Chapter one: dreams come true

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Hello guys! I adore Kaisoo as much as ChanBaek, and also VKook from BTS, so I hope you'll like this story of mine. Please support this fan fiction if you like it~ I would love if you could vote, comment, and give me some feedback!  Love you, and continue to stay awesome .xx (Fyi: this is an old fic, so this will have 1. point of view, which I did in the past, but won't do for newer stories.)



The nervousness was taking control over me. My body couldn't stand still, and my hands were sweaty. My heart was beating unusually in high sped. 

My mouth felt dry; I tried to swallow to feel some salvia, but it was like a desert. I kept on biting my bottom lip and waited for the teachers to reveal who had been accepted as a trainee at SM Entertainment as many people had auditioned. 

The teacher in charge was smirking amused over the nervous students who were waiting nervously, but still excited, for the news. 

He eventually revealed the results, and everyone tried to approach closer to the board to find their names. I started from 1st place and scanned downwards.

10th place - Do Kyungsoo

The name sounded familiar somehow, as I knew I had heard it before, but I couldn't replace where I had heard it. 

I scanned further down with my eyes on the board to find my name. My eyes landed on last place. 

50th place - Kim Jongin

My eyes widen in shock, almost causing me to faint at the sight. My hands had stopped sweating, but my heart was beating even faster than before. 

"Oh my god, Chanyeol! Chanyeol, I'm on the board!" I yelled to my best friend who was a bit further away from me, ready to either congratulate me if I made it, or comfort me if I didn't.

"Really?" he yelled back excitedly with a wide smile and ran towards me as he attacked my body with a big hug, "congratulation Jongin," he sang happily as we both jumped around, still hugging. I felt my eyes sting as I had to let out a few happy tears. 

I couldn't be happier than I was at the moment. I felt like I had just taken a step closer towards my dream - being a professional dancer. "When are you going there?" he asked after we had released all our joy inside us. 

"Tonight," I replied with a grin, "everyone who passed are going to meet up and get information to when we're can go there, and so on." I remembered at the audition they told us that before we left. 

I was so incredibly happy that I passed. It was only fifty people out of one hundred and twenty five who could pass, and even though I was last, I had at least passed, and I couldn't be happier. 

"Alright, back to your classes," the teacher who revealed the results said, and everyone did as told. 

Chanyeol and I were in the same class, having English as our next class. It was my weakest subject and I hated it, but I was too happy at the moment to even care about that.

The school was over and I was already at SM Entertainment to get information as a trainee. I was still trembling from happiness, and I just couldn't stay still at all. I barely sat still on the chair to listen to the information we were receiving.

"Excuse me," said a stranger male with a straight face as he stared down at me. At first I was a bit confused by why he spoke to me, but then I realised I was totally blocking his way to walk past me with my long legs. 

My face flushed pure red, bringing my legs closer out of the way. "S - Sorry," I mumbled embarrassed and let him pass. 

Without responding, he walked pass and searched for an empty seat. As I also scanned through the row, I couldn't spot an empty seat except from beside me. I knew he had realised it as well as he turned around to walk back towards me again. 

I thought he'd walk pass me again to find another row to avoid the awkwardness, but he surprisingly sat beside me, looking straight ahead. 

I still found it a bit awkward; I caught myself as I kept on glancing at him in the corner of my eyes - I just couldn't help it. What made me the most curious was his blank face. He hadn't showed any joy for being here, smiled, laughed or barely blinked, which I found too weird. He just had a complete poker face. 

Wasn't he happy to be here, I thought to myself. Was it only natural for him? Was he that good, or just being cocky? "Hey, do you know when they'll start talking?" I asked politely to break the long awkward silence. 

He didn't answer me - or in other words - he totally ignored me. It's like he didn't hear me at all, or didn't bother to even react. 

I couldn't help but to frown, and pouted, then I ignored him as well and stared straight ahead. 

All the seats ended up being completely filled, and we only had to wait for getting the information they told us about. It was like it lasted for ages, which made me restless. 

"Alright, attention everyone! Congratulation to everyone who passed, and good job. We'll now inform you about our schedule and when you can come here for a class, and train on your own. Please pay close attention." 

The speakers were a pain to the ears, but I survived the torture and listened closely to what they had to say.


I have to inform you that I have no knowledge whatsoever about how the trainee years works in Korea, so I wrote this just out of imagine and how I wanted it to go with the story, so please don't pay close attention to that. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed first chapter, and I hope you'll continue on this journey with me~ xx 

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