Chapter 15: Miracles in December (Christmas Day)

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I had a massive headache, and I felt like burning up. I threw of my duvet and stood up immediately, which wasn't a good idea, and I fell right back on the bed again. I hadn't noticed I was dizzy, and the room was spinning around in a spiral in my eyes. I held on my head to slow it down, and I noticed a glass of water on my nightstand. I drank from it and before I knew it, the water was already gone. It didn't take long before I heard my stomach growl, which meant I was hungry. I wasn't in the mood for making food at all but I couldn't let myself starve either. I flew down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen. I could already smell the food, which must've meant I was hungrier than I had thought. But I was wrong. There was food there already, carefully packed in so it wouldn't go bad. I noticed there was a note on the plastic and I approached closer to read it.

'Good morning Kyungsoo! I really wanted to stay and watch over you until you woke up but I really had to go. I made you breakfast though! I put a lot effort in it, so I hope you'll enjoy it. I also hope you'll get better, and please text me as soon as you can. I want to know if you're feeling better. Get well soon!

PS: I didn't really make the breakfast; it was Luhan. He stopped by to see if you were doing okay. He often cooks for Sehun, so don't worry, it's really good! I'm sorry I lied that I made it... I'll make up for it xx Jongin'.

I smiled at the note and could picture Jongin telling me this in person. When I thought of him, I remember what had happened. I remember the party, and almost what happened... But the most important that happened, was that we kissed. I confessed without knowing it myself, and he kissed me. I was too shy to do anything but I of course kissed back. I still felt shy about. I hoped it wouldn't get awkward between the two of us. That was the least thing I'd want. I'd rather us to stay as friends than us being awkward around each other. I wanted us to be comfy.

I unwrapped the food and sat down while eating. I picked up my phone and texted my crush. I had officially admitted to myself that I was in love with Jongin. Something that I never had expected.


Many days later

I hadn't spoken to Kyungsoo since the Christmas party. It's already been a week, and it was only 1 day left for Christmas, which meant that we'd be meeting up at his house tomorrow. I had bought him the perfect present; a cool looking shirt I remember I had seen him drool and wiggle his tail to on the computer during our break when working on our project, and a cute owl which was holding a heart and it stood I <3 U. Even if he wasn't that big of a fan of owls, he still reminded me off one with his big eyes, and he's just as cute as one. I'm going to officially confess, for real. Not just suddenly kiss him, but tell him how much I love him. With words. Even though I'm pretty sure my mind will go blank, and I'm going to make a complete fool out of myself. Yay. But I'd do anything for him.

It was Christmas Eve, and Chanyeol, Baekhyun and I were going to celebrate it together with Kyungsoo at his house. His parents would go during the day to celebrate together alone at night, and we'll eat there and spend time together. I arrived earlier than planned, on purpose of course, to get alone time with Kyungsoo. I was standing in his neighborhood, and then sent him a text message.

'Kyungsoo-ah, please come outside. And bring a jacket, it's cold'. I didn't get a reply, but it didn't take long until I saw his house's front door being opened, and he walked outside with a thick jacket and a beanie. Looked like he didn't think of gloves.

"Hey", I said with cold air coming out of my mouth. He stared at me, blushing, then replied with a low, almost mute, greeting as well. "I asked you outside because I had something to tell you. Something that Chanyeol and Baekhyun shouldn't hear, or neither your parents", I started, and he was staring at me with big owl-like eyes. "I realized I hadn't told you in words at that party. You confessed that you liked me by accident, which brang me courage to confess to you now". Kyungsoo looked astonished, and he barely managed to say anything, or even react.


"Yes", I said as I bent a bit with my head, and made our forehead touch. We stared in each other's eyes, and I smiled my usual eye-smile. "I love you Do Kyungsoo. The eye color I love is your eye color. The height I love is your height. The hands I love are your hands. The knees I love is your knees. The weight I love is your weight. The hair I love is your hair. The person I love is you, and I always will", I confess as sweetly as I could with a smile. I didn't think he was aware of it, but he was smiling softly too. "Please be my boyfriend Kyungsoo". As our foreheads were still touching, he stood on his tiptoes, and then kissed me. I was surprised at first, but I kissed quickly back. It was the first time I had ever witnessed Kyungsoo do anything on his own, and I felt proud of him to take that challenge. "I'll take that as a yes", I said when our lips were barely apart to get some air in our lungs. He smiled and kissed me again with a small and short nod.

We waited for the other couple to arrive, which should be too long.

"You don't have any gloves?" I asked as I stared at his red hands. Neither did he have any pockets shoving them in either.

"I'm too lazy going back inside to get them. They'll arrive soon anyways, don't worry", he replied but I could tell he was cold. Luckily I had on my own gloves. I walked in front of him and held my hands together in between us.

"Hold your hands together like this", I said as I waited for him to mimic. When he did, I placed my hands, with my gloves on, on top of his to make him feel the warmth from them. He was firstly surprised, but he smiled, and then looked up at me with soft eyes.

"Thanks", he whispered, and then I heard some whistling behind me.

"Flirting now?" Baekhyun smirked, and Chanyeol looked to be the joker soon from smiling too much. I just rolled my eyes at them, and then we all went inside.

"Oh, a mistletoe!" Chanyeol cheered happily and waited for Baekhyun to kiss him with his eyes closed as he bent down to his boyfriend's height. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at his silliness and sighed, but gave in and kissed him. By Kyungsoo's reaction, he must've thought it bothered me, and started stuttering.

"I-It wasn't me, it was my mom's idea. S-She thought it'd be a good idea and I denied, bu-" I interrupted him by placing my finger under his chin to rise up his head, and kissed him. It was obviously not our first kiss, but it was the first official in public, and by everyone's reaction, they witnessed it.

"Oo~" They all teased, making me chuckle out of embarrassment while hiding my red face.

"You don't have to be sorry", I said and leaned in closer towards his ear. "It was a perfect excuse to kiss you again without them overreacting". I couldn't help but to smirk, and I saw his face went red as a tomato, and I found it really cute. I kissed his cheek fast without the others noticing, and straighten my back, and we walked towards the table at the dining room and waited to get the food served.

"So, when did you guys get officially together?" Baekhyun asked to start a conversation, obviously getting Kyungsoo's parents' full attention. Kyungsoo went bright red, but I answered straight away.

"About 10 minutes ago", I grinned, making everyone drop their jaws, and then small giggles escape their lips. Kyungsoo was obviously embarrassed, and nudged me on the side as we sat beside each other.

"Jongin", he whined, but then his parents spoke up.

"We're really happy for you two. It's wonderful to see Kyungsoo so happy as he's now. I've never seen him like this, and it's all thanks to you Jongin", his mother said as he gave us both a warm smile. I blushed, but then smiled back.

"I've never been this happy either myself. Your son is really wonderful, and I'm glad you approve our relationship", I said politely with a small nod, earning a nod back from both of them.

During the whole dinner, I could barely keep my hands of Kyungsoo. Either our legs were always touching, hands together under the table, literally leaning against each other as our shoulders touched, etc. As he was officially my boyfriend, he just couldn't keep my hands off of him. I just wanted to wrap myself around him all the time.

"Merry Christmas everyone! Don't ruin the house while we're gone", Kyungsoo's parents joked as they were going out, leaving us 4 alone, and we were of course happy about it.

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