Chapter seven: painless

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"He can't feel any pain." 

I stared at him with my jaw hanging as I thought he was joking, but when he stared at me back dead serious, I couldn't help but to stutter. "What - what do you mean?" I finally managed to say after a moment of silence.

"He doesn't feel any pain," he said again, "he can't feel the pain if you punch him, make him bleed, or anything. It's congenital insensitivity to pain. You may have heard of congenital analgesia. It's incredibly rare, so when a person has it, they can't feel any physical pain whatsoever - it's basically a genetic disorder," he explained detailed. 

 I honestly didn't what to reply; I had never heard of it before, and I could never had guessed Kyungsoo had this...genetic disorder. 

But it did make sense though, since he didn't even flinch when I cleaned his wound at practice the other day, and he had to check his body if he was hurt as he couldn't feel it himself. Did he really not feel any pain at all?

"Can he feel touches though?" I asked as I thought for a second.

"Yeah, but if it's a slight touch he doesn't, but if you hold his hand, place your hand on him, or something that leaves a strong impression, then he'll feel it. It could never hurt him though." It was hard believing it, but I just knew Baekhyun wasn't lying straight to my face.

"But that doesn't explain why he doesn't smile or show any emotions," I said, still curious. 

Baekhyun sighed. He seemed to be concerned about Kyungsoo as well, and I could understand that. Even I felt concerned for him. "He thinks that he could never get hurt - emotionally. He has never cried, smiled much, laughed, or anything. He thinks he can't feel any of it since he can't feel any pain," he told him, looking sad as he tried his best explaining to me. "At first I thought that as well, but I asked some doctors and searched the Internet, and they said he of course could feel emotions, like being happy or sad, he just hadn't experienced it, or really tried to feel it himself. Or he just doesn't know how to express them at all." 

Wow, he was so mysterious that it made me incredibly curious. Everything about him was fascinating that I just wanted to dig more into it myself. "Thanks Baekhyun," I thanked gratefully, giving him a small clap on the shoulder before returning back to Chanyeol and my painless friend, Do Kyungsoo, in the cafeteria as it was lunch. "When do you want to work on the project?" I asked when I reached their table and he glanced up at me.

"Are we really doing it?" he asked surprised, which made me chuckle at him.

"Of course, we have to get a grade on it," I laughed like he was joking, and not me, "we have plenty of time, but we'll probably have to go either to my house or yours," I explained. He seemed to be pretty shy about it. He hid his face by looking downwards, and I couldn't help but to think how cute he looked when doing that. 

"You should answer him, you know," Baekhyun said whilst nudging him on the side, who was now sitting beside him. I saw in the corner of my eye that Chanyeol kept on grinning towards me, and I really wanted him to stop as it made me feel embarrassed. 

"What?" I asked him annoyed, but he continued to grin.

"I'm just happy," he replied. 

I rolled my eyes. "Because?"

"That you two are getting along," he grinned his foolish addicting smile, "I'm glad my boyfriend's and my best friend are getting along well." I flinched at his words as I couldn't help but to stare him. 

"Boy -boyfriend?" I stuttered surprised, hoping I heard it wrong. 

"Oh yeah didn't I tell you? We're officially together now," he smiled and I felt like I was falling down in a deep hole. I almost thought I was about to cry until Kyungsoo suddenly spoke up.

"We - we can go to my house and work after practice," he stuttered a bit, looked to be a bit nervous, and tried to get my attention away from Chanyeol. "Can I talk to you in private?" I slowly nodded and we got up and left the cafeteria together. "You can cry if you want to," he suddenly whispered to me, as we were finally alone where no one else could interrupt us together. 

He was standing against the wall and I didn't want him to see my crying face, so I bent down with my head and let it rest on his shoulder. I couldn't hold in my sadness anymore and wanted to just keep on crying no matter what. 

I felt devastated, and Kyungsoo was standing totally still, though he had placed his hand comfortably on my back as he rubbed his gently up and down. He didn't even try to say something to comfort me, which I was glad he didn't, as I didn't want him to say anything at all. I just wanted it to be silent and cry on his shoulder.

"Why did I have to like that stupid tall elf?" I whispered  in between my cries, still pressing my face against his shoulder, "everything is over for me. That idiot." 

I was sobbing so much I knew I was wetting his shirt, but he still didn't budge nor say anything, which meant he didn't mind. 

"That idiot. Stupid giant," I kept on mumbling to myself, trying to make myself feet better by mumbling short insults about him, although I didn't feel any difference. 

My hands were just hanging loosely underneath my body, swinging slowly back and forth in the rhythm I had from my crying, but I eventually felt his one hand grabbing mine and held onto it tightly. 

I could feel his support and sympathy through the squeeze, and I squeezed back reassuringly, telling him I was okay. We held it tightly together as I kept on sobbing until I didn't have any more tears left. 

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