tried to speak to him, but nothing seemed to come out. This poor boy had seen some trauma.


"Luth! Luth answer me!" The voice over the computer called. A man with bright blue hair and black lipstick looked at the words on the computer. But it was the voice that caused shivers up his spine.

"The boy has been taken."

"Nah, Nah boss he's upstairs. No one can get in any other way." The guy walked up the stairs knowing perfectly well his boss can go upstairs watching through the camera's.

"Hey kid!" The guy looked around and the man was floored. He threw the bed to the side and growled.

"Find him! Find that boy!" Luth yelled

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