Episode 1- Dilemma

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April 1912 

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April 1912 

What a jolly year it was. A young woman aged nineteen was still asleep until the early morning light had cast down on her fair skinned face. The young woman groaned and turned in her bed. She was already awake and she heard the birds chirping from a distance. She rubbed her eyes and she opened them to reveal sky blue eyes, looking at the ceiling. She groaned again and twirled her light wavy blonde hair in her fingers. This young woman's name was Emma Violet Crawley.

She heard a ringing of a bike and she got out of bed and walked over to her window and saw the post-man riding his bicycle towards the back door of the Abbey.

She knew her day had started again. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw her figure, she was slender, fair skinned, delicate lips and diamond face shaped and she was tall. She wasn't as tall as her eldest sister, Mary, although she was taller than Edith and Sybil.

Emma walked over to pull on her bell and waited for her maid, Jane, to arrive and dress her. Her room was warm, thanks to the maid, Daisy. Emma walked over to her drawer and dressed herself in her silk robe and looked over at photograph of her family.

Robert Crawley was her father and Cora Crawley was her mother, she was the third child. Robert was a proud & a traditional man, Emma inherited his eyes and his temper. He was the seventh Earl of Grantham and the son of Violet Crawley, her paternal grandmother that she was close to. Emma liked to visit her grandmother at least once a week in the Dowager's House.

Next was her mother, Cora. Cora was born in the United States and she was the sweetest and kindest woman in the world. Emma adored her mother so much and wanted to be like her mother towards her own children when the time came. Cora always seen the best in people no matter which class they are in.

Mary was the eldest and she never let anyone forgets it. Mary inherited her mother's looks. Mary had dark brown hair and brown eyes, from her mother's side. Mary was the strong willed person Emma knew. Although Emma had seen that cold facade Mary puts on, and sees a kind person buried inside. Emma dearly wished that Mary could inherit Downton and damn the rules of inheritance to the male line.

Edith was the second eldest and she and Emma looked similar, they both inherited the same hair colour. Edith was the overlooked daughter, because everyone's attention was on Mary. Emma knew that Edith hated being in Mary's shadow and she struggled to be in the spotlight. Edith was the closest to Emma, out of all the sisters. Emma genuinely believed that Edith is the smarter Crawley sister out of the four.

The last child was Sybil and Emma couldn't find a fault in her younger sister that she adored. Sybil was a great beauty, she had Cora's blue eyes and her hair, although she had olive tone to her skin and a voluptuous figure and was the shortest Crawley sister. Sybil was exactly like Cora in many ways, although she was the kindest and had a beautiful heart and Emma thought that any man to have Sybil's love was extremely lucky.

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